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Latin Text Commentaries & Epigraphical Sources | Sites for the Study of Ancient Women |
Search for an item by typing a keyword in your browser's "Find" function; if you know the author's name, click on a letter above to go to that letter in the list.
Bibliography in Spanish: books and articles on ancient women, compiled by María Concepción Palomo Ramos, Librarian and Researcher, Centro de Estudios de la Mujer, Universidad de Salamanca (España)
Adler, Eric. 2008.
"Boudica's Speeches in
Tacitus and Dio." In Classical World 101.2: 173-195.
Allason-Jones, Lindsay. 2006².
Women in Roman
Britain. York: Council for British Archaeology.
Allison, Penelope M. 2013.
People and Spaces in Roman
Military Bases. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2015.02.28.
Altman, William H.F. 2009.
"Womanly Humanism
in Cicero's Tusculan Disputations." In TAPA 139:411-445.
Ancona, Ronnie and Ellen Greene. 2005.
Gendered Dynamics
in Latin Love Poetry. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press.
Andrade, Nathanael J. 2018.
Zenobia: Shooting Star of
Palmyra. Women in Antiquity. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2019.07.15.
Arietti, James A. 1997.
Rape and Livy´s View of
Roman History." In Rape in Antiquity. Edited by Susan Deacy and Karen F.
Pierce, 209-229. London and Swansea: Duckworth and The Classical Press of
Arjave, Antti. 1996.
Women and Law in Late Antiquity.
Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Armstrong, Rebecca. 2006.
Cretan Women: Pasiphae, Ariadne,
and Phaedra in Latin Poetry. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Augoustakis, Antony. 2006.
"Conivnx in
Limine Primo: Regulus and Marcia in Punica 6." In Ramus 35.2:
Augoustakis, Antony, ed. 2016.
Flavian Epic: Oxford
Readings in Classical Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
For a review of this book see CJ-Online~2017.10.06. Of particular note: S. Georgia Nugent's chapter 8 "Statius' Hypsipyle: Following in the Footsteps of Virgil's Aeneid" and Stephen Hinds' chapter 12 "Essential Epic: Genre and Gender from Macer to Statius".
Augoustakis, Antony. 2010
Motherhood and the Other:
Fashioning Female Power in Flavian Epic. Oxford/New York: Oxford University
Contents: Introduction: Other and Same: Female Presence in Flavian epic; 1. Mourning Endless: Female Otherness in Statius' Thebaid; 2. Defining the Other: From altera patria to tellus mater in Silius Italicus' Punica; 3. Comes ultima fati: Regulus' Encounter with Marcia's Otherness in Punica 6; 4. Playing the Same: Roman and Non-Roman Mothers in the Punica; Epilogue: Virgins and (M)others: Appropriations of Same and Other in Flavian Rome. For a review of this book see BMCR 2011.11.07.
Augoustakis, Antony. 2008.
"The Other as Same:
Non-Roman Mothers in Silius Italicus' Punica." In Classical
Philology 103: 55-76.
Augoustakis, Antony, Emma Buckley, Claire Stocks.
Fides in Flavian literature. Toronto: University of Toronto
For a review of this book see BMCR 2020.07.26.
Babcock, Charles L. January, 1965.
"The Early
Career of Fulvia." In American Journal of Philology 86.1: 1-32.
Bagnall, Roger S. and Raffaella Criviore. 2006 (hardcover), 2015
Women's Letters from Ancient Egypt. 300 B.C.-A.D. 800,
with contributions by Evie Ahtaridis. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan
For a review of the hardcover edition see BMCR 2006.11.19; for the paperback edition see CJ-Online 2016.12.
Balsdon, J.P.V.C. 1962.
Roman Women: Their History and
Habits. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Banducci, Laura M. 2022.
Foodways in Roman Republican Italy. Uncovering Roman Republican Life Through Food. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2022.02.07.
Barrett, Anthony A. 1996.
Agrippina: Sex Power, and
Politics in the Early Empire. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Barrett, Anthony A. 2004.
Livia: First Lady of Imperial
Rome. New Haven: Yale University Press. New edition.
Battistella, Chiara. 2015.
"Medea Reaches Maturity: an
Ovidian Intertextuality in Sen. Med.905-15." In Classical World
Baugh, S. M. 1999.
"Cult Prostitution In New Testament Ephesus: A Reappraisal." In
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 42.3: 443-460.
Baugh examines the evidence for cult prostitution in the New Testament world. Scholars have generally accepted that such prostitution was a common practice in the rites connected with Aphrodite and Artemis, particularly at Ephesus and Corinth. Baugh finds that ancient sources on such prostitution have been misunderstood as referring to contemporary practices; the ancient sources actually discuss cultic prostitution several centuries before New Testament times and in countries such as Armenia. He finds no evidence for cultic prostitution at Ephesus or Corinth. He reviews inscriptions naming priestesses of Artemis at Ephesus and concludes these inscriptions offer not only no evidence of cultic prostitution by priestesses, but, on the contrary, indicate that the priestesses were daughters of Ephesian nobility that served the goddess, as the inscriptions state, "in purity." Inscriptions and other ancient sources are all translated.
Bauman, R. A. 1992.
Women and Politics in Ancient Rome.
London and New York: Routledge. ISBN 0415115221. 304 pages.
Bauman investigates the role of Roman women in business, public affairs, law, and government from ca. 350 BCE through the Julio-Claudian emperors. He demonstrates that there was an expansion of women's influence in these spheres even before the prominent women of the early Principate.
Beard, Mary, John North, and Simon Price. 1998.
of Rome. Volume 1: A history. Volume 2: A sourcebook.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Becker, T.H. 1997.
"Ambiguity and the Female Warrior: Vergil's Camilla." In
Electronic Antiquity: Communicating the Classics, 4 (1).
Behr, Francesca D'Alessandro. 2018.
Arms and the Woman:
Classical Tradition and Women Writers in the Venetian Renaissance.
Columbus: The Ohio State University Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2019.03.17.
Belinskaya, Anastasia. 2020.
"Penelope's Odyssey." In
The Classical Journal 115.2: 175-199.
Bell, Albert A., Jr.. 1984.
"Martial's Daughter?" In The
Classical World 78.1: 21-24.
Bell, Sinclair and Inge Lyse Hansen (eds.). 2008.
Models in the Roman World: Identity and Assimilation. Supplementary Volume
7: Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome. Ann Arbor: University of
Michigan Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2009-07-59.
Essays focused on women are: Chapter 2: Suzanne Dixon, "Gracious patrons and vulgar success stories in Roman public media" (pp. 57-68); Chapter 8: Eve D'Ambra, "Daughters as Diana: Mythological models in Roman portraiture" (pp. 171-183); Chapter 9: Eric R. Varner, "Transcending gender: Assimilation, identity, and Roman Imperial portraits" (pp. 185-205); Chapter 10: Glenys Davies, "Portrait statues as models for gender roles in Roman society" (pp. 207-220); Chapter 11: Sarah B. Pomeroy, "Spartan women among the Romans: Adapting models, forging identities" (pp. 221-234); Chapter 14: Inge Lyse Hansen, "Muses as models: Learning and the complicity of authority" (pp. 273-285).
Benario, Herbert W. 2007.
"Boudica Warrior Queen." In
Classical Outlook 82.2: 70-73.
Beneker, Jeffrey, Georgia Tsouvala (edd). 2020.
discourse of marriage in the Greco-Roman world. Madison, Wisconsin:
University of Wisconsin Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2021.03.05.
Berrino, Nicoletta Francesca. 2006.
Mulier potens:
realtà femminili nel mondo antico. In Historie: Collana di Studi
e monumenti per le scienze dell'antichità 4. Galatina (Lecce):
Congedo Editore. Pp. 198. ISBN 88-8086-656-7.
Bertolazzi, Riccardo. 2019.
"Julia Domna and her Divine
Motherhood: A Re-examination of the Evidence from Imperial Coins." In The
Classical Journal 114.464-486.
Bispham, Edward, Daniele Miano (eds.). 2019.
Gods and
goddesses in ancient Italy. London, New York: Routledge.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2020.08.09.
Blondell, Ruby. 2015.
Helen of Troy: Beauty, Myth,
Devastation. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2017.04.60.
Blondell, Ruby and Kirk Ormand (eds.). 2015.
Ancient Sex:
New Essays. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University Press.
For review of the essays charting "new directions of scholarship on ancient sexualities" in this book, especially Chapter Five, "Lusty Ladies in the Roman Imaginary," see CJ-Online 2016.06.03; also BMCR 2016.04.16.
Blum, Jessica R. 2017.
"Witch's Song: Morality, Name-calling
and Poetic Authority in Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica". In The
Classical Journal 113.2. 173-200.
Boatwright, Mary T. 1993.
"The City Gate of Plancia Magna in
Perge." In Roman Art in Context: An Anthology. Edited by Eve D'Ambra,
189-207. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0-13-781808-4. 247 pp., 97
b/w. Glossary, bibliography.
Plancia Magna rebuilt the main gate of her native city, Perge (Turkey), in 121 CE. A prominent public benefactor, Plancia Magna held several magistracies and priesthoods and was connected with the imperial cult in her home town. Boatwright examines the reliefs and inscriptions adorning the gate to show how the gate celebrated Perge's history as a city and its ties to the imperial house, as well as how the gate displayed the ambition and vision of Plancia Magna.
Boatwright, Mary T. 1991.
"Plancia Magna of Perge: Women's
Role and Status in Roman Asia Minor." In Women's History and Ancient
History, edited by Sarah S. Pomeroy. Chapel Hill: University of North
Carolina Press. 249-272.
Boatwright, Mary T. 1991.
"The Imperial Women of the Early
Second Century A.C." In American Journal of Philology 112: 513-540.
Boatwright, Mary T. 2011.
"Women and Gender in the Forum
Romanum." In Transactions of the American Philological Association 141:
Boatwright, Mary T. 2021.
Imperial Women of Rome: Power, Gender, Context. Oxford, UK and New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
For reviews of this book see CJ-Online 2022.04.03, 2022.05.04.
Bolton, M. Catherine. 2009.
"Gendered Spaces in Ovids
Heroides." In Classical World 102.3 (Spring): 273-290.
Bond, Sarah Emily. 2007.
"Ob Merita: The Epigraphic
Rise and Fall of the Civic Patrona in North Africa." Masters
dissertation in the History Department, University of North Carolina, Chapel
Bonner, Stanley F. 1977.
Education in Ancient Rome: From
the Elder Cato to the Younger Pliny. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University
of California Press.
Borbonus, Dorian. 1977.
Columbarium Tombs and Collective
Identity in Augustan Rome. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2015.06.07.
Borgeaud, Philippe. 2004.
Mother of the Gods: From Cybele
to the Virgin Mary. Translated by Lysa Hochroth. Baltimore and London:
Johns Hopkins University Press.
Bowen, Megan Elena.2020.
"Patterns of Prayer in Ovid's
Metamorphoses and the Suppressed Rape of Lavinia." In Classical
Journal 115.3-4: 308-324.
Bowes, Kim. 2020.
"The Roman Peasant Project 2009-2014: excavating the Roman rural poor. University museum monograph, 154." Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2022.10.334.
Boyd, B. W. 1992.
"Virgil's Camilla and the Traditions of
Catalogue and Ecphrasis (Aeneid 7.803-17)." In American Journal of
Philology 113.2: 213-234.
Boyle, A. J, ed. 2008.
Octavia: Text and Translation.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2008.12.39
Bradley, Keith R. 1991.
Discovering the Roman Family:
studies in Roman social history. New York and Oxford: Oxford University
Braund, Susanna Morton. 2002.
Latin Literature. London
and New York: Routledge.
Braund, Susanna Morton, Barbara K. Gold (eds.). 1998.
Bodies. Special issue of Arethusa 31.3 (Fall).
Bremmer, Jan N. 2017.
Maidens, Magic and Martyrs in Early
Christianity: Collected Essays I. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen
Testament, 379. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2018.06.34
Brennan, T. Corey. 2018.
Sabina Augusta An Imperial
Journey. Women in Antiquity. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2019.01.04
Brodd, Jeffrey and Jonathan L. Reed (eds.) . 2011.
and Religion: a Cross-Disciplinary Dialogue on the Imperial Cult. Writings
from the Greco-Roman world supplement series, 5. Atlanta: Society of Biblical
Note particularly the article # 6 Imperial Cult in Roman Corinth: A Response to Karl Galinskys The Cult of the Roman Emperor: Uniter or Divider? by Barbette Stanley Spaeth. For a review see BMCR 2012.06.03.
Brown, Peter. 2008.
The Body and Society. Men, Women, and
Sexual Renunciation in Early Christianity. New York: Columbia University
For a review of the book see BMCR 2009.04.72
Brown, Robert. 1995.
"Livy's Sabine Women and the Ideal of
Concordia." In Transactions of the American Philological
Association 125:291-319.
Budin, Stephanie Lynn, Jean MacIntosh Turfa (eds.).
Women in Antiquity: Real Women across the Ancient World.
Rewriting antiquity. London; New York: Routledge.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2017.05.44
Burns, Jasper. 2007.
Great Women of Imperial Rome: Mothers
and Wives of the Caesars. London and New York: Routledge.
Burstein, Stanley M. 2007.
The Reign of Cleopatra.
Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
Cadoux, T. J. 2005.
"Catiline and the Vestal Virgins." In
Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte 54.2: 162-179.
Cahoon, Leslie. Autumn 1990.
"Let the Muse Sing On: Poetry,
Criticism, Feminism, and the Case of Ovid." In Helios 17.2: 197-212.
Caldelli, Cecilia Ricci. 2020.
City of encounters: public spaces and social Interaction in ancient Rome. RomeScapes. Rome: Edizioni Quasar.
For a review of the book see BMCR 2021.05.29.
Caldwell, Lauren. 2015.
Roman Girlhood and the Fashioning
of Femininity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
For a review of the book see BMCR 2015.05.04 and CJ-Online 2015.11.11.
Cantarella, Eva. 1986.
Pandora's Daughters: The Role and
Status of Women in Greek and Roman Antiquity. Translated by Maureen B.
Fant. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Carlon, Jacqueline M. 2009.
Pliny's Women: Constructing
Virtue and Creating Identity in the Roman World. Cambridge, England:
Cambridge University Press.
Carlon argues that Pliny carefully selected and arranged his letters to and about women in order to present himself as "an exemplar of moral rectitude and proper comportment" (2). She classifies the thirty-three identifiable women in his letters into five groups: those connected with the Stoic opposition to Nero, Vespasian, and Domitian; those connected with Corellius Rufus, Pliny's patron; those to whom Pliny showed loyalty or kindness; those whom he used as exemplars of the ideal wife; and those whom he found improper. In doing so Carlon unwinds the intertwined familial, marital, and social networks that bound the women and their male relatives and spouses with Pliny. She finds that Pliny gives details about the lives of elite women that we might otherwise only guess at. An appendix provides the stemmata of Pliny's women and their families. For a full review of the book, see BMCR 2010.02.59
Carpino, Alexandre A. 2003.
