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Ann R. Raia is broadly trained in Greek and Latin literature, archaeology, and history, with particular interests in drama, epic, and the teaching of Latin and Greek using technology. She earned her MA and PHD at Fordham University in 1965. Director of the Honors Program (1974-2002), she taught classics at The College of New Rochelle from 1964 until her retirement from teaching in 2008. She is the author of the Juvenal Project, co-creator and administrator of the Iona Latin Program, a builder on V Roma, and a leading contributor to the VRoma Image Archive. She has served as President of the New York Classical Club and in several leadership capacities in the Classical Association of the Atlantic States, including the office of President. She co-authored the intermediate Latin anthology Worlds of Ancient Women: A Latin Reader (Focus, 2005) and is creator, co-author, administrator, and contributor to the website Online Companion to the Worlds of Roman Women. She has given lectures and made presentations on Roman women and teaching with resources on the Companion website in many venues, including the Classical Association of the Empire State, CAAS, APA, CAMWS, and the American Classical League. She has recently published an article in Cloelia 4 (2014) entitled "A Companion for the Feminist Transformation of the Latin Curriculum."
Judith L. Sebesta has taught Latin, Roman art and archaeology, and women in antiquity at the University of South Dakota since 1972 where she has received several awards for her teaching and research. Since 1993 she has presented the persona of "Claudia," a weaver in the time of Constantine, to a number of middle school classes. She focuses her research on Roman women and Roman costume and has made several international presentations on Roman costume and clothing, as well as published a number of articles on these topics. Her book publications include the Worlds of Roman Women: A Latin Reader (Focus, 2005) and, co-edited with Larissa Bonfante, The World of Roman Costume (University of Wisconsin Press, 1994 repr. 2001; review). She has served as Vice President of the American Classical League and received their Emeritus/Emerita Award in 2008. She is Executive Secretary of The National Committee for Latin and Greek. In recognition of her teaching and research at her university, she received the following awards: Harrington Lecturer, 1994; Belbas-Larson Teaching Award, 2003; Professor of the Year, 2003; Cutler Award in Liberal Arts, 2004 (inaugural year); Friend of Education (American Education Week), Vermillion Southeast Unit of Retired Teachers, 2005 (for her presentations as Claudia, matrona Romana); Monsignor James Doyle Humanities Teaching Award, College of Arts and Sciences, 2012.
Companion wishes to pay tribute to Barbara McManus, distinguished alumna of The College of New Rochelle and Harvard University, who consistently supported our collaborative project with creativity, scholarship and technical expertise. Among her significant contributions to Companion were collegial exchange, editorial critique, and web and layout design, along with text-commentaries, digital images, and conference presentations. We remember her with gratitude for the personal qualities accompanying her abilities -- her energy, her persistence, her courage in speaking up and speaking out, her fairness, her sense of humor and readiness to smile, her generosity of spirit, her work ethic, her clarity of mind and language, her determination to find the right answer and her belief in her ability to do so. Her wide-ranging interests in ancient literature, society and culture, with particular focus on the study of women in antiquity, the history of the Classics profession in the United States, and the role of the Internet in the teaching and learning of Classics have enriched both the collaborative process and virtual education that is Companion. Some of the offices to which Barbara volunteered her leadership and prodigious talents were: founder and long-term Co-Director of The VRoma Project, treasurer of the EnCore Consortium, President of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States, Vice President for Professional Matters of the American Philological Association, and co-chair and secretary-treasurer of the Women's Classical Caucus. She received many professional awards in recognition of her outstanding achievements, including the Distinguished Service Award from the American Philological Association; the named Barbara McManus Award for the Best Published Article in Gender Studies from the Women’s Classical Caucus; the named Barbara F. McManus Leadership Award from the Classical Association of the Atlantic States, and the Woman of Achievement award from the College of New Rochelle, where she taught with distinction in the Classics Department from 1967-2000. Through these awards established in her honor, her impressive body of scholarly and pedagogical contributions, and the Internet, which permitted her to reach beyond her physical self to teach, learn, and interact with others, she will continue to influence the evolution of Classics, model the proactive and productive teacher-scholar, and mentor young professionals. Admirers and beneficiaries of her creative course syllabi, her books, particularly Classics and Feminism: Gendering the Classics, and articles, we look forward to the publication of her biography of the American classicist Grace Harriet Macurdy. She is deeply mourned and sorely missed by friends, colleagues and virtual acquaintances in the United States and abroad.
