Notes to Valerius Maximus, Factorum et Dictorum Memorabilia 8.3.3

ordo, ordinis f.
body, class; position.

tributum, -i n.

onerno (1)
burden, impose.

quisquam, quicquam
any, anyone.

patrocinium-i n.
protection; defense; the men were fearful of violent reprisals from the triumvirs (see Appian, Civil Wars 4. 30 ff. for some of the gross random and intentional acts that were committed in addition to the assasination and dismemberment of Cicero).

accommodo (1)
lend, make available.

causam ago:
plead a case; the subject is Hortensia.

repraesento (1)
exhibit, show (in a person); ablative absolute with facundia.

facundia, -ae f.
ability to speak eloquently.

impetro (1)
obtain by request; succeed in getting; the subject is Hortensia.

impero (1)
demand, requisition, order.

remitto, -ere, -missi, -missum
remit, give up; subjunctive after impetravit ut.

his: ie., matronis.

revivesco-scere, -vixi, -victum
come to life again; revive in spirit.

muliebris, -e
feminine; of woman.

stirps, stirpis f.

aspiro (1)

cuius: ie., Hortensiae.

sexus, -us m.
sex, gender; genitive case with virilis.

posteri, -orum m. pl.

vis, vis f.
forcefulness of character; forcefulness of action.

hereditas , -atis f.
inheritance; heredity; translate with tanta.

actio , -onis f.
action; case; translate with una. The ablative expresses an attendant circumstance and should be translated as with or in.

abscindo, -scindere, -scissi, -scissum
break a tradition; end; cut off, cut short; pluperfect subjunctive in a contrary to fact condition that begins si...voluissent.

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