Discs of Splendor: The Relief
Mirrors of the Etruscans. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
Carroll, Maureen. 2018.
Infancy and Earliest Childhood in
the Roman World: 'A Fragment of Time'. Oxford, New York: Oxford University
For a review of this book, see BMCR 2019.01.43.
Caston, Ruth Rothaus. 2006.
"Love as Illness: Poets and
Philosophers on Romantic Love." In The Classical Journal 101.3:
Caston, Ruth Rothaus. 2012.
The Elegiac Passion: Jeasousy
in Roman Love Elegy. New York: Oxford University Press.
Centlivres Challet, Claude-Emmanuelle. 2009.
Like Man,
Like Woman: Roman Women, Gender Qualities and Conjugal Relationships at the
Turn of the First Century. Wien: Peter Lang. ISBN 9783039119127.
For a review of this book, see BMCR 2014.06.10.
Centlivres Challet, Claude-Emmanuelle, ed. 2022.
Married life in Greco-Roman antiquity. Routledge monographs in Classical studies. Abingdon; New York: Routledge.
For a review of this book and a list of its essays, see BMCR 2022.10.43.
Chin Catherine M., Caroline T. Schroeder (eds). 2017.
Melania: Early Christianity through the Life of One Family.
Christianity in late antiquity 2. Oakland: University of California Press.
For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR 2017.05.37.
Chiu, Angeline (eds). 2016.
Ovid's Women of the Year:
Narratives of Roman Identity in the Fasti. Ann Arbor: University of
Michigan Press.
For reviews of this book, see BMCR 2017.09.39 and Classical World 110.4: 585-6.
Chiu, Angeline. 2010.
"The Importance of Being Julia: Civil
War, Historical Revision and the Mutable Past in Lucan's Pharsalia". In
The Classical Journal 105.4.343-360.
Christenson, David. 2015.
Hysterical Laughter: Four
Ancient Comedies about Women: Lysistrata, Samia, Casina, Hecyra. New York,
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
For a review of this book, see BMCR 2015.06.17.
Chrystal, Paul. 2013.
Women in Ancient Rome. Stroud,
Gloustershire, England: Amberley Publishing.
For a review of this book, see CJ-Online,2014.09.05.
Churchill, Laurie J. 2006.
" Is There a Woman in This
Textbook? Feminist Pedagogy and Elementary Latin." In When Dead Tongues
Speak: Teaching Beginning Greek and Latin. Edited by John Gruber-Miller,
86-109. American Philological Association Classical Resources Series. New York:
Oxford University Press.
The article briefly sets forth the contributions of feminist scholarship related to pedagogical practices and presents the rationale for developing feminist materials and methods for teaching elementary Latin. The author concludes with various types of exercises that incorporate feminist pedagogical objectives and enhance implementation of the Standards for Classical Language Learning. For a review of the book that unfortunately does not include this excellent article, see BMCR 2008.03.07.
Churchill, Laurie J., Phyllis R. Brown, Jane E. Jeffrey (eds.).
Women Writing Latin From Roman Antiquity to Early Modern
Europe. 3 vols. London and New York: Routledge.
In their introduction to Volume I, Women Writing Latin in Roman Antiquity, Late Antiquity, and the Early Christian Era, the editors discuss the significance of this three-volume project in the Routledge series of women writing in various languages. The volume is a significant addition to the still incipient scholarly study of women's writings. The editors discuss the problems women faced in gaining literacy and address why women engaged in the various kinds of writing they did. Each woman writer is introduced by a short essay, accompanied by a brief bibliography, on her life (if known), milieu, and genre. The Latin texts are accompanied by English translations. Volume I includes: "Women Writing in Rome and Cornelia, Mother of the Gracchi," Cornelia's letters by Judith P. Hallett; "An Introduction to Epigraphic Poetry," by Jane Stevenson; "The Eleven Elegies of the Augustan Poet Sulpicia," by Judith P. Hallett; "Women's Graffiti from Pompeii," by Elizabeth Woeckner; "The Vindolanda Letters from Claudia Severa," by Judith P. Hallett; "Vibia Perpetua: Mystic and Martyr," by Judith Lynn Sebesta; "Faltonia Betitia Proba: A Virgilian Cento in Praise of Christ," by Bernice M. Kaczynski; "Inscriptions on Fabia Aconia Paulina," by Victoria Erhart; and "Itinerarium Egeriae: A Pilgrim's Journey," by Victoria Erhart.
Cifarelli, Megan, Laura Gawlinski (eds.). 2017
What Shall
I say of Clothes? Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Study of
Dress in Antiquity. Selected Papers on Ancient Art and Architecture 3.
Boston: Archaeological Institute of America.
Claasson, Jo-Marie. 1996.
"Documents of a Crumbling Marriage:
The Case of Cicero and Terentia." In Phoenix 50.3/4: 208-232. Click
here for the PDF version.
Clark, Anna J. 2007.
Divine Qualities. Cult and Community
in Republican Rome. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. xiv, 376. ISBN
Clark, Elizabeth 2021.
Melania the Younger: from Rome to Jerusalem. Women in antiquity.Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
For a review of the book see BMCR 2022.10.37
Clark, Gillian. 2011.
Body and Gender, Soul and Reason in
Late Antiquity. Variorum collected studies series, CS978. Farnham;
Burlington, VT: Ashgate
For a review of the book see BMCR 2012.02.16
Clark, Gillian. 2015.
Monica: An Ordinary Saint. Oxford
and New York: Oxford University Press.
Clark, John R. 1998.
Looking at Lovemaking: Constructions
of Sexuality in Roman Art 100 B.C. - A.D. 250. Berkeley, CA: University of
California Press. Pp. 372.
CLASSICAL WORLD Special Issue: The Dominant Female in Ovid's Metamorphoses. CW 115.1 (2021) 1-80 (see below Tola, Eleonora, guest editor). Journal of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States.
CLASSICAL WORLD Special Issue: Women's Voice in the Early Roman Empire. CW 117.1 (Fall 2023) 1-108. Journal of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States.
Giulio Celotto, "Breaking the Silence: Io and Philomela in Ovid's Metamorphoses"; Jessica Blum Sorensen, "The Future is Female"; Laura Zientek, "Women Speaking Prophecy in Lucan's Civil War; Caitlin Gillespie, "Women's Collective Action in Tacitus' Annals."
Cohen, Edward E. 2023.
Roman inequality: affluent slaves, businesswomen, legal fictions. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
For a review of the book see BMCR 2024.05.22
Cohick, Lynn H. 2009.
Women in the World of the Earliest
Christians:Illuminating Ancient Ways of Life. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker
Academic. Pp. 350.
Colburn, Cynthia S., Maura K. Heyn (eds). 2008.
Reading a
Dynamic Canvas: Adornment in the Ancient Mediterranean World. Newcastle:
Cambridge Scholars.
For a review of the book see BMCR 2009.01.30
Collingridge, Vanessa. 2005.
Boudica: The Life of
Britain's Legendary Warrior Queen. Woodstock & New York: The Overlook
Cooper, Kate M. 2007.
"Closely Watched Households:
Visibility, Exposure and Private Power in the Roman Domus." In Past
and Present 197 (November): 3-33.
Cooper, Kate. 2023.
Queens of a Fallen World: the Lost Women of Augustine's Confessions. New York: Basic Books.
For a review of the book see BMCR 2023.11.42
Cooper, Kate M. 1996.
The Virgin and the Bride: Idealized
Womanhood in Late Antiquity. Cambridge, MA, London, England: Harvard
University Press.
Copley, Frank O. 1981.
Exclusus Amator: a study in Latin
love poetry. Chico, CA: Scholars Press.
Cornell, T. and K. Lomas (eds). 1997.
Gender and
Ethnicity in Ancient Italy. London: Accordia Research Institute.
Cornwell, Hannah, and Greg Woolf (eds). 2022.
Gendering Roman imperialism. Impact of empire, 43. Leiden; Boston: Brill.
For review of this book and a list of the essays, see BMCR 2023.10.05.
Corrigan, Kirsty. 2013.
Virgo to Virago: Medea in the
Silver Age. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
For reviews of this book, see Digressus 14 (2014) 9-20, CJ~Online 2014.09.08, BMCR 2016.02.18.
Culham, Phyllis. 1997.
"Did Roman Women Have an Empire?" In
Inventing Ancient Culture: Historicism, Periodization, and the Ancient
World. Edited by Mark Golden and Peter Toohey. New York: Routledge. For a
review of the entire book and the articles it contains, see
Culham argues that the establishment of empire and the emperorship by Augustus did introduce a new period in Roman women's history. Augustus' marriage legislation bestowed increased public status on elite women by linking their sexual morality to their husband's status. As a result, elite women gained more personal freedom. Elite women who followed the lead of Livia by becoming public benefactors were awarded titles such as honesta and honestissima in inscriptions. Though elite women were circumscribed by Augustus' legislation in some areas, new opportunities in other spheres were opened to them.
Daehner, Jens, (ed.). 2007.
The Herculaneum
Women. History, Context, Identities. Los Angeles: The J. Paul Getty Museum.
Pp. xiv, 178; maps 5, figs. passim. ISBN 978-0-89236-882-2.
For a review of this book and a list of the articles it contains, see BMCR 2008.09.20.
D´Ambra, Eve. 1993.
"The Cult of Virtues and the
Funerary Relief of Ulpia Epigone." In Roman Art in Context: An
Anthology. Edited by Eve D'Ambra, 104-114. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0-13-781808-4. 247 pp., 97 b/w. Glossary, bibliography.
The funerary relief of Ulpia Epigone from the late first/early second century CE shows Ulpia reclining, half nude, on a kline. Ulpia's woolbasket is placed at her feet. D'Ambra investigates why a respectable Roman matron would have herself represented in a way that emphasizes her sexuality and fertility. The pose connects Ulpia to the goddess Venus and alludes to her attributes of physical grace as well as to her virtuous pursuit of wool-working, a sign of matronal moral rectitude.
D´Ambra, Eve. 1993.
Private Lives, Imperial Virtues:
the frieze of the Forum Transitorium in Rome. Princeton: Princeton
University Press.
D´Ambra, Eve, (ed.). 1993.
Roman Art in Context: An
Anthology. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. 0-13-781808-4. 247 pp., 97
b/w. Glossary, bibliography.
This volume contains several articles pertaining to Roman women: Susan Wood, "Alcestis on Roman Sarcophagi"; Eve D'Ambra, "The Cult of Virtues and the Funerary Relief of Ulpia Epigone"; Natalie Boymel Kampen, "Social Status and Gender in Roman Art: The Case of the Saleswoman"; Mary T. Boatwright, "The City Gate of Plancia Magna in Perge."
D´Ambra, Eve. 2007.
Roman Women. Cambridge, New
York: Cambridge University Press.
Dasen, Veronique and Thomas Spath, eds. 2010.
Memory, & Family Identity in Roman Culture. Oxford and New York: Oxford
University Press.
For a review of this book and a list of essays, see BMCR 2011.12.05.
Davies, Glenys. 2018.
Gender and Body Language in Roman
Art. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2019.01.46.
Davies, Glenys. 2005.
"On Being Seated: gender and body
language in Hellenistic and Roman Art." In Body Language in the Greek and
Roman Worlds. Edited by Douglas Cairns, 215-238. Swansea, England: The
Classical Press of Wales.
Davies applies modern theories of body language to interpret seated figures. While Roman men are posed in seated postures that assert superiority and authority, Roman women are posed seated in a variety of postures, ranging from asserting dominance, "sexual confidence...with a degree of matronly modesty," self-reserve, and defensiveness.
Davies, Glenys. 1985.
"The Significance of the Handshake
Motif in Classical Funerary Art." In American Journal of Archaeology 89:
627-640 (plus illustrations).
Dawson, Lesel, Fiona McHardy(edd). 2018.
Revenge and
Gender in Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Literature. Edinburgh:
Edinburgh University Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2019.07.64.
DeFelice, John. 2001.
Roman Hospitality: The Professional
Women of Pompeii. Warren Center, PA: Shangri-La Publications. Pp. 306. ISBN
For a review of this book see BMCR 2002.06.33.
Denzey, Nicola. 2007.
The Bone Gatherers: The Lost Worlds
of Early Christian Women. Boston: Beacon Press. Pp. xxi, 290. ISBN
For a review of this book see BMCR 2008.09.04.
De Ricci, Seymour. May 11, June 8, 1904.
"A Latin Deed of
Manumission (A.D. 221) ." In Proceedings of the Society of Biblical
26:145-152; 185-196.
Deroux, Carl (ed). 2010.
Studies in Latin Literature and
Roman History. Bruxelles: Éditions Latomus.
For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR 2011.07.39. Of particular interest are the following: R.Moore, "Roman Women in the Castra: Whos in Charge Here" 49; B. J. Kavanagh, "The Marriages, Motives and Legacy of Vistilia" 271; L. Foubert, "Literary Constructions of Female Identities: the Parallel Lives of Julio-Claudian Women in Tacitus Annals" 344.
Dickison, Sheila K. and Judith P. Hallett (eds). 2000.
Rome and her Monuments: Essays on the City and Literature of Rome in Honor
of Katherine A. Geffcken. Wauconda, Ill: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers.
Of particular interest are the following essays: "Vestae Aedem Petitam? Vesta in the Empire," R.T. Scott 173; "Arresting Pleasure: What Women Achieve through Comic Inversion in Two Latin Plays," J.C. Wheat 287; "Lacrimae Virginis Vestalis," H.F. North 357; "Pro Caesinnia: Cicero's Pro Caecina as a Document for the Romanization of Etruscan Women," J.K. Whitehead 399; "The Adulteress-Poisoner in Cicero and Tacitus: A Presumption of Guilt," F. S. L'hoir 465; "Three Tacitean Women," H.W. Benario 587; "Juvenal's Sixth Satire and the Imperial Ideology of Marriage: quae non faciet quod principis uxor?" S.K.Dickison 603.
Dillon, Matthew,, Esther Eidinow, Lisa Maurizio (eds) . 2016.
Women's Ritual Competence in the Greco-Roman Mediterranean. London; New
York: Routledge.
For a review of this book and a list of its essays, see BMCR 2018.04.15.
Dillon, Sheila. 2010.
The Female Portrait Statue in the
Greek World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2010.07.55.
DiLuzio, Meghan J. 2016.
A Place at the Altar: Priestesses
in Republican Rome. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press.
Dirven, L., Martijn Icks, Sofie Remijsen. 2023.
The public lives of ancient women (500 BCE-650 CE). Mnemosyne supplements. History and archaeology of classical antiquity. Leiden; Boston: Brill.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2024.05.25.
Dixon, Suzanne. 1988.
The Roman Mother. Norman and
London: The University of Oklahoma Press.
Dixon, Suzanne. 1992.
The Roman Family. Baltimore and
London: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Dixon, Suzanne. 2001.
Reading Roman Women: sources, genres
and real life. London: Duckworth.
