Notes to Defixio ad Rhodinem
- quomodo . . . seic
- in what way/according as . . . in the same way/so.
- mortuus,
-a, -um
- dead; still; lifeless;
- istic
- there; in this;
- sepio,
-ire, -pui, -pultum
- bury; overwhelm;
- sermonor,
(I deponent)
- have conversation; discuss;
- seic = sic,
an early Latin spelling.
- apud
preposition with the accusative
- on the part of; as far as . . . is concerned;
- sit:
optative subjunctive with Rhodine as its subject. The construction recurs again in ll. 10 (sit, valeat) and 14 (sit).
- ita uti . . . seic
correlative adverbs
- just as . . . so.
- ad
preposition + accusative
- to; before; toward.
- acceptus,
-a, -um
- acceptable; welcome; pleasing;
- tantum . . . quantum
correlative adverbs
- so great . . . as;
- valeo,
-ere, valui, valitum
- be strong; be able; be effective;
- quei = qui
- Dis,
Ditis m.
- Dis,
- commendo
- commit; entrust.
- ut(i)
conjunction + subjunctive
- so that
- odium,
-i n.
- hatred
- item
- similarly, likewise, as well.
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