Notes to Gellius, NA I.12
Noctes Atticae I.12: Chapter Introduction
In this chapter Gellius deals with the legal requirements and practice in his day of choosing and installing a Vestal Virgin. In this chapter heading he ennumerates the chapter topics in six successive questions and quotes from one of his sources, the Commentaries to the Twelve Tables of the famous 1st century BCE Roman jurist Marcus Antistius Labeo.
- quis,
quid interrogative pronoun
- who, what;
- qualis,
-e interrogative adjective
- what kind of;
- aetas,
-tatis f.
- age; life; time.
- ritus,
-us m.
- rite; usage; habit;
- caeremonia,
-ae f.
- sacred rite; ceremony;
- religio,
-onis f.
- pledge; observance; obligation, duty;
- pontifex,
-ficis m.f.
- priest, priestess;
- capio,
-ere, cepi, captum
- take; seize; choose;
- statim
- immediately.
- ius,
iuris n.
- law; authority; right;
- incipio,
-ere, cepi, captum
- begin; start to
- simul atque
- as soon as.
- quod
- that; in that; because.
- Labeo,
-onis m.
- a cognomen.
- intestatus,
-a, -um
- without an heir, intestate; without witnesses.
- quisquam,
quaequam, quicquam/quidquam pronoun
- anyone, anything, any;
- heres,
heredis m.f.
- heir, heiress; a successor.
- qui,
quae, quod relative pronoun
- who, which, that;
- diligens,
- conscientious, attentive, painstaking;
- nascor,
-i, natus/a sum
- be born; be aged/ old
- nego
- say not, deny;
- fas
n. indeclinable
- right; divine law; it is lawful, sanctioned, permitted
- item
- likewise;
- patrimus,
-a, -um
- of one who has a father living;
- matrimus,
-a, -um
- of one who has a mother living;
- debilis,
- weak, disabled;
- sensus,
-us m.
- feeling; sensation;
- auris,
-is f.
- ear.
- deminuo,
-ere, -ui, -utum
- diminish, weaken;
- alius,
-a, -ud
- other, different;
- labes,
-is f.
- defect; fall;
- insignio,
-ire, -ivi, -itum
- mark;
- emancipo
- declare independent;
- etiamsi
- even if, although.
- vivus,
-a, -um
- alive;
- avus,
-i m.
- grandfather.
- potestas,
-tatis f.
- power, authority;
- alter,
-a. -um
- the one/the other
- ambo,
-ae, -o
- both; two;
- servio,
, -ire, -ivi, -itum
- be legally subject; give service; be at the service of, be subservient to
- negotium,
-i n.
- business, work.
- sordidus,
-a, -um
- base, mean; dirty;
- versor
(1 deponent)
- engage in.
- sacerdotium,
-i n.
- priesthood, sacred office;
- lego,
-ere, legi, lectum
- choose, select; pick.
- excusatio,
-onis f.
- excuse, plea;
- mereor,
-eri, meritus/a sum
- deserve, be entitled to;
- aio
defective verb
- say, affirm;
- flamen,
-inis m.
- flamen,
- augur,
-is m.f.
- diviner, seer.
- quindecimviri,
-orum m. pl.
- fifteen men;
- septemviri,
-orum m. pl.
- seven men;
- Salius,
-i m.
- one of the Salii,
- sponsa,
-ae f.
- betrothed woman.
- tubicen,
-inis m.
- trumpeter;
- vacatio,
-onis f.
- exemption, dispensation;
- tribuo,
ere, -ui, -utum
- confer, give;
- soleo,
, -ere, -itus/a sum
- be accustomed.
- praeterea
- besides; moreover.
- Capito Ateius
- Gaius Ateius Capito,
- eius
= a father; on both occasions in #8 to be translated with filiam. Augustan legislation awarded a man with three living children political privileges which he could lose if one of his children were removed from his authority.
- domicilium,
-i n.
- dwelling.
- vestalis,
- of/belonging to Vesta;
- atrium,
-i n.
- hall; forecourt.
- emancipatio,
-onis f.
- the formal release of a person from
- minutio
-onis f.
- lessening, diminution;
- exeo,
-ire, -ivi- -itum
- go out, leave, pass beyond.
- testamentum,
-i n.
- will;
- adipiscor,
-i, adeptus/a sum
- acquire, attain.
- mos,
moris m.
- manner, practice.
- autem
- moreover.
- litterae,
-arum f. pl.
- written records; literature;
- quidem
- in fact, it is true.
- exsto,
-are, ex(s)titi
- be extant, exist, be found.
- Numa Pompilius,
the second king of Rome, who established the cult of Vesta and appointed its first priestesses. Livy, however, states that Rhea Silvia was forced to become a Vestal by her uncle Numitor to prevent her from producing a legitimate heir after he seized the throne at Alba Longa (AUC 1.3). The SPQR shows Cesari's 1640 painting of the event.