Dixon, Suzanne, ed. 2001.
Childhood, Class and Kin in the
Roman World. London and New York: Routledge.
Dixon, Suzanne. 2003.
"Roman Women: Following the Clues." In
BBC Ancient
History. BBC online.
Dixon, Suzanne. 2004.
"Exemplary Housewife or Luxurious Slut:
Cultural Representations of Women in the Roman Economy." In Women's
Influence on Classical Civilization, edited by F. McHardy and E. Marshall.
London and New York: Routledge, 56-74.
Dolansky, Fanny. 2011.
"Reconsidering the Matronalia and
Women's Rites." In Classical World 104.2: 191-209.
Dolansky, Fanny. 2012.
"Playing With Gender: Girls, Dolls and
Adult Ideals in the Roman World." In Classical Antiquite
Donahue, John F. 2004.
"Junia Rustica of Cartima: Female
Munificence in the Roman West." In Latomus 63.4: 873-891.
Dressler, Alex. 2016.
Personification and the Feminine in
Roman Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2017.03.48.
du Plessis, Paul J. (ed). 2004.
New Frontiers: Law and
Society in the Roman World. Edinburgh: University Press.
Of particular note are the chapters in Part 2 on conubium by Saskia Roselaar and on women in business by Eva Jakab. For a review of this book see BMCR 2013.09.36.
Dutsch, Dorota. 2008.
Feminine Discourses in Roman Comedy:
on Echoes and Voices. Oxford: University Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2009.04.37.
Edlund-berry, Ingrid E.M. 1994.
Goddess, Priestess, or Worshipper: Considerations of Female Deities and Cults
in Roman Religion." In Festschrift in Honor of Gösta Säflund, Opus
Mixtum. Acta Instituti Romani Regni Sueciae, series in 8s, vol. 21.
25-33. Stockholm.
Edmunds, Susan, Prudence Jones, Gregory Nagy. 2004.
and Textile: An Introduction to Wool-Working for Readers of Greek and
Latin. DVD. Department of Classics, Rutgers University.
This DVD presents illustrations of wool-working (carding, spinning, weaving) found on vase paintings, reliefs, etc. It includes demonstrations of drop-spindle spinning and weaving on a warp-weighted loom and discusses the social and economics of textile production.
Edmondson, Jonathan and Alison Keith, edd. 2008.
Dress and the Fabrics of Roman Culture. Toronto/Buffalo: University of
Toronto Press. Pp. xvii, 370; plates 56 p. ISBN 978-0-8020-9319-6.
For a review of this book and a list of the articles it contains, see BMCR 2008.08.42.
Edwards, Catherine. 2007.
"A Feminine Ending?." In Death in
Ancient Rome: Chapter 7 (179-206). New Haven & London: Yale University
For a review of this book see BMCR 2007.12.28
Eisler, Riane. 1987.
The Chalice and the Blade: Our
History, Our Future. San Francisco: Harper and Row Publishers.
Engels, Donald. April 1980.
"The Problem of Female
Infanticide in the Greco-Roman World." In Classical Philology
Engels explains why the ratio of men to women may be inaccurate, and why calculations of the deceased's age can be inaccurate. He focuses upon categorizing skeletal remains of ancient Greeks and Romans. He points out that the current ways for one to estimate age and sex have been inaccurate. For example, smaller skeletal specimens are more likely to be tossed out and not regarded. Data may be skewed because elite families are more likely to be buried.
Erker, Darja Sterbenc. 2011.
"Gender and Roman Funeral
Ritual." In Memory and Mourning: Studies on Roman Death, pp. 40-60.
Edited by Valerie M. Hope and Janet Huskinson. Oxford/Oakville, CT: Oxbow
For a review of the collection of essays, see BMCR 2011.10.59.
Evans, John K. 1991.
War, Women and Children in Ancient
Rome. London and New York: Routledge.
Evans-Grubbs, Judith. 1993.
"'Marriage More Shameful Than
Adultery': slave-mistress relationships, 'mixed marriages,' and late Roman
law." In Phoenix 47 (1993) 2.125-154.
Fabre-Serris, Jacqueline, Alison Keith (eds).
Women and War in Antiquity. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
For a review of the essays in this work, see BMCR 2016.05.41.
Fantham, Elaine. 2006.
Julia Augusti: The Emperor's
Daughter. London and New York: Routledge.
Fantham, Elaine. 1989.
"Mime, the Missing Link in Roman
Literary History." CW 82: 153-163.
Fantham, Elaine, Helene Peet Foley, Natalie Boymel Kampen, Sarah B.
Pomeroy, and H. Alan Shapiro. 1994.
Women in the Classical World:
Image and Text. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN
0-19-509862-5. 430 pp., 136 b/w. Chronology, map, indices.
The authors use artistic, literary, and documentary evidence to reconstruct the lives of women in Greece and Rome from the Greek Archaic Age through the Later Empire of Rome. Excursive chapters cover Spartan women, medicine as the "proof" of anatomy, Etruscan women, the "New Woman" of Rome, and the women of Pompeii. The volume analyzes poetry, vase painting, coins, and literary, legal, and medical texts to explore issues of social class, creativity, sexuality, and political involvement.
Faraone, Christopher A., Laura K. McClure (eds.). 2006.
Prostitutes & Courtesans in the Ancient World. Madison,
Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press.
Relevant essays are: Thomas McGinn, "Zoning Shame in the Roman City"; Marsha McCoy, "The Politics of Prostitution: Clodia, Cicero, and Social Order in the Late Roman Republic"; Kelly Olson, "Matrona and Whore: Clothing and Definition in Roman Antiquity"; Sharon L. James, "A Courtesan's Choreography: Female Liberty and Male Anxiety at the Roman Dinner Party"; Anne Duncan, "Infamous Performers: Comic Actors and Female Prostitutes in Rome." For a review of this book see BMCR 2006.05.40.
Feeney, Denis. 2013.
"Catullus 61: Epithalamium and
Comparison." In The Cambridge Classical Journal 59: 70-97.
Feeney, Denis. 2020.
"Forma manet facti (Ov.
Fast. 2.379) ." In The Classical Journal115.3-4: 339-368.
Feijfer, Jane. 2008.
Roman Portraits in Context. Image and
Context; v. 2. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter.
Of particular interest is Part III : "The Empress and her Fellow Elite Women." For a review of this book see BMCR 2009.11.10
Feldner, Birgit. 17 September, 2002.
"Women's Exclusion
from the Roman Officium." In forum historiae iuris.
Feltovich, Anne. 2020.
"Social Networking among Women in
Greek and Roman Comedy." In Classical World 113.3, 249-278.
Ferri, Rolando, ed. 2003.
Octavia: A Play Attributed to
Seneca. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2005.02.27
Ferri, Rolando, J. Mira Seo, Katharina Volk (eds).
Callida Musa: Papers on Latin Literature in Honor of R. Elaine
Fantham. Pisa/Roma: Fabrizio Serra editore.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2010.08.46
Finglass, P.J., Adrian Kelly.
The Cambridge Companion to Sappho. Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2022.09.33
Finley, Moses I. 1965.
"The Silent Women of Rome." In
Horizon 7.1: 57-64; reprinted in Sexuality and Gender in the
Classical World. Edited by Laura K. McClure, 147-160. Oxford: Blackwell,
Flemming, Rebecca. 2000.
Medicine and the Making of Roman
Women. Gender, Nature, and Authority from Celsus to Galen. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
For a review of this book see PubMed Central and Project MUSE.
Fletcher, K.F.B., Sanjaya Thakur. 2023.
"Allusions to Livia and Her Gentes in Vergil's Aeneid." In Classical World
Flexsenhar III, Michael. 2016.
"Marcia, Commodus' 'Christian' Concubine and CIL X 5918." In Tyche
Flory, Marleen B. 1996.
"Dynastic Ideology, the Domus
Augusta, and Imperial Women: A Lost Statuary Group in the Circus
Flaminius." In Transactions of the American Philological Association
126: 287-306.
Flory, Marleen B. 1995.
"The Deification of Roman Women." In
The Ancient History Bulletin 9.3-4:127-134.
Flory, Marleen B. 1993.
"Livia and the History of Public
Honorific Statues for Women in Rome." In Transactions of the American
Philological Association 123: 287-308.
Fögen, Thorsten and Mireille M. Lee (eds.). 2009.
Bodies and Boundaries in Graeco-Roman Antiquity. Berlin/New York: Walter de
Gruyter. ISBN 9783110212525.
For a review of this book, see BMCR 2011.01.19.
Fögen, Thorsten. 2007.
"Statius' Roman Penelope:
Exemplarity, Praise and Gender in Silvae 3.5. Philologus 151:
Foka, Anna, Jonas Liliequist(eds.). 2015.
Laughter, Humor,
and the (Un)Making of Gender: historical and Cultural Perspectives. New
York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Forbis, Elizabeth P. 1990.
"Women's Public Image in Italian
Honorary Inscriptions." In American Journal of Archaeology 3.4.
The personal and domestic virtues of women are often described on their tombstones. However, Forbis examines Italian honorary inscriptions in the first three centuries CE and shows that members of Italian municipalities represented aristocratic women in a very different manner from the formulaic way they are portrayed on epitaphs. Honorary inscriptions emphasize the public generosity and wealth of elite women who became public benefactresses. Forbis observes that in the later decades of this period, as the number of male benefactors decreased, the importance of female benefactors increased.
Foubert, Lien. 2016.
"Crowded and emptied houses as status markers of aristocratic women
in Rome: the literary commonplace of the domus frequentata ." In
EuGeStA: Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity
Foxhall, Lin. 2013.
Studying Gender in Classical
Antiquity. Key themes in ancient history. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge
University Press. ISBN 9780521557399.
For a review of this book and its contents see BMCR 2014.05.23.
Frangoulidis, Stavros. 2008.
Witches, Isis and Narrative:
Approaches to Magic in Apuleius' Metamorphoses. Berlin/New York: Walter de
For a review of this book and its contents see BMCR 2009.06.33.
Frangoulidis, Stavros A., S.J. Harrison (eds). 2018.
Love and Death in Latin Poetry: Studies in Honor of Theodore D.
Papanghelis. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter.
For a review of this book and list of its essays, see BMCR 2019.04.39.
Fraschetti, Augusto, (ed.). 2001.
Roman Women.
Translated by Linda Lappin. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
For a list of the articles and a review see BMCR 2001.10.13.
French, Valerie. 1986, 1987.
"Midwives and Maternity Care in
the Roman World." In Rescuing Creusa: New Methodological Approaches to Women
in Antiquity. Edited by Marilyn Skinner, 69-84. Helios New Series 13
(2). Lubbock, TX: Texas Technical University Press.
French, Valerie. Autumn 1990.
"What is Central for the Study
of Women in Antiquity?" In Helios 17.2: 213-220.
Fulkerson, Laurel. Spring 2003.
"Chain(ed) Mail: Hypermestra
and the Dual Readership of Heroides 14." In Transactions of the
American Philological Association 133.1: 123-146.
Futre Pinheiro, Marilia P., Marilyn B. Skinner, Froma I. Zeitlin
(eds). 2012.
Narrating Desire: Eros, Sex, and Gender in the Ancient
Novel. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.
For a list of the articles and a review see BMCR 2014.12.18.
Gale, Monica R. , J. H. D. Scourfield (eds).
Texts and Violence in the Roman World. Cambridge; New York:
Cambridge University Press.
For a list of the articles and a review see BMCR 2019.04.05.
Garani, M. 2011.
"Revisiting Tarpeia's Myth in Propertius
(IV.4)." In Leeds International Classical Studies 10.3:1-22.
Gardner, Hunter H. Spring 2007.
"Ariadne's Lament: The
Semiotic Impulse of Catullus 64." In Transactions of the American
Philological Association 137.1: 147-179.
Gardner, Hunter H. 2008.
"Women's Time in the Remedia
Amoris." In Latin Elegy and Narrativity: Fragments of a Story.
Edited by G. Liveley and P. Salzman-Mitchell. Columbus: Ohio State University
Gardner, Hunter H. 2013.
Gendering Time in Augustan Love
Elegy. Oxford: University Press.
Gardner, Jane F. 1986.
Women in Roman Law and Society.
London: Croom Helm.
Gardner, Jane F. 1998.
The Family and Familia in
Roman Law and Life. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Gardner, Jane F. and Thomas Wiedemann. 1991.
The Roman
Household: a sourcebook. London & New York: Routledge.
Garlick, B., S. Dixon and P. Allen, (eds). 1992.
Stereotypes of Women in Power. Historical Perspectives and Revisionist
Views. New York: Greenwood Press (Contributions in Women's Studies 125).
Garman, Alex G. 2008.
The Cult of the Matronae in the
Roman Rhineland: An Historical Evaluation of the Archaeological Evidence.
Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press.
For a review of the book, see BMCR 2009.10.37
George, Michele. 2003.
"Race, Racism, and Status: Images of
Black Slaves in the Roman Empire." In Syllecta Classica 14. 161-185, 8
George points out that images of black slaves evoked exotic locales and signified their masters' wealth and social status. Black slaves were also thought to have apotropaic powers. Though the article is on black slaves generally, one of the illustrations shows black slaves who may be women.
George, Michele, ed. 2005.
The Roman Family in the Empire:
Rome, Italy, and Beyond. New York: Oxford University Press.
For a review of the book, see BMCR 2009.01.38
Gillespie, Caitlin. 2018.
Boudica: Warrior Woman of Roman
Britain. Women in Antiquity. New York: Oxford University Press.
Gillespie, Caitlin. Spring 2015.
"The Wolf and the Hare:
Boudica's Political Bodies in Tacitus and Dio." In Classical World
Gillespie, Caitlin. 2020.
"Agrippina the Elder and the Memory
of Augustus in Tacitus' Annales." In Classical World
Gillespie, Caitlin. 2021.
"Daring to Die: Female Suicide in
the Age of Nero." In Quaderno Polygraphia 2. 87- 94.
Gillison, Linda W. 2003.
"Agrippina laborum periculorum
socia." In Syllecta Classica 14.121-141.
Gillison analyzes Tacitus' presentation of Agrippina and how he uses his depiction of Thusnelda and other German women as comparanda to represent the maternal and wifely virtues valued during the Republic. In doing so, Tacitus dissociates Agrippina from her father-in-law Tiberius in order to link her more closely to her husband.
Ginsburg, Judith. 2006.
Representing Agrippina:
Constructions of Female Power in the Early Roman Empire. Oxford: Oxford
University Press for the American Philological Association.
Giusti, Elena and Victoria Rimell (eds). 2021.
Special Issue: "Vergil and the Feminine." Vergilius 67: 3-284. Journal of the Vergilian Society.
Articles by Tom Geue, Nandini B. Pandey, Alex Dressler, Alison Sharrock, Christine Perkell, Jeffrey Ulrich, Laura Aresi, Robert Cowan, Erin M. Hanses, Viola Starnone, Mairead McAuley, Sarah Spence.
