Notes to Martial, Epigrammata 9.68

Quid . . . est: litterally What do you have with us? Translate: Why do you involve us?

ludus, -i m.
school; the elementary level, where basic reading, writing, and math were taught.

sceleratus, -a, -um
wicked, infamous, accursed.

invisus, -a, -um
hateful, detested; it modifies caput and is followed by the dative case.

caput, capitis, n.
individual, chief, principal.

cristatus, -a, -um
crested, plumed.

rumpo, -ere, rupi, ruptum
break; rupere is an alternate form of ruperunt.

gallus, -i m.
cock, rooster.

saevus, -a, -um
savage, cruel.

verber, -eris n.
lash; (pl.) flogging, strokes. Scan this line to appreciate Martial's artful metrical effects; the rhythm imitates the steady, regular blows of the schoolmaster's stick.

tono, 1st conjugation

tam, adverb
so much, so very; it introduces a comparison to the action of the metalsmith.

grave, neuter adjective used as an adverb
heavy, strong, deep, painful.

percutio, -ere, percussi, percussus
strike, beat. Scan this line to appreciate Martial's artful metrical effects; the rhythm imitates the steady, regular blows of the smith's hammer on the metal.

incus, incudis, f.

resulto, 1st conjugation
rebound, re-echo.

causidicus, -i, m.
lawyer, advocate; here a noble equestrian statue (see Marcus Aurelius astride his horse) is being forged for a wealthy lawyer.

faber, fabri, m.
craftsman in metal, stone, wood; smith.

apto, 1st conjugation
fit, put on.

mitis, -e
mild gentle; comparative form of the adjective.

furo, -ere, -ui
rage, be crazy.

vinco, -ere, vici, victum
conquer, defeat, win.

parma, -ae, f.
a small, round shield carried by the light infantry and the cavalry. Martial uses his shield to signify the gladiator himself (by a rhetorical figure called metonymy). Known as the Thraex or Thracian, this gladiator carried the parma and a curved scimitar and was usually set against the heavily armed Murmillo or Samnite (see types).

faveo, -ere, favi, fautum
favor, support; followed by the dative case.

vicinus, -a, -um

tota nocte: ablative of extent of time (frequent in Silver Latin).

vigilo, 1st conjugation
remain awake, keep watch.

pervigilo, 1st conjugation
stay awake all night, keep vigil.

dimitto, -ere, dimissi, dimissum
send away, dismiss.

garrulus, -i, m.
talkative, babbling; translate as a substantive noun: chatterbox.

quantum, adverb
as much as. Use the following word order to translate:
Garrule, vis [tantum] accipere ut taceas, quantum accipis ut clames?

so that, to; purpose construction followed by the subjunctive.

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