Kirsty Corrigan is an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Kent, having also taught Latin there for several years as Associate Lecturer. With research interests especially in the areas of Latin literature, classical mythology, and women in the ancient world, she obtained a PhD in Classical & Archaeological Studies from Kent in 2010; her thesis, which explored the portrayal of Medea in Latin literature, has been published as Virgo to Virago: Medea in the Silver Age. She contributed two annotated monologues written for Medea by Ovid and Valerius Flaccus. Since her completion of a well-received biography of Marcus Junius Brutus entitled Brutus: Caesar's Assassin, she submitted a commentary to Companion on Martial's poem about Porcia, the wife of Brutus.
Liz Gloyn is Senior Lecturer in Classics at Royal Holloway, University of London; she previously held teaching posts at the University of Birmingham and Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. Her monograph The Ethics of the Family in Seneca was published in 2017 by Cambridge University Press. She is currently writing a book exploring the reception of the classical monster in popular culture. Among other items, she has contributed to this website text-commentaries on Tacitus' Pompeia Paulina and Ovid's Ars Amatoria. She has published on Seneca's De Consolatione ad Polybium, Petronius' Satyricon, classical monsters in popular culture, and the two Clash of the Titans films, as well as various pedagogical matters. She is the Administrator and a founding member of the Women's Classical Committee UK. Reflections on her work can be found on her blog.
Anne Leen is Professor
of Classics Emerita at Furman
University in Greenville, SC. She received a 2012 Excellence in Teaching Award from the South Carolina Independent Colleges & Universities. In addition to two Lessons and two Activities, she contributed five webpages to the site: Julia Victorina, Anna Isias, Familia Allidia, Cicero's
Laelia, Cicero's Fulvia; she worked with her Intermediate Latin class to prepare Propertius' Elegy 3.23 and mentored her students in the publication of four funerary monument projects. She has taugtht Latin and Greek language and literature, mythology, and Roman civilization; with research interests in late Republican Latin literature, ancient rhetoric
and oratory, and Roman social and cultural history, she has published on Lucretius and Cicero. She recently completed All Things Ancient Roman: An Encyclopedia of the Roman World (forthcoming, Greenwood Press).
Maria S. Marsilio
is Professor Emerita of Classics and Director of the Classical Studies Program at
Saint Josephs University.
Her teaching and research interests and specializations are in Greek and Roman
epic and lyric, Greek and Roman drama, and sexuality and gender in antiquity. She is
author of Farming and Poetry in Hesiods Works and Days (2000), as
well as articles on Hesiod, Plautus, Catullus and Martial. Since her sabbatical
in 2007 she has authored seven commentaries (Livy's Tarpeia, Catullus' Postumia, Cicero's Clodia Metelli, Horace's Chloe, Horace's Leuconoe, Plautus' Erotium, and Ovid's Filia and Flaminica Dialis) and mentored seven others. Maria has presented papers at conferences of the
American Philological
Association, the American Classical League and various regional classical organizations. She has given long-time service in administrative positions in the Classical Association of the Atlantic States, most notably as Program Coordinator and chair of the Program Committee and as member and Chair of the Awards Committee. She has received faculty merit awards for her teaching and scholarship at Saint Joseph's University. She was the proud recipient of the 2015 Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Award for Distinguished College Teaching, the 2021 Barbara F. McManus Leadership Award and the 2024 Catherine S. Murray Lifetime Service Award.
Caitlin C. Gillespie is an Assistant Professor in Classical Studies at Brandeis University, where she teaches courses in Latin and Classical Studies, including Race and Ethnicity in the Ancient World. Her research centers on the intersection of history and historiography, and explores the relationship between exemplarity, authority, and agency in the portrayals of women of the Roman Empire. She has contributed three commentaries on passages from Tacitus' Annales: Epicharis, Urgulania, and Pomponia; she has worked with her graduate students on two passages from Tacitus' Agricola: Domitia Decidiana & Julia Agricola and Julia Procilla. She has published articles on various women of the late Republic and early Empire and has several others in preparation; her book, Boudica: Warrior Woman of Roman Britain, was published in 2018 by Oxford University Press. She received her B.A. in Classics from Harvard University, her Master of Studies from the University of Oxford, and her Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania.
Benjamin Stephen Haller is Assistant Professor of Classics and Classics Department Coordinator at Virginia Wesleyan College, where he has taught courses on Women in the Ancient World, the Ancient World in Cinema, J.R.R. Tolkien, Homer and the Trojan War, Classical Virginia, VWC Classics Abroad (study-trip to Italy), and Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies. He has published articles and given conference presentations on topics ranging from Homer's Odyssey and Lucian of Samosata to the use of Simonides' memory palace in Chris Nolan's film Inception. He holds a B.A. in Classics (Summa Cum Laude) from the College of William and Mary, and a PhD in Classics from the University of Pittsburgh.