Glendenning, Ellen. 2010
"Heroic Female Death in
Tacitus Annals 14 and 15." In Zero to Hero, Hero to Zero: In Search of
the Classical Hero. Edited by Lydia Langwerf and Cressida Ryan. Newcastle
upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
This essay focuses on the funerary altar of Julia Secunda and Cornelia Tyche. For a review of the book, see BMCR 2011.12.42.
Gloyn, Liz. 2017.
The Ethics of the Family in Seneca.
Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.
See especially Ch. 1 "Model Mothers," Ch 3 on De Matrimonio. For a review of this book see BMCR 2017.05.33.
Gold, Barbara. 1998.
"The House I Live In Is Not My Own:
women's bodies in Juvenal's Satires." In Arethusa 3: 369-86.
Gold, Barbara K. 2011.
"Gender Fluidity and Closure in Perpetuas Prison Diary."
In EuGeStA: Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity, issue 1.
Edited by Jacqueline Fabre-Serris and Judith Hallett.
Gold, Barbara K. 2018.
Perpetua: Athlete of God. New
York: Oxford University Press.
Review in CJ-Online 2021.06.06.
Gordon, Arthur E. 1983.
Illustrated Introduction to Latin
Epigraphy. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California
Gordon, Pamela. 2012.
The Invention and Gendering of
Epicurus. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2012.12.23.
Grebe, Sabine. 2003.
"Marriage and Exile: Cicero's letters to
Terentia." In Helios 30: 127-46.
Green, C.M.C. 2006.
Roman Religion and the Cult of Diana at
Aricia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2007.10.49.
Greene, Ellen. 1998.
The Erotics of Domination: Male Desire
and the Mistress in Latin Love Poetry. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
Greene, Ellen and Ronnie Ancona, (eds). 2005.
Dynamics in Latin Love Poetry. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
For a review of this book and a list of the articles it contains see BMCR 2007.12.40.
Grubbs , Judith. 2002.
Women and the Law in the Roman
Empire: a sourcebook on marriage, divorce, and widowhood. London & NY:
Gutzwiller, Kathryn. 2004.
"Gender and Inscribed Epigram:
Herennia Procula and the Thespian Eros." In Transactions of the American
Philological Association 134: 383-418.
Gutzwiller argues persuasively that the Herennia Procula who wrote and signed an elegiac couplet in Greek about Praxiteles' statue of Eros on a marble statue base at Thespiae is a well-educated writer and the same Herennia Procula who, as a member of the wealthy Roman family well-known in Thessalonica through the 3rd century CE, the gens Herennia, dedicated columns in 66/67 CE to a local religious guild in memory of her father.
Habinek, Thomas. 1998.
"Roman Women's Useless Knowledge." In The Politics of
Latin Literature: Writing, identity, and empire in ancient Rome, 122-136. Princeton,
NJ: Princeton University Press.
Haines-Eitzen, Kim. 2000.
Girls Trained for Beautiful
Writing: Female Scribes in Roman Antiquity. In Guardians of Letters:
Literacy, Power, and the Transmitters of Early Christian Literature, pp.
41-52. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press
Scholarly discussion of scribes has focused on male scribes, in some part because scholars are unaware that evidence exists for the role of female scribes inproducing, transmitting, and disseminating ancient literature. Imperial textual and epigraphic evidence for female scribes (scriba, libraria) indicates that they almost invariably work for female masters. Both freedwomen and slave women served as scribes and in addition to clerical work, engaged in the copying of manuscripts; there is no evidence, however, of their holding official scribal positions; with one possible exception they all were employed privately. Though pre-Christian references to Roman female scribes is scarce, with the rise of Christian monasticism, there is much clearer evidence for female scribes and the type of work they did, which included copying of Christian texts.
Hallett, Judith P. 1984.
Fathers and Daughters in Roman
Society: Women and the elite family. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Hallett, Judith P. 1973.
"The Role of Women in Roman Elegy:
Counter-Cultural Feminism." In Arethusa 6: 103-24.
Hallett, Judith P. 1977.
"Perusinae Glandes and the
Changing Image of Augustus." In American Journal of Ancient History 2:
Hallett, Judith P. 1989.
"Women as 'Same' and 'Other' in
Classical Roman Elite." In Helios 16: 59-78.
Hallett, Judith P. 1999.
Women in the Ancient Roman
World." In Women´s Roles in Ancient Civilizations. Edited by Bella
Vivante, 259-289. Westport, CT and London: Greenwood Press.
Hallett, Judith P. 2011.
"Scenarios of Sulpiciae: moral discourses and immoral verses."
In EuGeStA: Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity, issue 1.
Edited by Jacqueline Fabre-Serris and Judith Hallett.
Hallett, Judith P. 2013.
"Intersections of Gender and Genre: Sexualizing the Puella
in Roman comedy, lyric and elegy." In EuGeStA: Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity, issue 3.
Edited by Jacqueline Fabre-Serris and Judith Hallett.
Hallett, Judith P. , Marilyn B. Skinner (eds.). 1997.
Roman Sexualities. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
For a review of the book and critique of its twelve essays, see BMCR 1998.10.16.
Hanses, Mathias. 2022.
Ovid and the Magic Doll: Witchcraft and Defixiones in Amores 3.7." In The Classical Journal 117.3: 249-283.
Harlow, Mary, (ed). 2012.
Dress and Identity. Oxford:
Contents: 1) Dress and Identity: an Introduction (Mary Harlow); 2) Costume as Text (Zvezdana Dode); 3) Veiling the Spartan Woman (Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones); 4) Dressing to Please Themselves: Clothing Choices for Roman Women (Mary Harlow); 5) The Archaeology of Adornment and the Toilet in Roman Britain and Gaul (Ellen Swift); 6) Dress and Cultural Identity in the Roman Empire (Ursula Rothe); 7) Investigating the Emperors Toga: Privileging Images on Roman Coins (Ray Laurence); 8) Anglo-Saxon Woman: Fame, Anonymity, Identity and Clothing (Gale R. Owen-Crocker); 9) Representing Hierarchy and Homosociality: Vestments and Gender in Medieval Scotland (Penelope Dransart); 10) Cosmetics and Perfumes in the Roman World: A Glossary (Susan Stewart); 11) The Social Life of Museum Textiles: Some Comments on the Late Antique and Early Medieval Collection in the Ure Museum at the University of Reading (Anthea Harris).
Harlow, Mary, Marie-Louise Nosch (eds). 2014.
Greek and
Roman Textiles and Dress: An Interdisciplinary Anthology. Ancient textiles
series, 19. Oxford; Philadeophia: Oxbow Books.
For a review of this book and a list of the articles it contains see BMCR 2016.02.24.
Harper, James. April, 1972.
"Slaves and Freedmen in Imperial
Rome." In American Journal of Philology 93. 2: 341-342.
Harper discusses how short the average lifespan for the average Roman was, e.g. for a freedman it was about 25 years and for a slave 17 years. He notes that female slaves lived almost a year longer than their male counterparts.
Harris, W. V. 1999.
"Demography, Geography and the Sources of
Roman Slaves." In The Journal of Roman Studies 89: 62-75.
Harris discusses the question of where large slave owners obtained new slaves. He particularly examines the theory of "self-replacement," that the birth rate of slaves was sufficiently high as to be a major source of new slaves. He points out some questions in establishing the fertility rate of slaves, e.g. how large the slave population was in any given period and in any section of the empire; what the ratio of male to female slaves was; whether there was a difference in mortality rate of male to female slave infants and children. He estimates that the slave percentage of the population was between 16 and 20 percent. He argues that the fertility of slave women was affected by several factors which undercut the theory of "self-replacement," such as that there was a longer period between pregnancies of slave women than the Roman women, due to nursing slave women nursing their children, during which time they were more likely not to conceive again. Furthermore, male slaves outnumbered females, and, as more male slaves were imported into the empire (there were more tasks for male slaves than female), the ratio between the sexes was skewed toward the male. The fact that slave owners tried seriously to encourage the fertility of slaves points to the weakness of the self-replacement theory. Harris concludes that the self-replacement theory is improbable in the "high Roman Empire."
Harvey, Brian K. 2004.
Roman Lives: ancient Roman life as
illustrated by Latin inscriptions. Newburyport, MA: Focus.
Harvey, Tracene. 2019.
Julia Augusta: images of Romes'
first empress on the coins of the Roman Empire. London; New York:
For a review of this book and its contents see BMCR 2020.07.27.
Hauser, Emily. 2016.
"Optima tu proprii nominis auctor:The semantics of female
authorship in ancient Rome, from Sulpicia to Proba ." In
EuGeStA: Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity 6:
Hawley, R., B. Levick, (eds). 1995.
Women in Antiquity:
New Assessments. London: Routledge.
Hejduk, Julia Dyson. 2012.
The Passion of Perpetua and
Felicity. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199777570.
For a review of this book and its contents see BMCR 2013.01.58.
Heffernan, Thomas J. 2008.
Clodia: A Sourcebook.
Oklahoma Series in Classical Culture v. 33. Norman: University of Oklahoma
Press. Pp. 269. ISBN 9780806139074.
Hemelrijk, Emily A. 1999.
Matrona Docta: Educated Women in
the Roman Elite from Cornelia to Julia Domna. London, NY: Routledge.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2002.07.32.
Hemelrijk, Emily A. 2004.
"City Patronesses in the Roman
Empire." In Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte 53.2: 209-245.
Hemelrijk examines the role of women as city patronesses in terms of the nature and function of municipal patronage. She notes that this position is relatively rare in the western part of the Roman Empire, including northern Africa, and identifies 19 women of high rank (14 senatorial, 2 equestrian, 1 decurial). She discusses why a woman would be asked to hold this position, how she was chosen and the ramifications of her assent to it. She questions was it merely honorific or were there certain responsibilities and expectations? She considers how a woman negotiated attaining and filling so prominent a position in her community in light of the domesticity and reluctance for public display that a matrona, according to literary record, was traditionally supposed to embrace.
Hemelrijk, Emily A. 2004.
"Masculinity and Femininity in the
Laudatio Turiae." In Classical Quarterly 54.1: 183-197.
Hemelrijk, Emily A. 2005.
Priestesses of the Imperial
Cult in the Latin West: Titles and Functions. In
LAntiquité classique 74: 137-170.
Hemmelrijk discusses whether there is a difference between a flaminica and a sacerdos; the marital status of a flaminica; her selection or election and term of office; her duties in regard to the imperial cult; her social status and social mobility.
Hemelrijk, Emily A. 2007.
Local Empresses: Priestesses
of the Imperial Cult in the Cities of the Latin West. In Phoenix
61. 3/4: 318-349 (2 B&W illustrations).
Focusing on the imperial female priesthoods, Hemelrijk argues that they are not modeled upon the flaminica Dialis of the Republic, as other scholars have assumed, but take the empress herself as their model. She discusses the relationship between Rome and towns re: these imperial female priesthoods, the rituals that these priestesses may have conducted, their priestly garb, and how these priestesses were visually represented.
Hemelrijk, Emily A. 2012.
"Fictive Motherhood and Female Authority in Roman Cities." In
EuGeStA: Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity, issue 2.
Edited by Jacqueline Fabre-Serris and Judith Hallett.
Hemelrijk, Emily A. 2015.
Hidden Lives, Public Personae:
Women and Civic Life in the Roman West. Oxford, NY: Oxford University
For a review of this book and its contents see BMCR 2017.02.12 and CJ-Online 2016.10.01.
Hemelrijk, Emily A. 2023.
"Matronal virtues, professional pride and divine associations, Funerary commemoration of freedwomen in Roman Italy," Eugesta 13. 85-121.
Hemelrijk, Emily. 2020.
Women and society in the Roman world: a sourcebook of inscriptions from the Roman west.. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.
For a review of this book and its contents see BMCR 2022.03.06.
Hemelrijk, Emily and Greg Woolf (ed.). 2013.
Women and the
Roman City in the Latin West. Mnemosyne Supplements. History and Archaeology of
Classical Antiquity, 360. Leiden; Boston: Brill. ISBN 9789004255944.
For a review of this book and its contents see BMCR 2014.05.60.
Henderson, John. Spring 2007.
"Bringing It All Back Home:
Togetherness in Statius Silvae 3.5." In Arethusa 40. 2: 245-277.
Special Issue: Statius' s Silvae and the Poetics of Intimacy. Guest
editors: Antony Augoustakis and Carole E. Newlands.
Hersch, Karen K. 2010.
The Roman Wedding: Ritual and
Meaning in Antiquity. New York: Cambridge University Press.
For a review of this book and its contents see BMCR 2011.03.62.
Hersch, Karen K. 2009.
"Ethnicity and the Costume of the
Roman Bride." In Gender Identities in Italy in the First Millennium BC.
Edited by Edward Herring and Kathryn Lomas. British Archaeological Reports.
Oxford: Archaeopress.
Hersch, Karen K. Winter 2013-14.
"Introduction to the Roman
Wedding: Two Case Studies." In The Classical Journal 109.2:223-232.
Hersch, Karen K. Spring 2007.
"Violentilla Victa." In
Arethusa 40. 2: 197-205. Special Issue: Statius's Silvae and the
Poetics of Intimacy. Guest editors Antony Augoustakis and Carole E. Newlands.
Hersch, Karen K, ed. 2021.
A Cultural History of Marriage in Antiquity. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
Heyob, Sharon Kelly. 1975.
The Cult of Isis Among Women in
the Greco-Roman World. Leiden: Brill.
Hingley, Rchard, and Christina Unwin (eds). 2005.
Iron Age Warrior Queen. London and New York: Hambledon and London.
Hodgson, Paul T. Bidwell, Judith Schachtmann (eds). 2017.
Roman Frontier Studies 2009: Proceedings of the XXI International
Congress of Roman Frontier Studies (Limes Congress) Held at Newcastle upon Tyne
in August 2009. Archaeopress Roman archaeology, 25. Oxford: Archaeopress
Publishing. Pp. xxii, 726. ISBN 9781784915902.
For a review of the book and its Table of Contents (espcially the eight essays on "Women and Families in the Roman Army" in section one), see BMCR 2019.03.04.
Hoffer, Stanley E. 1999.
The Anxieties of Pliny the
Younger. Atlanta: Scholars Press.
Holland, Lora L. 2008.
Diana Feminarum Tutela?:
the Case of Noutrix Paperia. In Collection Latomus, Studies in Latin
Literature and Roman History 14: 95-115.
The article concerns the inscription by the nurse Paperia on a votive spearpoint, dedicated at Diana's sanctuary at Lake Nemi.
Holland, Lora L. 2008.
Euclios Solitary Slave:
Staphyla in Plautus Aulularia. In New England Classical
Journal (NECJ) 35.1: 21-30.
The article is about the role of the nurse Staphyla in Plautus' Aulularia.
Holland, Lora L. 2011.
Family Nomenclature and Same
Name Divinities in Roman Religion and Mythology. In Classical
World 104.2: 211-226.
Holleran, Claire. 2012.
