Notes to Columella, De Re Rustica

feminis: indirect object of dedimus.

fecundus, a, um

suboles, is f.
offspring, children.

honoro (1)
honor, respect.

otium, i n.
leisure time; release from work
nonumquam, adverb
sometimes, a few times.

natus, i m.
son. It is unclear, however, whether Columella is using the plural as a collective noun referring to children of both sexes.

educo (1)
rear, raise; educassent = educavissent; the subject is feminae.

vacatio, onis f.
exemption from work due to service.

contingo, ere, tigi, tactum + dative
befall, fall to (someone). The subject is vacatio and libertas., conjunction

cura, ae f.
care, attention; trouble; exertion, industry.

patris familias (objective genitive) i.e., the master; familia can also denote the slaves of a particular master.

multum confert: “confers much (benefit).”

augendo patrimonio: gerundive, “by increasing his wealth.” The slave’s children were also slaves and so essentially increased the master’s total wealth.


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