John Jacobs teaches Latin at the Montclair Kimberley Academy, where he also serves as chair of the World Languages Department. Outside the classroom, he specializes in Latin epic and historiography of the Late Republic and Early Empire. He holds degrees in Classics (Ph.D.) and Assyriology (M.A.) from Yale University, as well as a degree in Classics (B.A.) from Brown University. His publications include articles on Cicero's De divinatione, Silius Italicus's Punica, and the canonical Sumerian city laments, as well as reviews for the Bryn Mawr Classical Review, Bibliotheca Orientalis, Classical Bulletin, Classical Journal, and Scholia Reviews. He is currently working on a number of projects related to the revision of his dissertation on the Punica into a monograph. He is in his second term as Treasurer for the Classical Association of the Atlantic States.
Ann O. Koloski-Ostrow is Professor of Classical Studies and Chair of the Department at Brandeis University, where her full faculty profile may be found. She has generously shared with the editors of Companion images from her vast collection and contributed her expertise to the Eumachia and Sacerdotes extra Romam webpages.
Keely Lake teaches Latin and Classics courses online as an adjunct at several universities. She has a B. A. degree in Classics from the University of South Dakota and a Ph.D. in Classics from the University of Iowa. She has served CAMWS as the Chair for the Committee for the Promotion of Latin, the Women's Classical Caucus as the High School Liaison, and the Society for Classical Studies as a member of the Outreach Committee and on the Advisory Board of Amphora. She is the current secretary of the Vergilian Society, a Workshop Consultant for the College Board, and Chair of the National Committee for Latin and Greek, a standing committee of the American Classical League.
Lara Christine Carlson is a graduate assistant in the English department, working toward a Masters degree in Literature at the University of South Dakota and teaching English Composition to college freshmen. She completed her funerary inscription project for Dr. Judith Sebesta's Spring '11 Intermediate Latin class, revising it for e-publication as a model student project. Lara hopes to continue studying languages throughout graduate school.
Connor teaches Latin and is Head of the Classics Department at
Trinity School in
New York City. He is currently a regional representative for the
Classical Association of the
Atlantic States; he was a reader for several years for the
Advanced Placement Latin Examinations and a member of the
Latin Test Development Committee. He has given talks at regional and national
classics conferences, and has published articles in the journal
Outlook of the American Classical League and on the
College Board
Erin Daley was a Latin and
English double major in the class of 2009 at
The College of New Rochelle. She
prepared an ur-version of the Vergil Camilla commentary as part of her final project in Ann
Raia's Spring 07 course "Roman
Women" and two Latin Funerary Inscriptions. A native of Brockton, MA, she has a passionate interest in
mythology and plans to enroll in a Classics Study Abroad summer session.
Edmund F. DeHoratius
teaches Latin, Classical Literature, Medieval Literature, and Archaeology at
Wayland High School in suburban Boston. He is the Chair of the
CANE Scholarship Committee, the
Past-president of the Classical Association of Massachusetts, and a member of the
APA Joint Committee for
Classics in American Education. He has presented papers at state-wide,
regional, and national classics conferences, and has published articles in the
New England
Classical Journal, the
Journal of the Classical Tradition, and
Classical Journal. He has
two books forthcoming from
Publishing: an Ovid reader and a workbook for Susan Shelmerdine's
Introduction to Latin.
Danielle DeLancey was an
English major and Latin minor, studying for K-8 dual education certification in
the class of 2009 at The College of
New Rochelle. She prepared an ur-version of the Tacitus Messalina
commentary as part of her final project in
Ann Raia's Spring 07 course "Roman
Women" and two Latin Funerary Inscriptions. A native of New Rochelle, NY, she plans to complete her Latin minor
as an enhancement of her goal to teach English in Middle School.
John J. Dobbins, Associate Professor of Classical Art & Archaeology at the University of Virginia, he specializes in ancient Roman art and archaeology. His research focus has been on Italy where he is the Director of the Pompeii Forum Project. He is an Associate Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities at the University of Virginia.
Emma Fikkert is a
student at the University of South
Dakota pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in the major field of History and
minor fields of Latin and Psychology. She drafted ur-versions of the
commentaries on the Valerius Maximus passages on Amesia and Afrania as part of her final project for Judith
Sebesta's Fall '07 course (Latin 491). A native of Storm Lake, IA, she plans to
attend law school, earning a joint JD degree with an MA in History, furthering
both of her interests.
