Notes to Nepos, De Viris Illustribus,
Praef. 2-8
- hi
- fere
- usually, generally, as a rule.
- qui:
- expers,
-tis + genitive
- lacking in experience or knowledge of
- litterae,
-arum, f. pl.
- literature.
- nihil,
n. indeclinable
- nothing;
- rectus,
-a, -um
- right; correct.
- qui,
quae, quod relative pronoun
- who; what.
- ipse,
-a, -um pronoun
- self; one's own,
- mos,
moris, m.
- custom, practice.
- convenio,
-ire, -veni, -ventum
- agree;
agree with, be fitting to.
- disco,
-ere, didici
- learn, get to know;
- idem,
eadem, idem pronoun
- the same;
- omnis,
- all, every.
- honestus,
-a, -um
- honorable, respectable.
- turpis,
- base, disgraceful.
- maiores,
-orum, m. pl.
- ancestors; forefathers.
- institutum,
-i, n.
- tradition, custom; usage.
- iudico,
-are, -avi, -atum
- judge, evaluate.
- admiror,
-ari, -atus sum
- wonder at; be surprised at.
- nos:
- Graius,
-a, -um
- Greek.
- expono,
-ponere, -posui, -positum
- set forth, display;
- is,
ea, id pronoun
- he, she, it.
- sequor,
sequi, secutus sum
- follow; follow the authority of, adhere to, use as a guide;
- enim
- for instance.
- Cimon,
-onis, m.
- Atheniensis,
- of or connected with Athens; an Athenian.
- summus,
-a, -um
- highest; most important;
- germanus,
-a, -um
- having the same father and mother; having the same father.
- habere in matrimonio
- have as wife.
- quippe
- certainly, of course.
- cum
- since;
- civis,
-is, m/f.
- citizen; fellow-citizen.
- utor,
uti, usus sum + ablative
- use; practice; enjoy.
- at
- but; on the other hand.
- quidem
- in fact; certainly.
- nefas
n. indeclinable
- crime; wickedness; abomination.
- habeo,
-ere, -ui, -itum
- regard, consider.
- contra
preposition + accusative
- contrary to; in opposition to;
- plerusque,
-aque, -umque
- most; very many,
- decorus,
-a, -um
- proper; honorable.
- apud
preposition + accusative
- among; in the opinion of;
- Romanus,
-a, -um
- Roman; a Roman;
- pudet,
-ere, -uit, -itum est impersonal verb
- fill with shame, shame, make ashamed;
- uxor,
-oris, f.
- wife.
- duco,
-ere, duxi, ductum
- lead, bring, take;
- convivium,
-ii, n.
- dinner party; banquet.
- mater familias:
- locus,
-i, m.
- place; room.
- teneo,
-ere, -ui, tentum
- hold; occupy.
- aedes,
-is, f.
- temple;
- celebritas,
-atis, f.
- crowd;
- versor,
-ari, -atus sum
- be active; come and go frequently; be busy.
- qui,
quae, quod relative pronoun
- who, which;
- multo
- by far, very
- fio,
fieri, factum
- happen; take place.
- aliter
- differently, otherwise.
- adhibeo,
-ere, -ui, -itum
- bring, summon;
- propinquus,
-a, -um
- related; a relative;
- sedeo,
-ere, sedi, sessum
- sit; be situated.
- interior,
- innermost; private.
- gynaeconitis,
-idis, f.
- women's quarters.
- appello,
-are, -avi, atum
- call, name.
- quo
- where, to which place.
- nemo,
-inis, m./f.
- no one, nobody.
- accedo,
-edere, -essi, -essum
- come, go to.
- cognatio,
-onis, f.
- blood relationship, kinship;
- coniungo,
-ere, iunxi, iunctum
- yoke, join together;