Shopping in Ancient Rome: The
Retail Trade in the Late Republic and the Principate. Oxford; New York:
Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199698219
For a review of this book and its contents see BMCR 2013.02.51.
Holloway, R. Ross. Winter 2013-2014.
"A Cover-up in Early
Roman History: Fabia Minor and the Sextian-Licinian Reforms." In The
Classical Journal 109.2:139-146.
Hong, Yurie. 2013.
"Paedagogus: Teaching Rape Texts in
Classical Literature." In Classical World 106.4: 669-687.
Hope, Valerie M. 2011.
"Remembering to Mourn: Personal
Mementos of the Dead in Ancient Rome." In Memory and Mourning: Studies on
Roman Death, pp. 176-195. Edited by Valerie M. Hope and Janet Huskinson.
Oxford/Oakville, CT: Oxbow Books.
The article focuses on the funerary inscription for Allia Potestas. For a review of the collection of essays, see BMCR 2011.10.59.
Hopkins, M.K. 1965.
"The Age of Roman Girls at Marriage ." In
Population Studies 18.3: 309-327.
Hubbard, Thomas K., ed. 2014.
A Companion to Greek and
Roman Sexualities. Malden, MA: Oxford; Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
For a review of this book, see BMCR 2014.09.06
Huebner, Sabine R., Geoffrey S. Nathan, eds. 2017.
Mediterranean Families in Antiquity: Households, Extended Families, and
Domestic Space. Mailen, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
For a review of this book and its essays, see BMCR 2019.08.30
Huebner, Sabine R., David M. Ratzan, eds. 2021.
Missing Mothers: Maternal Absence in Antiquity. Interdisciplinary studies in ancient culture and religion, 22. Leuven: Peeters.
For a review of this book and its essays, see BMCR 2023.11.10
Hughes, Bettany. 2020.
Venus and Aphrodite: a biography of desire. New York: Basic Books.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2021.07.46
Hughes, Lisa A. July, 2007.
Unveiling the Veil: Cultic,
Status, and Ethnic Representations of Early Imperial Freedwomen. In
Material Religion 3.2: 218-241.
Huntsman, Eric D. 2009.
"Livia Before Octavian." In
Ancient Society 39.121-169.
Huskinson, Janet. 2011.
"Bad Deaths, Better Memories." In
Memory and Mourning: Studies on Roman Death, pp. 113-125. Edited by
Valerie M. Hope and Janet Huskinson. Oxford/Oakville, CT: Oxbow Books.
The article focuses on the mother-daughter altar for Julia Secunda and Cornelia Tyche. For a review of the collection of essays, see BMCR 2011.10.59.
Ingleheart, Jennifer. 2012.
Scripta Puella: Perilla as Poetic and Political Fiction in
Tristia 3.7. In Classical Quarterly 62.1, 2012, 227-241.
Israelowich, Ido. 2015.
Patients and Healers in the High
Roman Empire. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press.
See especially Chapters 3-5 "The Domus and Reproduction." For a review of the book, see BMCR 2015.08.05
James, Sharon L. 2001.
"The Economics of Roman Elegy:
Voluntary Poverty, the Recusatio, and the Greedy Girl." In American
Journal of Philology 122. 223-53.
James, Sharon L. 2003.
Learned Girls and Male Persuasion:
Gender and Reading in Roman Love Elegy. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London:
University of California Press.
James, Sharon L. Spring 2003.
"Her Turn to Cry: The Politics
of Weeping in Roman Love Elegy." In Transactions of the American
Philological Association 133.1: 99-122.
James, Sharon L. 2005.
"Effeminate Elegy, Comic Women, and the
Gender of Language: Recovering a Female Voice in Latin." Paper contributed to
APA Seminar "The Gender of Latin." Boston.
James, Sharon L. 2016.
"Fallite Fallentes : Rape and Intertextuality in
Terences Eunuchus and Ovids Ars amatoria." In
EuGeStA: Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity 6:
James, Sharon L. and Sheila Dillon (eds.) 2012.
Companion to Women in the Ancient World. Malden, Ma., Oxford, Chichester:
For a review of the book, see BMCR 2012.11.46 and CJ~Online 2013.05.03.
James, Sharon L., ed. 2022.
Golden Cynthia: essays on Propertius. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press.
For a review of the book, see BMCR 2023.08.19.
Johnson, Marguerite. 2016.
Ovid on Cosmetics:
Medicamina Faciei Femineae and Related Texts. London and New
York: Bloomsbury Academic.
For a review of the book, see BMCR 2016.10.17 .
Johnson, Marguerite and Terry Ryan. 2005.
Sexuality in
Greek and Roman Society and Literature. New York: Routledge.
This sourcebook of translated poetry, inscriptions, and documents provides a variety of texts through which students may explore the nature of sexuality in antiquity. A short but helpful introduction gives a sociological background to sexuality in Greece and Rome. Texts are arranged under the following topics: the divine sphere; beauty; marriage; prostitution; same-sex relationships; sex and violence; anxiety and repulsion; aids and handbooks. The book provides a valuable glossary of Roman sexual terms (e.g. adulterium, cultus; cinaedus). There are eleven BW photos, primarily evidence for Greek sexuality.
Jones, Prudence J. 2006.
Cleopatra: A Sourcebook.
Norman OK: Oklahoma University Press. 345 pp. Paper.
Jones, Prudence. 2015.
"Rewriting Power: Zenobia, Aurelian,
and the Historia Augusta." In Classical World 109.2:221-233.
Joshel, Sandra R. 1992a.
"The Body Female and the Body
Politic: Livy's Lucretia and Verginia." In Pornography and Representation in
Greece and Rome. Edited by Amy Richlin, 112-30. Oxford and New York: Oxford
University Press. Reprinted in Sexuality and Gender in the Classical
World. Edited by Laura K. McClure, 163-187. Oxford: Blackwell.
Joshel, Sandra R. Autumn, 1995.
"Female Desire and the
Discourse of Empire: Tacitus's Messalina." In Signs 21.1: 50-82.
Joshel, Sandra R. 2010.
Slavery in the Roman World.
Cambridge Introduction to Roman Civilization. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Joshel, Sandra R. 1992b.
Work, Identity, and Legal Status
at Rome: a study of the occupational inscriptions. Norman: University of
Oklahoma Press.
Joshel, Sandra R. and Sheila Murnaghan (eds.). 1989.
and Slaves in Greco-Roman Culture: Differential Equations. London and New
York: Routledge.
The anthology offers 14 valuable essays on the topic; those focused on Roman women are: Saller's "Symbols of gender and status hierarchies in the Roman household," Rei's "Villains, wives, and slaves in the comedies of Plautus," Clark's "Women, slaves and the hierarchies of domestic violence: The family of St. Augustine," Connolly's "Mastering corruption: Constructions of identity in Roman oratory," Parker's "Loyal slaves and loyal wives," McCarthy's "Servitium amoris: Amor servitii."
For a review see BMCR 1999.05.18.
Judge, Shelby. 2023.
"Men make terrible pigs": Teaching Madeline Miller's Circe and the New Feminist Mythic Archetype." In The Classical Outlook 98.3:108-131. Journal of the American Classical League.
Kajanto, Iiro. 1965.
The Latin
Cognomina. Societas scientiarum Fennica Commentationes Humanarum
Litterarum, xxxvi. 2. Helsinki: Keskuskirjapaino.
Kamen, Deborah, C.W. Marshall, eds. 2021.
Slavery and sexuality in classical antiquity. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press.
For a review see BMCR 2022.3.42.
Kampen, Natalie Boymel. 2009.
Family Fictions in Roman
Art: Essays on the Representation of Powerful People. Cambridge/New York:
Cambridge University Press.
Kampen, Natalie Boymel. 1981.
Image and Status: Roman
working women in Ostia. Berlin: Mann.
Kampen, Natalie Boymel. 1993.
"Social Status and Gender in
Roman Art: The Case of the Saleswoman." In Roman Art in Context: An
Anthology. Edited by Eve D'Ambra, 115-132. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0-13-781808-4. 247 pp., 97 b/w. Glossary, bibliography
Kampen explores the relation of gender and status in visual images of Roman working people to show how these interacted as determinants of visual images. She pays particular attention to visual imaging of Roman saleswomen to show how their social position helped shape their iconography in Roman art. She compares the different receptions of images of men's work and women's work: while images of men's work are plentiful and popular, enhancing the social status of the worker, women workers were seldom commemorated visually and their work tended to be either invisible or based on iconographies and models arising from role, gender and status.
Kapparis, K. 2002.
Abortion in the Ancient World.
London: Duckworth.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2003.01.35.
Keegan, Peter. 2021.
Livy's Women. Crisis, Resolution, and the Female in Rome's Foundation History. London and New York: Routledge.
For a review of this book see The Classical Review 72.1 (2022) 173-5.
Keegan, Peter. 2008.
"Turia, Lepidus, and Rome's Epigraphic Environment." In
Studia Humaniora Tartuensia 9.A.1.
Keith, A. M. 2000.
Engendering Rome: Women in Latin
Epic. New York: Cambridge University Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2000.06.23.
Keith, A. M. 2006.
"Women's Networks in Vergil's
Aeneid." In Dictynna 3: 2-13.
Keith, A. M. 2009.
"The Lay of the Land in Ovids
Perseid (Met.4.610-5.249)." In Classical World 102.3
(Spring): 259-272.
Keith, Alison. 2008.
"Lament in Lucan's BELLVM
CIVILE." In Lament: Studies in the Ancient Mediterranean and Beyond,
pp. 233-257. Edited by Ann Suter. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press.
The author discusses how Lucan fulfills the "audience's expectation of lamentation as a female genre, and . . . a wifely obligation. . . . " She concludes " . . . .Lucan affirms the power of women's lamentation in ancient Rome and the central role of Cornelia in the commemoration of Pompey." For a review of this chapter (11) and the entire book, see BMCR 2008.10.26.
Keith, Alison. 2011.
"Lycoris Galli/Volumnia Cytheris: a Greek Courtesan in Rome ."
In EuGeStA: Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity, issue 1.
Edited by Jacqueline Fabre-Serris and Judith Hallett.
Keith, Alison. 2013.
"Sexus muliebris in Flavian Epic." In EuGeStA: Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity, issue 3.
Edited by Jacqueline Fabre-Serris and Judith Hallett.
Keith, A. M. and Jonathan Edmondson, (eds). 2016.
Literary Cultures: Domestic Politics, Revolutionary Poetics, Civic
Spectacle. Phoenix Supplementary Volumes, 55. Toronto: University of
Toronto Press.
For a review of this festschrist for R. Elaine Fantham see Classical World 110.3 (Spring 2017) .
Keppie, Lawrence. 1991.
Understanding Roman
Inscriptions. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
King, K. L., ed. 1997.
Women and Goddess Traditions in
Antiquity and Today. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
Kleiner, Diana E. E. 2005.
Cleopatra and Rome.
Cambridge, MA, and London: The Belknap Press/Harvard University Press.
Kleiner, Diana E. E. and Susan B. Matheson (eds.). 1996.
I, Claudia: women in ancient Rome. New Haven: Yale University Art Gallery.
Distributed by the University of Texas Press, Austin.
This 1996 exhibition was the first comprehensive overview of the lives of Roman women as reflected in Roman art. The catalogue contains a number of essays and B&W illustrations of exhibit items, and some supplementary color illustrations. The essays are annotated under the authors' names in the Companion bibliography and include: Natalie B. Kampen, "Gender Theory in Roman Art"; Diana E. E. Kleiner, "Imperial Women as Patrons of the Arts in the Early Empire"; Klaus Fittschen, "Courtly Portraits of Women in the Era of the Adoptive Emperors (AD 98-180) and their Reception in Roman Society"; Andrew Wallace-Hadrill, "Engendering the Roman House"; Susan Treggiari, "Women in Roman Society:' Gordon Williams, "Representations of Roman women in Literature"; Susan B. Matheson, "The Divine Claudia: Women as Goddesses in Roman Art." The catalog also includes genealogy charts (Augustus and the Julio-Claudian dynasty; Trajan, Hadrian, and the Antonine dynasty; and the Severan dynasty); a glossary, suggestions for further reading; and a selected bibliography.
Kleiner, Diana E. E. and Susan B. Matheson (eds.). 2000.
I, Claudia II: Women in Roman art and society. Austin: University of
Texas Press.
Volume II provides additional essays for the significant 1996 exhibition on Roman women. The essays are illustrated with a number of b/w photos. A selected bibliography is included. The essays are annotated under the authors' names in the Companion bibliography and include: "Her Parents Gave Her the Name Claudia," Diana E. E. Kleiner and Susan B. Matheson; "Livia to Helena: Women in Power, Women in the Provinces," Cornelius C. Vermeule III; "Livia: Portrait and Propaganda, " Rolf Winkes; "Family Ties: Mothers and Sons in Elite and Non-Elite Roman Art," Diana E. E. Kleiner; "Just Window Dressing? Imperial Women as Architectural Sculpture," Mary T. Boatwright; "Mortals, Empresses, and Earth goddesses: Demeter and Persephone in Public and Private Apotheosis," Susan Wood; "Nudity and Adornment in Female Portrait Sculpture of the Second Century AD," Eve D'Ambra; "Jewelry for the Unmarried," Andrew Oliver; "The Elder Claudia: Older Women in Roman Art," Susan B. Matheson; "Marriage Egyptian Style," Diana Delia; "Widows Too Young in their Widowhood," Ann Ellis Hanson.
Kleiner, Diana E. E. 1987.
"Women and Family Life on Roman
Imperial Funerary Altars." In Latomus 46: 545-554.
Knapp, Robert . 2011.
Invisible Romans. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press.
For a review see BMCR 2012.07.03.
Knorr, Ortwin. Spring 2006.
"Horace's Ship Ode (Odes
1.14) in Context: A Metaphorical Love-Triangle." In Transactions of the
American Philological Association 136.1: 149-169.
Koloski-Ostrow, Ann Olga and Claire L. Lyons. 1997.
Truths: Women, Sexuality and Gender in Classical Art and Archaeology.
London/New York: Routledge.
For a review see BMCR 1999.03.03.
Kokkinos, Nikos. 1992.
Antonia Augusta: Portrait of a
Great Roman Lady. London: Routledge.
Kondoleon, Christine, and Phoebe C. Segal (eds.) .
Aphrodite and the Gods of Love. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts
Kraemer, Ross S. 1992.
Her Share of the Blessings: Women's
Religions Among Pagans, Jews, and Christians in the Greco-Roman World.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kraemer, Ross S. 1988.
Maenads, Martyrs, Matrons,
Monastics: a sourcebook on women's religions in the Greco-Roman world.
Philadelphia: Fortress Press.
Kraemer, Ross Shepard. 2010.
Unreliable Witnesses:
Religion, Gender, and History in the Greco-Roman Mediterranean. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Kraemer, Ross S. and Mary R. D'Angelo. 1999.
Women &
Christian Origins. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
Kraemer, Ross S. 2004.