Brian K. Harvey, Associate Professor of Classics in the Department of Modern and Classical Languages at Kent State University, is the author of Roman Lives: Ancient Roman Life as Illustrated by Latin Inscriptions (Focus 2004). He has generously contributed texts and images to Companion from his book and his epigraphic website.
Kyle Helms is a PhD student in Classical philology at the University of Cincinnati. Prior to arriving at UC, he received his BA (Classics and Philosophy) from the University of Florida and his MA (Classics) from the University of Iowa. In addition to contributing to Companion, Kyle is also a collaborator for the Suda On Line project, an online translation of a Byzantine encyclopedia that preserves a great amount of information about the ancient world. A passionate Latin teacher, Kyle has also worked as an editorial assistant for the Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists. His research interests include Latin and Greek language and literature, papyrology, and ancient scholarship and literary criticism.
Lora Holland is Associate Professor of Classics at the University of North Carolina at Asheville. She teaches Greek and Latin language and literature, as well as a course on Greek and Roman religions. Her research interests include religion in archaic and republican Rome, the history of women in Roman religion, Artemis and Diana cults in Italy, and the nexus of Roman and Etruscan cult practices. She has published on topics in Greek tragedy, Plutarch, Plautus, and Roman religion.
Kerry Horleman is a graduate of Saint Josephs University with a Bachelors degree in Classical Studies and a minor in Secondary Education. In her final semester she was a student teacher at Boys' Latin Charter School in Philadelphia, where she taught three Latin I classes and a Roman history elective. As a member of Dr. Marsilio's advanced Latin class she contributed to Catullus 36; she submitted the Hersilia passage from Livy in fulfillment of an Independent Study with Dr. Marsilio. She plans to enroll in a Masters Degree program, in pursuit of a career teaching Latin at the middle/high school level.
Sarah Hull is a graduate student at CUNY Hunter, earning a Master's degree in Adolescent Education: Latin for grades 7-12; she completed her undergraduate work at the University of South Florida in Classics, graduating with an Honors degree Magna cum laude. Her interests include bringing to life historically under-represented social groups in Roman society and the mythological Medea. Captivated by Latin since she began high school, she looks forward to sharing her love of all things Roman with her students (see her lesson plan on Marriage).
Jeremy Lemcke is in the Honors Program at the University of South Dakota, completing a Bachelor of Science degree in History with a Latin minor. He contributed to the webpage on defixiones and submitted several annotated entries for the bibliography. Originally from Southern Minnesota, he graduated from Sully Buttes High School in Onida, SD. After earning his degree, he plans to apply to graduate school for a Masters degree in history.
Chris Ann Matteo is a comparative literary critic by training, with concentrations in ancient Greek, Latin, British and World literatures. She teaches middle and high school Latin as well as classical influences on literature, art and film. She serves widely on many committees for the SCS, CAV, and the Women's Classical Caucus.
Elizabeth McCauley McCall is an adjunct professor of Classics at Saint Josephs University. She previously taught Latin for eight years at Merion Mercy Academy, serving as chair of the Language Department for her final three years. In May 2013, she received her M.A. in Classical Studies from Villanova University. In her final undergraduate semester at Saint Josephs University (BA magna cum laude 2008) she prepared an ur-version of the commentary to Horace Odes1.5, mentored by Dr. Maria Marsilio, and in 2015 submitted her Latin class's text-commentary project for publication in the Activities section of Companion. In May 2011, she was named a Philadelphia Phillies' Teacher All-Star, one of ten out of more than three-thousand nominations. In addition to teaching, she regularly conducts student trips to Italy.
T. Davina McClain, Associate Professor of Classical Studies and Director of Louisiana Scholars' College at Northwestern State University, was formerly at Loyola University of New Orleans. Her special areas of research are women in the ancient world and Livy. She is a member of the APA Outreach Committee and the Committee on the Status of Women and Minorities, as well as Assistant Editor of Amphora for the American Philological Association.
Kathryn McDonnell is Assistant Professor of Greek and Roman Art and Archaeology, Latin Language and Literature, Roman Material Culture, Women in Antiquity, Late Antiquity at the University of California in Los Angeles. Her research interests focus on Roman funerary monuments, the archaeology of slavery, and the archaeology of gender, and she is the co-director of the excavations at San Martino in Torano di Borgorose, Italy.
Lisa Millen is currently a Ph.d student in historical theology at Regent University. She has a Master of Arts degree in History from the University of South Dakota and a Master of Arts degree in Theological Studies from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. For seven years she taught church history courses at Trinity Bible College in North Dakota. Previously she taught middle school history and English for ten years. Lisa currently resides with her family in Sioux City, Iowa where she teaches distance education courses while she finishes her degree.
