Notes to Funerary Inscriptions by Psyche
- Di Manes,
m. pl.
- the spirits of the dead, the divine spirits.
- Helius,
-i, m.
- Helius,
- Afinianus,
-i, m.
- Afinianus,
- publicus,
-i m.
- public slave;
- augur,
auguris m.
- augur,
- Psyche,
-es f.
- Psyche,
- coniunx,
-iugis m./f.
- spouse, husband, wife.
- bene merenti
- well-deserving;
hoc monumentum fecit: a phrase regularly found on tombstones that is often omitted for lack of space or funds.
- Di Manes,
m. pl.
- the spirits of the dead, the divine spirits.
- sacrum,
-i n.
- sacred object; shrine.
- Vivenia,
-ae f.
- Vivenia,
- Helias,
-iadis f.
- daughter of Helius;
- mensis,
-is m.
- month
- pientissimus,
-a, -um.
- most faithful, loyal, respectful;
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