- Lex Papia = Lex Papia Poppaea,
a law introduced in 9 CE at the request of Augustus, who intended it to strengthen the institution of marriage. Laws were named after the magistrate/s proposing them, in this case the consuls for the year, M. Papius Mutilus and Q. Poppaeus Secundus (ironically both were unmarried).
- invenio,
-ire, -veni, -ventum
- find, come upon, discover;
- caveo,
-ere, cavi, cautum
- beware, guard against.
- arbitratus,
-us m.
- decision; discretion.
- sortitio,
-onis f.
- drawing lots, choosing by lot;
- contio,
-onis f.
- assembly.
- nunc
- now, today;
- necessarius,
-a, -um
- inevitable, indispensible, necessary.
- honestus,
-a, -um respectable.
- respectable.
- locus,
-i m.
- place, station;
- adeo,
-ire, -ii, itum
- go to, approach; address;
- dumtaxat
adverb + subjunctive
- as long as, provided that; at least.
- salvus,
, -a, -um
- safe, unharmed;
- religio,
-onis f.
- religion; religious scruples;
- observatio,
-onis f.
- careful observance; practice; watching as a precaution;
- ratio,
-onis f.
- account, consideration;
- gratia,
, -ae f.
- exemption, dispensation from
- propterea
- because; for the reason that
- prendo = prehendo,
-ere, prendi, prensum
- take hold of, grasp;
- veluti
- just as, like.
- abduco,
-ere, -duxi, -ductum
- lead away, take away;
- Quintus Fabius Pictor (fl. c. 200 BCE),
a senator and general in the wars against the Gauls (225 BCE) and the second Punic War, he was one of the earliest Roman annalist historians, writing a history of Rome in Greek in order to bring Roman traditions to the Hellenic world. Click on SPQR for a coin image of him seated, holding an apex and shield as Flamen Quirinalis.
- oportet,
-ere, -ui impersonal verb
- ought, should;
- sacerdos,
-dotis f. m.
- priestess, priest;
- qui,
quae, quod relative pronoun
- who, which, that;
- Quirites,
-ium m. pl.
- Roman citizens,
- uti = ut
- as, just as; how;
- optimus,
-a, -um
- best, highest;
- Amata,
-ae f.
- Beloved; Amata,
- plerique,
pleraeque, pleraque
- most, very many;
- solus,
-a, -u,
- only, alone; .
- puto,
- think; suppose;
- Dialis,
- of or belonging to Jupiter; heavenly;
- Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix (130-78 BCE),
general, twice consul, and dictator, published his memoirs (Res Gesta or Exploits, a common title for Roman autobiographies) just before his death. He refers to an ancestor, Publius, a praetor in 212 BCE and chosen Flamen Dialis after 213 BCE. Click SPQR for the dictator's coin portrait and for more information on flamines.
- cognomen,
-inis n.
- the surname of a family or individual; name;
- Marcus Porcius Cato Censorius Maior (234 BC– 149 BC),
general, consul, censor, conservative Roman statesman, author of prose histories and various manuals. His work de Lusitanis, a speech, is lost. Click on SPQR for a portrait head of Cato and further information on the position of Censor.
- Lusitani,
-orum m. pl.
- the Lusitanians;
- Servius Galba,
praetor in 151 BCE, massacred the Lusitanians (inhabitants of modern-day Portugal) who were suing for peace. Cato’s prosecution seems not to have had lasting effect, as Galba was elected consul for 144 BCE.
- tamen
- however; nevertheless.
- deficio,
-ere, -feci, fectum
- revolt; desert;
- volo,
-ere, volui
- wish, want; be willing;
- optime
superlative adverb
- very well, best;
- iam,
- therefore; now, directly;
- augurium,
-i n.
- the art of augury; the faculty of divination;
- ecquis,
-quid interrogative pronoun
- anyone, anything?
- Duodecim Tabulae,
the law of the Twelve Tables, was the first iteration of Roman law, developed between 451 and 405 BCE, when it was promulgated as the core of the Republican constitution along with the mores maiorum. Click on the SPQR to view the reconstructed remnants.
- compono,
-ere, -posui, -positum
- compose, put together, construct.
- quisquam,
quaequam, quicquam/quidquam pronoun
- any, anyone, anything;
- bona,
-orum n. pl.
- goods, property;
- redigo,
-ere, -egi, -actum
- bring back, collect, take up;
- quaero,
-ere, sivi, situm
- search for, seek;
- inter
preposition + accusative
- during, in the course of; between;
- appello
- call, name;
- quoniam
- since, seeing that.
- trado,
-ere, tradidi, traditum
- pass on, hand down, transmit;
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