Women's Religions in the
Greco-Roman World: a sourcebook. Oxford and New York: Oxford University
Kragelund, Patrick. 2016.
Roman Historical Drama: The
Octavia in Antiquity and Beyond. Oxford and New York: Oxford University
For a review see BMCR 2011.10.46.
Krag, Sgne and Rubina Raja (eds). 2019.
Women, children
and the family in Palmyra. Palmyrene studies, 3. Copenhagen: The Royal
Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters.
For a review see BMCR 2020.04.10
Kubler, Anne. 2017.
"Roman Matrons, Guardians of Memory" In Clio. Women, Gender, History 46: 246-263.
Kunst, Christiane . 2005.
Uxoria. Badges of Rank or Jewellery of Roman Wives?" In Medieval
History Journal 8. 1: 127-142.
This article aims at a critical assessment of Roman jewellery and its social function. The literary sources in general take a moralising stance towards jewellery and the external appearance of women, particularly of those from families of the nobility. An analysis of legal and pictorial evidence shows that the ornamenta uxoria had more than a decorative function. They clearly indicated wealth, rank and merit. Furthermore, a change of function from republican to imperial times can be detected: during the republic, a noblewoman's ornamenta were indicative of the status of her family (gens). Later, in imperial times, women were allowed ornamenta for individual merits (motherhood being first among them).
Laes, Christian. 2011 (English translation;
Dutch original 2006).
Children in the Roman Empire: Outsiders Within.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
The author notes early on (p. 2) that girls are absent in the sources, though he has tried to represent them where possible. He directs the reader to the chapters (5 and 6) on labor and sexuality, but there too they are hardly present. Chapter 3 on Early Childhood includes information about the women --mothers, nurses, and midwives -- central to the early existence of a Roman child. For a review see BMCR 2011.10.46.
Laes, Christian. 2019.
"Children and Bullying/Harassment in
Greco-Roman Antiquity." In The Classical Journal 115.1:33-60.
Laes, Christian, Ville Vuolanto, (eds.). 2017.
Children and
Everyday Life in the Roman and Late Antique World. London; New York:
For a review see BMCR 2017.08.49. Essays that expressly address gender: 6. Being a niece or nephew: Childrens social environment in Roman Oxyrhynchos (April Pudsey and Ville Vuolanto) 79; 8. Roman girls and boys at play: Realities and representations (Fanny Dolansky) 116; 18. Listening for the voices of two disabled girls in early Christian literature (Anna Rebecca Solevåg) 287
LaFollette, Laetitia. 1994, 2001.
"The Costume of the Roman
Bride." In The World of Roman Costume. Edited by Judith Lynn Sebesta and
Larissa Bonfante, 54-64, 6 bw. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press. ISBN
La Follette analyzes in detail the elements of the Roman bridal costume: tunica recta, flammeum, and the bridal coiffure. As the Vestal Virgin also dressed her hair in a manner similar to the bride's, La Follette examines portrait heads of Vestals to reconstruct the coiffure. La Follette demonstrates how all elements of the bridal costume are connected with the Flaminica Dialis and the Vestal Virgins.
Langford, Julie. 2013.
Maternal Megalomania: Julia Domna
and the Imperial Politics of Motherhood. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press.
Langlands, Rebecca. 2006.
Sexual Morality in Ancient
Rome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. viii, 399.
The book is notable for its close study of the range of meanings of pudicitia, its focus on women as moral subjects in Latin literature, and its use of illustrative texts from Valerius Maximus.
Lateiner, Donald J. 2013
Gendered and Gendering Insults and Compliments in the Latin
Novels." In EuGeStA: Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity, issue 3.
Edited by Jacqueline Fabre-Serris and Judith Hallett.
Leach, Eleanor Winsor. 2007.
"Claudia Quinta
(Pro Caelio 34) and an Altar to Magna Mater." In
Dictynna 4: 1-12.
Leach, Eleanor Winsor . 2008.
Querela: Coopting the Danaids in Horace Ode 3.11 and in Augustan
Rome." In Classical World 102.1.
Leen, Anne. 2000-2001.
Oppugnatrix: The Domus Motif in Ciceros Pro Caelio." In
The Classical Journal 96.2: 141-162.
Lefkowitz, Mary R. and Maureen B. Fant. 2005.
Women's Life
in Greece and Rome. A Source Book in Translation. 3d. ed. Baltimore: The
Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 0-8018-8310-5. 420 pp. 22 b/w plates.
The source book is comprised of 452 readings that illuminate the lives of women of Greece and Rome, from the sixth century BCE through the late fourth century CE. The selections are arranged in broad themes: Women's Voices, Men's Opinions, Philosophers on the Role of Women, Legal Status in the Greek World, Legal Status in the Roman World, Public Life, Public Life, Occupations, Medicine and Anatomy, Religion. There are sub-topics within each theme. Generally Greek and Roman sources are grouped together. The collection includes Christian sources. Notes on the selections, bibliography, and indices are in the back of the book. The third edition includes 73 additional sources, with notes, in an appendix keyed to the themes in women's lives, and an updated bibliography. Selections from the second edition are posted at Diotima. For a review of the fourth edition see BMCR 2017.05.23
Lelis, Arnold A., William A. Percy, and Beert C. Verstraete.
The Age of Marriage in Ancient Rome. Lewiston, Queenston,
Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press.
For a review, see BMCR 2006.05.29
Leeming, David. 2014.
Medusa: In the Mirror of Time.
London: Reaktion Books. ISBN 9781780230955.
For a review of the book and its contents, see BMCR 2014.08.09.
Levick, Barbara. 1983.
"The The Senatus Consultum from
Larinum." In The Journal of Roman Studies 73: 97-115.
Levick, Barbara. 2007.
Julia Domna, Syrian Empress.
London and New York: Routledge.
Levick, Barbara. 2014.
Faustina I and II: Imperial Women
of the Golden Age. Oxford: University Press.
For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR 2014.07.32 and CJ 111.2.246-8.
Levin-Richardson, Sarah. February/March 2013.
"Futata sum
Hic: Female subjectivity and Agency in Pompeian Sexual Graffiti." In The
Classical Journal 108.3: 319-345.
Libatique, Daniel. 2015.
"A Narratological
Investigation of Ovid's Medea: Met.7.1-424." In Classical World
Lightman, Marjorie, Benjamin. 2000.
Dictionary of Ancient Greek & Roman Women: Notable Women from Sappho to
Helena. New York: Checkmark Books.
Lightman, Marjorie, William Zeisel. March, 1977.
"Univira: An Example of Continuity and Change in Roman Society." Church History 46.1 19-32.
Lindheim, Sara H. 2008.
Mail and Female: Epistolary
Narrative and Desire in Ovid's Heroides. Madison: University of Wisconsin
Lindheim, Sara. 2021.
Latin elegy and the space of empire. Oxford Studies in Classical Literature and Gender Theory. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2021.12.43.
Lindner, Molly M. 2015.
Portraits of the Vestal Virgins,
Priestesses of Ancient Rome. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR 2016.04.49.
Lindsay, Hugh. 2004.
"Laudatio Murdiae: Its Content
and Significance." In Latomus 63:88-97.
Loven, Lena L. 1998.
"Lanam Fecit: woolworking and
female virtue." In Aspects of Women in Antiquity: proceedings of the First
Nordic Symposium on Women's Lives in Antiquity. Goteborg, 12-15 June 1997.
Edited by Lena L. Loven and Agneta Stromberg, pp. 85-95. Jonsered.
Loven, Lena Larsson and Agneta Stromberg (eds). 2007.
Public Roles and Personal Status: Men and Women in Antiquity.
Proceedings of the Third Nordic Symposium on Gender and Women's History in
Antiquity. Sävedalen : Paul Åströms förlag.
See especially: Etruscan women and power / Annette Rathje; Women in Estruscan tomb-painting / Charlotte Scheffer; Late Etruscan sarcophagi as expressions of status for women and men / Marjatta Nielsen; How to be a great Roman lady : images of Cornelia in ancient literary tradition / Marja-Leena Hänninen; Public roles and personal status : the case of Antonia Minor / Lena Larsson Lovén; Gendered identities and the conformity of male-female virtues on Roman mythological sarcophagi / Inge Lyse Hansen; The changing role of the vestal virgins / Katariian Mustakallio.
Loven, Lena Larsson and Agneta Stromberg (ed). 2010.
Ancient Marriage in Myth and Reality. Tyne & Wear, UK: Cambridge
Scholars Publishing.
The volume contains thirteen articles under three headings: "I. Ancient Marriage in Myth, Legend, and Literature"; "II. Planning the Marriage, Wedding Ceremonies and Symbolism"; "III. Marriage in Etruscan, Greek and Roman Funerary Iconography." Among the contributors are Judith Evans-Grubbs, Karen K. Hersch, and Glenys Davies, as well as the editor Lena Larsson Loven.
Loven, Lena Larssom. 2016.
"Women, Trade, and Production in
the Urban Centres of Roman Italy." In Urban Craftsmen and Traders in the
Roman World. Oxford studies on the Roman economy. Edited by Andrew Wilson,
Miko Flohr, chapter 9. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
For a review of the book, see BMCR 2017.10.02
MacLaughlan, Bonnie. Summer, 2006.
"Voices from the Underworld: The Female Body
Discussed in Two Dialogues." In the Paedagogus section of Classical
World 99.4: 423-433. This article has been reprinted with the kind
permission of the editor of Classical World.
MacLaughlan, Bonnie. 2013.
Women of
Ancient Rome: A Sourcebook. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
MacLaughlan, Bonnie, Judith Fletcher, eds.
Virginity Revisited: Configurations of the Unpossessed Body.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Maehle, Ingvar. n.d.
"Female Cult in the Struggle of the Orders."
Department of History, University of Bergen.
Manioti, Nikoletta, ed.. 2016.
Family in Flavian Epic
. Mnemosyne supplements: Monographs on Greek and Latin language and
literature, 394. Leiden; Boston: Brill.
See especially "Daddys Little Girl? The Father/Daughter Bond in Valerius Flaccus Argonautica and Flavian Rome," Claire Stocks; "Over Her Live Body? Marriage in Valerius Flaccus Argonautica," Emma Buckley; "A Perfect Murder: The Hypsipyle Epyllion," Peter Hesli; "Becoming Sisters: Antigone and Argia in Statius Thebaid," Nikoletta Manioti; "Fatal Unions: Marriage at Thebes," Carole Newlands; "Sisters and Their Secrets in Flavian Epic," Alison Keith; "Burial and Lament in Flavian Epic: Mothers, Fathers, Children," Antony Augoustakis. For a review of this book see BMCR 2017.03.04.
Mann, Kristin. 2020.
"Reading Gender in Phaedrus'
Fabulaer." In The Classical Journal 115.2: 201-227.
Marshall, Anthony J. 1989.
"Ladies at Law: The Role of Women
in the Roman Civil Courts." In Studies in Latin Literature and Roman
History, edited by C. Deroux. Brussels: Latomus 206: 35-54.
Marshall, Anthony J. Spring 1990.
"Roman Ladies on Trial: The
Case of Maesia of Sentinum." In Phoenix 44.1: 46-59.
Marshall examines the anecdote in Valerius Maximus (8.3.1) of Maesia who argued her own case in court in the late Republic and who became notorious for usurping a critical male role and violating the feminine norm of pudicitia. Marshall discusses her case as it pertains to the principle of women's exclusion from criminal quaestiones and why she defended herself rather than a male relative.
Marsilio, Maria S. 2012.
"Catullus 36: Love and Literary
Criticism." In Latomus 338: 126-133.
Martin, Susan. 2006.
Latin II:
Women of Rome "Private Lives and Public Personae."
Kentucky Educational Television: Distance Learning, University of
Masterson, Mark, Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz. 2015.
Sex in
Antiquity: Exploring Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World. Rewriting
antiquity. London; New York: Routledge.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2015.03.51.
Mastrocinque, Attilio. 2014.
Bona Dea and the Cults of
Roman Women. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2015.03.51.
Mazurek, Lindsey A. 2022.
Isis in a global empire: Greek identity through Egyptian religion in Roman Greece. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2023.12.11.
Mayor, Adrienne. 2014.
The Amazons: Lives and Legends of
Warrior Women across the Ancient World. Princeton; Oxford: Princeton
University Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2015.12.05.
Mayor, José Manuel Blanco. 2017.
Power Play in
Latin Love Elegy and Its Multiple Forms of Continuity in Ovid's
'Metamorphoses'. Berlin, Boston: DeGruyter.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2018.01.05.
McAuley, Mairéad. 2012.
"Matermorphoses: Motherhood and the Ovidian Epic." In EuGeStA: Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity, issue 2.
Edited by Jacqueline Fabre-Serris and Judith Hallett.
McAuley, Mairéad. 2016.
Reproducing Rome: Motherhood
in Virgil, Ovid, Seneca and Statius.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2016.10.46.
McAuslan, Ian and Peter Walcot (eds.). 1996.
Women in
Antiquity: Greece and Rome Studies. New York: Oxford.
McClure, Laura K. (ed.) . 2002.
Sexuality and Gender in
the Classical World: Readings and Sources. Oxford: Blackwell.
For a review of this book and list of its essays, see BMCR 2003.02.23.
McCullough, Anna. 2008.
"Female Gladiators in Imperial Rome."
In Classical World 101.2: 197-209.
McCullough argues that though literary references to female gladiators are sparse, there is reason to believe that women were fighting other women in the late Republic. Such women may have been primarily of social rank lower than equestrian, but the Senatus Consultum of 22 B.C. indicates that there was some concern that women of higher rank might also perform in the arena. Most literary references, however, occur during the period of Nero and the Flavians. McCullough argues that authors make such references in order to point out the lavishness and splendor of the games offered and to make moral comments on past and present Roman emperors and society. She notes that there is no attested Latin word for female gladiator (gladiatrix is a modern coinage) and no evidence that the women fought male gladiators.
McCune, Blanche Conger. Winter 2013-2014.
"Lucan's Militia
Amoris: Elegiac Expectations in the Bellum Civile." In The
Classical Journal 109.2:171-198.
McGinn, Thomas. 1991.
"Concubinage and the Lex Iulia
on Adultery." In Transactions of the American Philological Association
121: 335-375.
McGinn, Thomas. 1999.
"Widows, Orphans and Social History."
In Journal of Roman Archaeology 12:617-32.
McGinn, Thomas. 2004.
The Economy of Prostitution in the
Roman World: a study of social history and the brothel. Ann Arbor:
University of Michigan Press.
Mclntosh, Gillian Elizabeth. 1997.
"Haec est illa meis multum cantata libellis: An
Investigation of Female Personae in the Epigrams of Martial." A
thesis submitted to the Department of Classics in confomity with the
requirements of the degree of Master of Arts. Queen's University, Kingston,
Ontario, Canada. 120 pp. PDF.
McLeod, Glenda. 1991.
Virtue and Venom. Catalogs of
Women from Antiquity to the Renaissance. Ann Arbor: The University of
Michigan Press. ISBN 0-472-10206-0. 168 pp.
