Notes to Plautus, Mostellaria
- ecastor
- By Castor:
- erro
- make a mistake; wander, stray.
- quidem
- in fact; indeed; certainly.
- exspecto
- wait for; look out for;
- mos,
moris m.
- manner; custom, practice; behavior.
- praecipue
- particularly/especially.
- aspernor
deponent (1)
- reject, disdain, despise;
- matrona,
-ae f.
- married woman; wife.
- meretricius,
-a, -um
- belonging to/ typical of a prostitute.
- inservire,
-ire, -īvi/-ĭi, -ītum
- be devoted, be submissive, serve;
- amans,
-tis m.
- lover.
- nolo,
nolle, nōlŭi
- be unwilling, wish . . . not;
- male
- badly, wrongly.
- praecipio,
ere, -cepi, -ceptum
- advise, instruct; anticipate;
- stultus,
-a, -um
- foolish, simple, silly.
- plane
- clearly, plainly, completely.
- puto
- suppose, think;
- fore:
shortened form of futurum esse (future active infinitive of sum, esse), in an indirect statement introduced by putes, with illum as the subject.
- benevolens,
- kind, well disposed;
- desero,
-ere, -ui, -tum
- abandon, desert;
- aetas,
-tatis f.
- age;
- satietas,
-tatis f.
- satiety, glut;
- spero
- hope, expect, trust.
- accido,
-ere, -cidi
- happen, come to pass, occur;
- magis
irregular comparative adverb of magnus, indeclinable
- more;
- saepe
- often.
- qui,
quae, quod
- who, which, what;
- postremo
- finally.
- dictum,
-i n.
- word, remark;
- nequeo,
-ere, īvi/ĭi, -ĭtum
- be unable;
- perduco,
-ere, -duxi, -ductum
- guide, persuade, lead;
- ut
- that, so that;
- credo,
-ere,-didī, -ditum
- trust, believe, suppose;
- factum,
-i n.
- deed, fact.
- nosco,
-ere, novi, notum
- know, learn; consider; admit;
- res,
-ei f.
- matter, reality.
- sum,
esse, fui, futurum
- be;
- nihilo
- no less;
- modo
- only;
- gero,
-ere, gessi,
- oblige, do the will of
- qui
= ille
- Pol
- by Pollux! indeed!
- commuto
- change entirely;
- relinquo,
-ere, -līqui, -lictum
- leave behind, abandon;
- īdem,
eadem, ĭdem
- same, very;
- futurum:
supply esse, future infinitive in indirect statement after credo.
- solus,
-a, -um
- alone, only; single, sole;
- sumptus,
-us m.
- expense;
- censeo,
-ere, -ui, censum
- consider, believe, suppose;
- oportet,
-tuit impersonal verb
- it is proper, becoming; one must/ought;
- obsequens,
- obedient, docile;
- inscitus,
-a, -um
- ignorant, foolish, not wise;
- quapropter
- why?
- iste,
ista, istud
- that one;
- curo
- have a care, be concerned;
- obsecro
- beg, entreat, beseech;
- iam
- already, now.
- quaero/quaeso,
-ere, -sīvi/sĭi, -sītum
- seek, look for.
- nisi
- if not, unless.
- ultro
- besides; furthermore, of one's own accord.
- is,
ea, id third personal pronoun
- this;
- caput,
-itis n.
- head;
- perdo,
-ere, dĭdi, ditum
- lose utterly;
- argentum,
-i n.
- silver;
- numquam
- never.
- refero,
-ferre, rettŭli, rĕlātum
- repay, show gratitude/return thanks
- ut
- as;
- mereo,
-ere, -uī, -itum
- deserve, be entitled to, be worthy of.
- suadeo,
-ere, suasī, suasum
- urge, advise, persuade;
- pendo,
-ere, pĕpendi, pensum
- consider, regard,
- facio,
-ere, feci, factum
- bring it about;
- cogito
- ponder, reflect upon, consider;
- inservio,
-ire, -īvi/ĭi, -ītum
- devote oneself to;
- dum
- while, during the time.
- aetatula,
-ae f.
- youthful age, tender age;
- senecta,
-ae f.
- extreme age, old age.
- queror,
-ri, questum (deponent)
- lament; bewail;
- animus,
-i m.
- affection, spirit, mind;
- gratus,
-a, -um
- agreeable, pleasing, dear;
- impetro
- achieve one's end; obtain;
- atque:
supply eundem animum.
- olim
- formerly, once.
- priusquam
- before, at a time before.
- extundo,
-ere, -tudi
- extort, devise, force out;
- cum
- when,
- subblandior,
-iri deponent
- caress, fondle;
- sat = satis
- enough, sufficient;
- accipio,
-ere, -cepi, -ceptum
- receive, get;
- victus,
-us m.
- nourishment, provisions, manner of living.
- sempiternus,
-a, -um
- perpetual, eternal.
- proprius,
-a, -um
- one's own; permanent; exclusive;
- capio,
-ere, cepi captum
- take hold of, grasp, sieze;
- crinis,
-is m.
- hair;
- fama,
-ae f.
- character, reputation.
- exin=exinde
- after that, thereafter, then.
- soleo,
-ere, solitum
- be accustomed, be in the habit, usually do.
- invenio,
-ire, -vēni, -ventum
- come upon, find, acquire;
- servo
- preserve, protect, guard;
- dives,
- rich, wealthy;
- ceterus,
-a, -um
- the other one, the rest;
- magis
adverb, comparative
- more; more completely; with better reason.
- benemerens,
- deserving well; benefactor.
