Latin Lesson: Ovid's Metamorphoses XI. 90-145: Midas

Teacher's Tips for using the materials:

Introduction, Latin text, notes, running vocabulary

 Introduction to the Story of Midas
 Ovid's Metamorphoses, Book XI. 90-105
 Ovid's Metamorphoses, Book XI. 106-126
 Ovid's Metamorphoses, Book XI. 127-145

Worksheets to Accompany the Lesson:

These worksheets can provide students with practice if assigned for homework or a quiz and can serve as a review aid when studying for a test. They contain the following abbreviations:

Worksheet 1: Book XI. 90-105
Worksheet 2: Book XI. 106-120
Worksheet 3: Book XI. 121-133
Worksheet 4: Book XI. 134-145

Submitted by Donald Connor
October 2008
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