The literary genre "catalogs of women" presented women as types and contributed to the stereotyping of women in the popular imagination. Yet as cultural values associated with women changed, the catalogs also changed, and the genre could be used to oppose authority and voice women's minority opinion. This volume covers the catalogs of Homer, Hesiod, Semonides, Vergil, Ovid, Juvenal, Plutarch, St. Jerome, as well as medieval catalogs.
McManus, Barbara F. 1997.
Classics and Feminism: gendering
the classics. New York and London: Twayne Publishers and Prentice Hall
McNamara, Jo Ann. 1998, 3d. ed.
"Matres patriae/
Matres Ecclesiae: Women of Rome." In Becoming Visible: Women in
European History. Edited by Renate Bridenthal, Susan Mosher Stuard, Merry
E. Wiesner, 76-103. Boston, New York: Houghton Mifflin Co. ISBN 0-395-79625-3.
1 b/w.
McNamara focuses on the changes in women's lives that occurred during the Roman empire as laws moderated Roman patriarchy and women gained control of their money and were able to establish themselves in positions of political influence. She also examines the role of women in religious innovations, including how women used Christianity as a way of attaining their social and political aspirations.
Merriam, Carol U. 2011.
"She who laughs best: Ovid, Ars
Amatoria 3.279-90." In Latomus 70: 404-21.
Metzger, E. 2001.
"The Case of Petronia Iusta." In Revue
Internationale des Droit de l'Antiquite (3rd series) 47:151-165.
Meyers, Rachel. 2016
"Filiae Augustorum: The Ties That
Bind in the Antonine Age." Classical World 109.4: 487-505. Classical
Association of the Atlantic States.
Miles, Margaret M., ed. 2011.
Cleopatra: A Sphinx
Revisited. Berkeley: University of California Press.
For a review see BMCR 2011.12.64
Milner, Kristina. 2006.
Gender, Domesticity, and the Age
of Augustus: Inventing Private Life. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Moltesen, Mette and Anne Marie Nielsen. 2007.
Minor. Life and Afterlife. Copenhagen: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Pp. 248;
ills. and figs. ISBN 978-87-7452-296-6.
Montserrat, Dominic. 2000.
Reading Gender in the Roman
World. In Experiencing Rome: Culture, Identity and Power in the Roman
Empire. Edited by Janet Huskinson. London and New York: Routledge.
Mucznik, Sonia. 1999.
"Roman Priestesses: the Case of Metilia
Acte." In Assaph: Studies in Art History 4. 61-78. 10 b/w.
The sarcophagus of Metilia Acte, priestess of Magna Mater, and her husband Junius Euhodus was found at Ostia. Mucznik analyzes the dedicatory inscription to determine the duties of a priestess of the Magna Mater and the social significance of this position. She reasons that since holding this priestly office was a costly activity, Metilia probably enjoyed high social and economic status.
Mueller, Frank, Carla Benocci, Valter Proietti, Gary Vos.
The so-called Aldobrandini Wedding: research from the years
1990 to 2016. Amsterdam: FM Art Publications.
For a review see BMCR 2021.03.10
Mueller, Hans-Friedrich. 1998.
"Vita, Pudicitia,
Libertas: Juno, Gender, and Religious Politics in Valerius Maximus." In
Transactions of the American Philological Association 128:221-263.
Mueller, Hans-Friedrich. 2011.
"Spectral Rome from Female
Perspective: An Experiment in Recouping Women's Religious Experience (CIL
6.18817 = ILS 8006 =Orelli 2.4775)." In Classical World 104.2: 227-243.
Muich, Rebecca Marie. 2004.
"The Worship
of Roman Divae: The Julio-Claudians to the Antonines." In
fulfillment for the degree of Master of Arts, Graduate School, the University
of Florida.
Mulhern, E.V. April-May 2017.
"Roma(na) Matrona." In The
Classical Journal 112.4: 432-459. Classical Association of the Middle West
and South.
Munteanu, Dana LaCourse. 2011.
Emotion, Genre and Gender in
Classical Antiquity. London: Bristol Classical Press.
For a review see BMCR 2012.01.04
Murnaghan, Sheila and Sandra R. Joshel, (eds.). 1999.
Women & Slaves in Greco-Roman Culture. London and New York:
Routledge. ISBN 0-415-16229-7. 255 pp., bibliography
The anthology offers 14 valuable essays on the topic; those focused on Roman women are: Saller's "Symbols of gender and status hierarchies in the Roman household," Rei's "Villains, wives, and slaves in the comedies of Plautus," Clark's "Women, slaves and the hierarchies of domestic violence: The family of St. Augustine," Connolly's "Mastering corruption: Constructions of identity in Roman oratory," Parker's "Loyal slaves and loyal wives," McCarthy's "Servitium amoris: Amor servitii." For a review see BMCR 1999.05.18
Myers, Nancy. 2003.
"Cicero's (S)Trumpet: Roman Women and the Second
Philippic." In Rhetoric Review 22.4.337-52.
Myers, Rachel. 2021.
"Exceptional Female Benefactors in Roman Hispania." In The Classical Journal 117.2: 176-204.
Natoli, Bartolo A., Judith P. Hallett. 2022.
Ancient women writers of Greece and Rome. Abingdon; New York: Routledge.
For a review see BMCR 2023.10.34.
Niels, Jenifer. 2011.
Women in the Ancient World. Los
Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum.
For a review see BMCR 2012.07.22.
Noreña, Carlos F. Fall-Winter 2007.
Chastity." In Phoenix 61. 3/4: 296-317. Classical Association of
Oakley, John H., Rebecca H. Sinos. 1993.
The Wedding in Ancient Athens. Madison, Wisconsin: University of
Wisconsin Press.
Ogden, Daniel. 2002.
Magic, Witchcraft, and Ghosts in the
Greek and Roman Worlds: A Sourcebook. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN
0-19-515123-2. 353 pp.
The sourcebook presents 300 translated texts from literary and documentary sources, dating from the Greek Archaic period through the end of the Roman Empire. Some Christian sources are included. Chapters include: Medea and Circe, Witches in Greek Literature, Witches in Latin Literature. Texts include forms of magic used by women, such as curses, oracles, voodoo dolls, amulets, and the like. Notes accompany each text. The volume contains a bibliography and indices.
Ohrman, Magdalena. 2008.
Varying Virtue. Mythological
Paragons of Wifely Virtues in Roman Elegy. In Studia Graeca et Latina
Lundensia 15. Lund: Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund
For a review of this book, see BMCR 2009.04.47.
Olasope, Olankunbi O. October, 2009.
"Univira: The Ideal Roman Matrona." In Lumina 20.2, 1-18.
Olson, K. 2009.
"Cosmetics in Roman Antiquity: Substance,
Remedy, Poison." In Classical World 102.3 (Spring): 291-310. Classical
Association of the Atlantic States.
Olson, K. 2008.
Dress and the Roman Woman:
Self-Presentation and Society. London and New York: Routledge.
O'Reilly, Katharine R., Caterina Pello`, edd. 2023.
Ancient women philosophers: recovered ideas and new perspectives. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.
For a review of this book, see BMCR 2024.06.11.
Osgood, Josiah. 2006.
"Nuptiae Iure Civili Congruae:
Apuleius's Story of Cupid and Psyche and the Roman Law of Marriage." In
Transactions of the American Philological Association 136: 415-441.
Osgood, Josiah. 2014.
Turia: A Roman Woman's Civil
War. Oxford/ New York: Oxford University Press.
Osiek, Carolyn. 2008.
"Roman and Christian Burial Practices
and the Patronage of Women." In Commemorating the Dead: Texts and Artifacts
in Context. Edited by Laurie Brink, O.P. and Deborah Green, 243-270. Berlin
and New York: Walter de Gruyter.
Östenberg, Ida, Simon Malmberg, Jonas Bjørnebye, eds.
The Moving City: Processions, Passages and Promenades in Ancient
Rome. London, New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
For a review of this book, see BMCR 2017.04.12.
Panayotakis, C. 2006.
"Women in the Greco-Roman Mime of the
Roman Republic and the Early Empire." In Ordia Prima 5.121-138.
Pandey, Nandini B. 2018.
"Caput mundi: Female Hair as
Symbolic Vehicle of Domination in Ovidian Love Elegy." In The Classical
Journal 113.4: 454-488.
Panoussi, Vassiliki. 2019.
Brides, Mourners, Bacchae:
Women's Rituals in Roman Literature. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
For a review of this book see BMCR 2020.10.45.
Panoussi, Vassiliki. 2007.
"Sexuality and Ritual: Catullus'
Wedding Poems," in A Companion to Catullus, ed. M. Skinner. Oxford:
Wiley-Blackwell, 276-292.
Parca, Maryline and Angeliki Tzanetou. 2015.
Gender, East, and West in Classical Antiquity." Special Issue: Papers from the
2010 WCC Panel at the APA meeting. In Classical World 109.2.155-164.
Classical Association of the Atlantic States.
Parker, Holt. 2004.
"Why Were the Vestals Virgins? or The
Chastity of Women and the Safety of the Roman State." In American Journal of
Philology 125.4: 563-592; Appendix: Chronological list of punished Vestals,
593-595; Bibliography 595-601.
Drawing on anthropoligical study of witchcraft and the sacrificial victim, Parker offers some answers to the questions of why Vestals had to be virgins, why they were murdered at times of political crisis, and why they were murdered by being buried alive. His arguments are based on the fact that the Vestals represented, metonymically, the city of Rome and so in times of crisis they served as pharmakon/pharmakos. He argues that the punishment of Vestals and matronae as well as establishment of cults of chastity, were attempts, based in sympathetic magic and out of deep fear of woman as stranger, to ward off crises to the city, as their inviolability represented the inviolability of the community.
Paul, Joshua. 2023.
"Quicumque Meos Violavit Amores: Romantic Roadblocks and the Inmates of Tartarus in Tibullus 1.3." In Classical World 116.3: 273-297.
Paule, Maxwell Teitel. 2017.
Canidia, Rome's First
Witch. London, New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
For a review of this book, see BMCR 2018.01.07.
Perkins, Caroline A. Spring, 2011.
"The Figure of Elegy in
Amores 3.1: Elegy as Puella, Elegy as Poeta, Puella
as Poeta." In Classical World 104.3: 313-331. Classical
Association of the Atlantic States.
Perry, Matthew J. 2014.
Gender, Manumission, and the Roman
Freedwoman. New York: Cambridge University Press.
For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR 2016.08.18.
Pharr, Clyde. February, 1939.
"Roman Legal Education." In
The Classical Journal 34.5: 257-270.
While this article primarily traces the development of Roman legal education through Justinian, pages 268-270 discuss the reasons Roman writers gave why women were prohibited from practicing law and in particular Carfrania, who was notorious for bringing frequent litigation and pleading her own cases.
Plant, I. M. 2004.
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and
Rome: an anthology. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
Pomeroy, Sarah B. 1975.
Goddesses, Whores, Wives and
Slaves: Women in Classical Antiquity. New York: Schocken Books.
Pomeroy, Sarah B. 2007.
The Murder of Regilla: A Case of
Domestic Violence in Antiquity. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
ISBN 978-0-674-02583-7.
Appia Annia Regilla Atilia Caucidia Tertulla (ca. 125-160 CE) was a member of one of the most prominent (socially, politically, financially) aristocratic families in 2nd century Rome and was related to the Emperor Hadrian. At age fifteen, she married Herodes Atticus (some twenty-four years her senior), one of the wealthiest men in the Roman Empire, a Greek, prominent philosopher and former tutor of Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus. Some twenty years later, Regilla died in mysterious circumstances, while eight months pregnant with her sixth child. Pomeroy uses an approach called "incident analysis, in which a single dramatic event such as a murder becomes a means of exploring social relations in the past" ( p. 7). Employing archaeological and epigraphical sources, literary references, political and social history and gender studies, Pomeroy tries to discover the causes leading to Regilla's murder and to picture the intimate life these two prominent persons negotiated. Although Herodes Atticus was charged and acquited, her murderer was never found.
Pomeroy, Sarah B. 2014.
Pythagorean Women: Their History
and Writings. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN
For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR 2014.08.58.
Pomeroy, Sarah B. 1988.
"Women in Roman Egypt: A Preliminary
Study Based on Papyri." In ANRW II.10.1: 708-723.
Pomeroy, Sarah B, ed. 1991.
Women's History and Ancient
History. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.
Pomeroy, Sarah B. 1990.
Women in Hellenistic Egypt: From
Alexander to Cleopatra. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
Potter, David, 2015.
Theodora: Actress, Empress, Saint.
Women in antiquity. New York: Oxford University Press.
For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR 2016.05.14.
Prince, Meredith. 2013.
"Canidia Channels Medea: Rereading
Horace's Epode 5." In Classical World 106.4:609-620. Classical
Association of the Atlantic States.
Pyy, Elina. 2020.
Women and war in Roman epic. The language of classical literature
33. Leiden; Boston: Brill.
For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR 2022.01.16.
Rabinowitz, Nancy. 1993.
Feminist Theory
and the Classics (Thinking Gender). New York: Routledge Press.
Racette-Campbell, Melanie. February/March 2013.
Contracts, Fides and Gender Roles in Propertius 3.20." In The
Classical Journal 108.3: 297-317.
Raia, Ann. 1983, rev. 2002.
Roles in Plautine Comedy. A paper delivered at the 4th Conference on
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies, St. Josephs College, North Windham,
Maine, in the panel Puella, Matrona, Meretrix: Women in Roman
Literature and Life.
Rantala, Jussi. 2019.
Gender, memory, and identity in the
Roman world. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
For a list of the chapters and a review of the book, see BMCR 2021.03.46.
Rawson, Beryl. 2003.
Children and Childhood in Roman
Italy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
See an illustrated summary of Rawson's thesis by Barbara McManus.
Rawson, Beryl, ed. 2011.
A Companion to Families in the
Greek and Roman Worlds. Chichester, U.K., Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Rawson, Beryl, ed. 1986.
The Family in Ancient Rome: New
perspectives. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Rawson, Beryl, ed. 1991.
Marriage, Divorce, and Children
in Ancient Rome. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Rawson, Beryl. 1974.
"Roman Concubinage and other De
Facto Marriages." In Transactions of the American Philological
Association 104:279-305.
Rawson, Beryl and Paul Weaver. 1997.
The Roman Family in
Italy: Status, Sentiment, Space. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
The book contains the following essays: Richard Saller, "Roman Kinship: Structure and Sentiment"; Jane Gardner, "Legal Stumbling Blocks for Lower-Class Families in Rome"; Paul Weaver, "Children of Junian Latins"; Werner Eck, "Rome and the Outside World: Senatorial Families and the World they Lived In"; Peter Garnsey, "Sons, Slaves -- and Christians"; Tim Parkin, "Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Elderly Members of the Roman Family"; Suzanne Dixon, "Conflict in the Roman Family"; Hanne Sigismund Nielsen, "Interpreting Epithets in Roman Epitaphs"; Beryl Rawson, "The Iconography of Roman Childhood"; Paul Gallivan and Peter Wilkins, "Familial Structures in Roman Italy: A Regional Approach"; Lisa Nevett, "Perceptions of Domestic Space in Roman Italy"; Michele George, "Repopulating the Roman House"; Penelope Allison, "Artefact Distribution and Spatial Function in Pompeian Houses." For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR 1998.08.03.