- absumo,
-ere, -sumpsi, -sumptum
- diminish; spend;
- edo,
-ere, ēdi, ēsum
- eat, consume;
- bibo,
-ere, bibi
- drink;
- parsimonia,
-ae f.
- thrift, frugality.
- adhibeo,
-ere, -ui, -itum
- employ, exercise, use
- sagina,
-ae f.
- feasting, stuffing.
- si quis,
si quid
- if anyone/thing;
- loquor,
-ui, locutus/a sum
- speak, say.
- licet,
-uit, -tum est impersonal verb
- it is permitted, it is lawful, one can.
- recte
- properly, correctly, well.
- vapulo,
- be flogged, be beaten.
- nihilum,
-i n.
- nothing;
- prae
- before, in front of;
- ne=ut non
- that not; lest;
- assentor/assentior
(1) deponent
- agree with;
Scapha repeats the concern she expressed above in ll. 224-5.
- cedo
=ce + do
- give; tell;
- speculum,
-i n.
- mirror.
- arcula,
-ae f.
- casket, small box;
- actutum
- immediately.
- orno
- adorn; equip; prepare;
- advenio,
-ire, -veni, -ventum
- arrive, come to;
- voluptas,
-tatis f.
- delight, pleasure; joy
- mulier,
-eris f.
- woman, a female
- sperno,
-ere, sprēvi, sprētum
- scorn, reject, despise.
- usus,
-us m. + ablative case
- benefit, profit; need; use;
- opus,
-eris n.
- necessity, need, use for;
- tu
pronoun + -te
- you;
- maxumum
- quisque,
quaeque, quodque pronoun
- each, every
- viden
- capillus,
-i m.
- hair.
- compono,
-ere, -posui, -positum
- arrange, order, adjust;
- commode
- skilfully, neatly, properly;
- credo,
-ere, credidi, creditum
- believe, trust;
- cerussa,
-ae f.
- white lead.
- nam
- for, now;
- qui = qua,
an archaic adverbial ablative referring back to cerussa.
- mala,
-ae f.
- cheek.
- oblino,
-ere, -levi, -litum
- rub, smear over;
- una opera
= at the same time
- era,
-ae f.
- mistress, lady;
- ebur,
-oris n.
- ivory.
- atramentum,
-i n.
- black pigment, ink;
- candefacio,
-ere, -feci, -factum
- make dazzlingly white;
- postulo
- demand,request;
- purpurissum,
-i n.
- dark colored, purple;
- pictura,
-ae f.
- painting;
- interpolo
- reshape, change, spoil;
- lepidus,
-a, -um
- elegant, fine, splendid;
- istanc = istam + -ce
- pigmentum,
-i n.
- cosmetic paint; coloring.
- attingo,
-ere,-tigi, -tactum
- touch, occupy oneself with;
- melinus,
-a, -um
- Melian white;
- offucia,
-ae f.
- a white wash for the face; a paint.
- linteum,
-i n.
- linen cloth, handkerchief.
- extergeo,
-ere, -tersi, -tersum
- wipe clean.
- metuo,
-ere, -ui, -utum
- fear that,
- oleo/olo,
-ere, -ui
- give off a smell of; smell of;
- suspicor,
(1) deponent
- suppose, believe, suspect;
- unguentum,
-i n.
- ungent, perfume.
- unguo,
-ere, ungui, unctum
- perfume, put on scented oil;
- minime feceris = ne feceris:
- quia,
- because.
- iste,
ista, istud
- that one/thing;
- unctito,
- keep applying scent, keep smearing (on).
- interpolis,
- painted, refurbished, repaired, not genuine;
- vetulus,
-a, -um
- little old woman;
- edentulus,
-a, -um
- toothless.
- vitium,
-i n.
- defect, fault, blemish.
- fucus,
-i m.
- dye, coloring,
- occulo,
-ere, -cului, cultum
- cover up, hide, conceal.
- sudor,
-oris m.
- sweat, perspiration.
- consocio
- ally, unite, join with.
- ilico
- immediately, instantly.
- itidem
- in the same way, so.
- quasi
- as if, just as if, as though.
- una
- together, in one place.
- ius,
iuris n.
- broth, soup.
- confundo,
-ere, -fudi, -fusum
- pour together, mix together.
- coquos = coquus,
-i m.
- cook.
- nescio,
-ire, -īvi/ĭi,-ītum
- not to know, be ignorant;
- intellego,
-ere, -lexi, -lectum
- perceive, understand, discern;
- agedum = age + dum
- come now;
- contemplo
- take a look at; examine.
- aurum,
-i n.
- gold, gold ornament.
- palla,
-ae f.
- long robe, mantle.
- satin = satis + ne,
- sufficiently, well enough.
- decet,
-ere, -uit impersonal verb
- seemly, becoming, suitable, proper;
- eloquor,
-eri, elocutus sum
- speak plainly, declare;
- emo,
-ere, emi, emptum
- buy, purchase, acquire;
- placeo,
-ere, -cui, -citum
- please, be pleasing, suit, satisfy.
- purpura,
-ae f.
- purple dyed garment.
- ostento
- show, display;
- occulto
- hide, conceal, cover over;
- turpis,
- base, dishonorable;
- purpuratus,
-a, -um
- clothed in purple;
- poste = postea
- then, besides.
- nequiquam
- in vain; to no purpose.
- exorno
- decorate; dress.
- moratus,
-a, -um
- mannered, behaved.
- ornatum,
-i n.
- ornament, fine dressing.
- peius
comparative adverb of malus
- worse.
- caenum,
-i n.
- dirt, mud; dung;
- conlino,
-ere, -levi, -litum
- soil, dirty; defile, pollute.
- nimis
- excessively, exceedingly.
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