Bartolo Natoli is an Assistant Instructor at Randolph-Macon College. He earned his B.A. degrees in Latin, Greek, and Secondary Education at the University of Richmond, his M.Ed. in Adult Education at Colorado State University, and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Classics at the University of Texas. His research interests include Latin pedagogy, ancient sexualities, and memory theory. He is presently preparing a manuscript on collective memory and speech loss in Ovid's exile literature. Bartolo is also actively involved with CAMWS and currently serves as the Editor of the Classical Journal Forum.
Maxwell Teitel Paule is a graduate student at Ohio State University, where he is in the final stages of completing his dissertation on Horace's witch Canidia. He contributed the passage Horace Sermo I.8. In the fall, he will be a visiting assistant professor of Classics at Earlham College.
María Concepción Palomo Ramos is a librarian and researcher at the Centro de Estudios de la Mujer, Universidad de Salamanca (España). She contributed a Bibliography listing books and articles in Spanish on ancient women.
Stacie Raucci is Associate Professor of Classics at Union College in Schenectady, NY. She is the author of Elegiac Eyes: Vision in Roman Love Elegy and of articles on the reception of the ancient world in popular culture. Her teaching spans from Greek and Latin language and literature to courses in translation on sex and gender in antiquity, the ancient world in film, and Roman topography.
Alexander Rice is a member of the class of 2013 at Furman University. He completed the Funerary Inscription project on Sextia Psyche as his final assignment in Professor Anne Leen's Intermediate Latin class. He is from Herndon, VA., enjoys music a lot and likes to play the cello in his free time.
Vincent J. Rosivach †, Professor of Classics at Fairfield University, is the author of The System of Public Sacrifice in Fourth-Century Athens (Atlanta 1994) and When a Young Man Falls in Love: The Sexual Exploitation of Women in New Comedy (London and New York 1998), as well as more than a hundred articles and reviews on topics ranging from the politics of Athens in the seventh century B.C. to chattel slavery in eighteenth-century New England.
Beth Severy-Hoven, Associate Professor and Chair of Classics at Macalester College, specializes in Roman history and the history of women in the ancient Mediterranean. Author of Augustus and the Family at the Birth of the Roman Empire (Routledge 2003), her recent work involves the wall painting in a house in Pompeii and the roles of women in different dynasties of the Roman Empire. She supervises the January in Rome program.
Lisa Sannicandro received her PhD in Classical Philology in 2008 at the University of Padova, Department of Ancient Studies. Her doctoral thesis is on the female characters in Lucan's Pharsalia. She prepared an ur-text of the passage from Lucan's De Bello Civili containing Cornelia's first speech to Pompey the Great. At this time she is working in Thesaurus Linguae Latinae in Munich on a fellowship.
Amber Skoglund completed a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and English at the University of South Dakota. She drafted the ur-text of the commentary to Dido's death from the end of Vergil's Aeneid IV her final project for Judith Sebesta's Fall '07 course (Latin 491). A native of Sioux Falls, SD, she is attending graduate school in Library and Information Science in preparation for a career as a librarian.
Janet Stephens is a professional hairdresser since 1991 and an independent researcher on ancient hairdressing praxis. She has presented her work at the Archaeological Institute of America conference (Poster Session 2J: "Julia Domna: Forensic Hairdressing," January 6, 2012) and the Walters Art Museum. She has many videos online demonstrating her recreations of ancient hairstyles. Her article "Ancient Roman Hairdressing: on (hair)pins and needles" is published in the Journal of Roman Archaeology 21[2008]. She has a bachelors degree in Dramatic Art from Whitman College.
John H. Starks Jr is Assistant Professor of Classics at Binghamton University. The syllabus for his Latin course De vitis mulierum Romanarum requires as course texts both Worlds of Roman Women: A Latin Reader (Focus, 2005) and Online Companion.
†Barbara F. McManus, self-taught web programmer and talented designer, was the creator of the elegant layout and vibrant colors of the Companion
website, as well as the templates for World text-commentaries and the Instruction pages.
Scott, former Academic Web Developer, The College of New Rochelle, coded webpages on Roman women, designed animation for Vestales Virgines Maximae statues.
Jillian DeFour, former Director of
Computer Lab Operations, Academic Computing Services, The College of New
Dan Gehlson,
Student Technology Fellow, History Department, The University of South Dakota.
Crystal Gorden, Student
Technology Fellow, History Department, The University of South Dakota.
Mary Job,
Web Design Consultant.