Richlin, Amy. 2014.
Arguments with Silence: Writing the
History of Roman Women. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
For a list of the essays and a review of the book, see BMCR 2015.02.19.
Richlin, Amy. 2011.
"Parallel lives: Domitia Lucilla and Cratia, Fronto and
Marcus." In EuGeStA: Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity, issue 1.
Edited by Jacqueline Fabre-Serris and Judith Hallett.
Richlin, Amy. 1997.
"Pliny's Brassiere." In Roman
Sexualities. Edited by Judith P. Hallett and Marilyn B. Skinner, 197-220.
Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Riddle, John M. 1992.
Contraception and Abortion from the
Ancient World to the Renaissance. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Pp. x + 245. ISBN 0-674-16875-5.
For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR 04.04.08.
Riddle, John M. 1999.
Eve's Herbs: A History of
Contraception and Abortion in the West. Harvard MA: Harvard University
Press. ISBN 0-674-27026-6.
Roberts, Paul. 2013.
Life and Death in Pompeii and
Herculaneum. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199987436.
For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR 2014.04.54.
Roche, P. A. 2002.
"The Public Image of Trajan's Family." In
Classical Philology 97: 41-60.
Rohr Vio, Francesca. 2022.
Powerful Matrons: new political actors in the late Roman republic. Libera res publica, 6. Sevilla; Zaragoza: Editorial Universidad de Sevilla; Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza,
For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR 2024.09.11.
Rolfe, J. C. 1901.
"The Diction of the Roman Matrons.-- Plin.
Epist. I.16.6." In Classical Review 15.9 (December) 452-453.
In this letter Pliny comments on the archaic writing style of the wife of one of his friends. Rolfe finds that Pliny's comment corroborates that of Cicero, viz., that women in general preserve the diction of Plautus or Naevius (de Orat. 8.12.45). Therefore Rolfe does not think the wife of Pliny's friend was consciously assuming the archaistic style that was coming into fashion, but rather is continuing the traditional style of diction among elite women.
Roller, Duane W. 2010.
Cleopatra: A Biography. Women in
Antiquity. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780195365535.
For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR 2010.09.40.
Roller, Duane W. 2018.
Cleopatra's Daughter and Other Royal
Women of the Augustan Era. Women in Antiquity. Oxford/New York: Oxford
University Press.
For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR 2019.02.22.
Roller, Matthew. 2003.
"Horizontal Women: Posture and Sex in
the Roman Convivium." In American Journal of Philology 124:
Roller examines both visual and literary evidence to determine whether women dined reclining or sitting on couches at a convivium. It is generally thought that until the Augustan era, respectable women sat on couches, while others, including prostitutes, reclined alongside men, and their doing so signaled their sexual availability. Women, however, are portrayed as seated in visual representations of banquets (e.g. in tombs). Roller argues that while a woman of any status could recline at banquet beside a man with whom she was lawfully connected, respectable women would be represented as sitting, in accord with sexual mores rather than with social practice.
Romero, Margarita Sanches, ad Rosa Maria Cid Lopez (edd.). 2018.
Motherhood and Infancies in the Mediterranean in Antiquity. Childhood
in the Past Monograph Series. Oxford; Philadelphia: Oxbow Books.
For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR 2019.06.33.
Rosivach, Vincent J. 1994-5.
"ANUS: Some Older Women
in Latin Literature." In Classical World 88:107-117. Classical
Association of the Atlantic States.
Roth, Ulrike. 2004.
"Inscribed meaning: The Vilica and the
Villa Economy." In Papers of the British School at Rome 72: 101-124.
Rothe, Ursula. 2020.
The toga and Roman identity.
London; New York: Blomsbury Academic.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2020.09.12.
Rouyer, Leigh Grace. 2004.
"Monumental Mulieres: Amplifying Female Voices through STEM." In The American Classical League 98.2: 63-76.
Rowlandson, Jane, (ed.) . 1998.
Women and Society in Greek
and Roman Egypt: A Sourcebook. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN
0-521-58815-4. 406 pp. 3 maps. 7 figures. 49 b/w.
Chapters focus on the following topics: royalty and religion; family matters; status and law; economic activities; being female (birth, education, marriage, health). Eleven scholars present 289 translated sources from texts, papyri, and inscriptions to document the lives of women, whether queens or slaves. Each chapter contains an introductory essay; each source has its own introduction. Sources are keyed to illustrations where appropriate. The volume contains a concordance of texts, bibliography, index.
Russell, Amy. 2016.
The Politics of Public Space in
Republican Rome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR 2016.09.30.
Salisbury, Joyce E. 2015.
Rome's Christian
Empress: Galla Placidia Rules at the Twilight of the Empire. Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins University Press.
For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR 2015.11.32.
Saller, Richard P. 1999.
"Pater Familias, Mater
Familias, and the Gendered Semantics of the Roman Household." In
Classical Philology 94.2 (April): 182-197.
Saller, Richard P. 1998.
"Symbols of Gender and Status
Hierarchies in the Roman Household." In Women and Slaves in Greco-Roman
Culture. Edited by S. Murnaghan and S. Joshel, pp. 85-91. London and New
York: Routledge.
Salisbury, Joyce E. 2015.
Rome's Christian Empress: Galla
Placidia Rules at the Twilight of the Empire. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press.
For a review of this book and its contents, see CJ 111.3.377-9
Salomies, O., (ed.). 2001.
The Greek East in the Roman
Context. Proceedings of a Colloquium Organised by the Finish Institute at
Athens (May 21-22, 1999). Helsinki.
Salway, Benet. 1994.
"What's in a Name? A Survey of Roman
Onomastic Practice from c. 700 B.C. to A.D. 700." In Journal of Roman
Studies 84: 124-145.
Salway focuses on the changes in naming practices of male Romans, but has occasional reference to women's names. He explains the early disappearance of the feminine praenomen used in the early Republic and sheds a little light on how, in the Empire, a mother's ancestry might be noted in cognomina, i.e. Apulleia Varilla was named Varilla to recall her maternal grandfather, Sex. Quinctilius Varus. Salway argues that the system of three names for the Roman male citizen (praenomen, nomen gentilicium, cognomen) was only a transitory stage in Roman naming practice and not its perfection. While the post-classical shift in importance from nomen to the cognomen is seen as the decay of the archetype, he charts the development of the naming system from its origins in Rome and identifies the reasons for change beyond linguistic factors, in political and social developments.
Salzman-Mitchell, Patricia B. 2007.
A Web of Fantasies:
Gaze, Image, and Gender in Ovid's Metamorphoses. Columbus: Ohio State
University Press.
Santoro L'hoir, Francesca. 2002.
"Unfriendly Persuasion: Seduction and Magic in Tacitus'
Annales." In Ancient Journeys: Festschrift in Honor of Eugene
Numa Lane. Edited by Cathy Callaway. Published by
The Stoa: A Consortium
for Electronic Publication in the Humanities.
The author discusses Tacitus' treatment of Boudica, Livia, and the two Agrippina's as women who have transgressed the boundaries of their sex through the misuse of their rhetorical powers.
Scheidel, Walter. 1999.
"Emperors, Aristocrats, and the Grim
Reaper : towards a demographic profile of the Roman élite." In
Classical Quarterly 49 (1): 254-281.
Scheidel examines the vital statistics of the imperial family and the elite (male and female) to determine what was their mean life expectancy, their martial fertility, mean marriage age for men and women, and rate of child mortality. He comments that the death of fertile women in the prime of their life was far from unusual.
Schultz, Celia E. 2007.
"Sanctissima Femina: Social
Categorization and Women's Religious Experience in the Roman Republic." In
Finding Persephone: Women's Rituals in the Ancient Mediterranean, edited
by M. Parca, A. Tzanetou. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
For a review of the book see JFR August 25, 2011.
Schultz, Celia E. 2006.
Women's Religious Activity in the
Roman Republic. Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press, Pp.
xiii and 234. Cloth. ISBN 0-8078-3018-6.
Schultz uses literary sources, inscriptions, and artifacts, dating from the 5th to 1st centuries BCE to support her conclusions that Roman religion was far more gender-inclusive than is usually presented; that women held a number of high-profile religious positions (e.g., the priestesses of Ceres, Liber, and Venus); and that women were integrally involved in rites and cults that had broader civic concerns but have traditionally been thought to have been the preserve of men.
Schultz, Celia E. 2021.
Fulvia: playing for power at the end of the Roman republic. Women in antiquity. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2022.07.20.
Seaford, R. A. S. 1981.
Mysteries of Dionysos at Pompeii." In Pegasus: Classical Essays from the
University of Exeter. Edited by H. W. Stubbs. Exeter: University of Exeter
Press: 52-67.
Sebesta, Judith Lynn. 1997, 1998.
"Women's Costume and
Feminine Civic Morality in Augustan Rome." In Gender and History 9.3
(November 1997) 529-541. 3 b3; reprinted in Gender and the Body in
Mediterranean Antiquity. Edited by Maria Wyke. Oxford, UK , Malden, MA :
Blackwell Publishers. ISBN 0-631-20524-1.
Augustus claimed that the moral decay of the Roman Republic was especially due to Roman women who had forsaken their traditional role of "preserver of the household." In his attempt to reform feminine morality, Augustus created a new pictorial language that troped the feminine body as a "moral sign" of civic morality and authorized a distinctive costume for women. Sebesta investigates the relationship between women's garments, the female body and the Roman concept of feminine civic morality.
Sebesta, Judith Lynn and Larissa Bonfante, eds. 1994, 2001.
The World of Roman Costume. Madison: The University of Wisconsin
Press. ISBSN 0-299-13854-2. 272 pp. 168 bw. Glossary, indices.
This volume contains thirteen chapters on garments, literary evidence and motifs of costume, provincial costume, and costume reconstruction written by scholars who participated in the 1988 NEH seminar on Roman costume. Of particular interest are "Symbolism in the Costume of the Roman Woman" by Judith Sebesta (covers the changes in dress a woman experienced as she passed through the stages of life from girl, bride, matron, materfamilias, and widow), "The Costume of the Roman Bride" by Letitia La Follette, "Jewelry as a Symbol of Status in the Roman Empire" by Ann M. Stout, and "De Habitu Vestis: Clothing in the Aeneid" by Henry Bender.
Setala, P. and L. Savuen, eds. 1999.
Female Networks and
the Public Sphere in Roman Society. Rome: Institutum Romanum
For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR 2000.03.11.
Setala, P. Ria Berg, Rukka Halikka, Minerva Keltanen, Janne Polonen,
and Ville Vuolanto, eds. 2002.
Women, Wealth, and Power in the Roman
Empire. Rome: Institutum Romanum Finlandiae.
Severy, Beth. 2003.
Augustus and the Family at the Birth of
the Roman Empire. London and New York: Routledge.
Sharrock, A. R. 2002.
"Gender and Sexuality." In The
Cambridge Companion to Ovid. Edited by Philip Hardie. Cambridge and New
York: Cambridge University Press.
Sharrock, Alison. 2011.
"Womanly wailing? The mother of Euryalus and gendered reading."
In EuGeStA: Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity, issue 1.
Edited by Jacqueline Fabre-Serris and Judith Hallett.
Sharrock, Alison. 2013.
"Uxorious: The Praise and Blame of Husbands." In EuGeStA: Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity, issue 3.
Edited by Jacqueline Fabre-Serris and Judith Hallett.
Sharrock, Alison, Daniel Möller, Mats Malm. 2020.
Metamorphic Readings: Transformation, Language, and Gender in the Interpretation of Ovid's Metamorphoses. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2021.04.14.
Shaw, Brent D. 1987.
"The Age of Roman Girls at Marriage:
Some Reconsiderations." In The Journal of Roman Studies 77:30-46.
Shaw discusses the question of how young Roman women were upon age of first marriage. He notes that some did marry as young as ten or eleven, but most of the inscriptions discovered are near urban centers, such as Rome, and those noting a short term of marriage focus on women who died at a young age. Such inscriptions suggest that there was a fifty per cent mortality rate for women who married under the age of fifteen. The authors of the inscriptions around Rome are primarily parents until the deceased woman was twenty years of age, while husbands usually wrote the inscriptions for older wives. Those figures are not typical for other areas of the Roman Empire. For example in Spain parents wrote the inscriptions until the deceased woman was thirty or more years old. Shaw also notes that under Augustus a minimum legal age for marriage was established as well as a law that required women to have children by a certain age. Shaw presents evidence that during the Empire, men married in their mid to late twenties, whereas women married in their late teens.
Shelfer, Lochlan. 2011.
"Crime and Punishment in the
Aeneid: The Danaids and the Legal Context of Turnus' Death." In
Classical World 106.3. 295-319. Classical Association of the Atlantic
Shelton, Jo-Ann. 1998 2nd ed.
As The Romans Did: a
Sourcebook in Roman Social History. 2d ed. Oxford and New York: Oxford
University Press.
Shelton, Jo-Ann. 2013.
The Women of Pliny's Letters.
New York: Routledge, 2013.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2013.08.36.
Sick, David H. 1999.
"Ummidia Quadratilla: Cagey Businesswoman
or Lazy Pantomime Watcher?" In Classical Antiquity 18.2: 330-348.
Sivan, Hagith. 2011.
Galla Placidia: the Last Roman
Empress. Women in antiquity. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2012.05.24.
Skinner, Marilyn B. (ed.). May 27-30, 2004.
"Gender and
Diversity in Place." In Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Feminism
and Classics. University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.
Skinner, Marilyn B. 1983.
"Clodia Metelli." In Transactions
of the American Philological Society 113: 273-287.
Skinner, Marilyn B. 2011.
Clodia Metelli: The Tribune's
Sister. Women in Antiquity. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press.
For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR 2011.07.50.
Sklenar, R. 2005.
"Ausonius' Elegiac Wife: Epigram 20 and the
Traditions of Latin Love Poetry." In The Classical Journal 101.1: 51-62.
Slaney, Helen. 2019.
Seneca: Medea. London, New York:
Smith, Amy C. and Sadie Pickup (eds.). 2010.
Companion to Aphrodite. Leiden; Boston: Brill.
For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR 2012.07.13.
Smith, Warren, (ed.). 2005.
Satiric Advice on Women and
Marriage: from Plautus to Chaucer. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR 07.04.41.
Snyder, Jane M. 1989.
The Woman and the Lyre: women
writers in classical Greece and Rome. Carbondale and Edwardsville, IL:
Southern Illinois University Press.
Sofroniew, Alexandra. 2015.
Household Gods: Private
Devotion in Ancient Greece and Rome. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum.
For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR 2017.02.46.
Solin, Heikki. 1996.
Die stadtrömischen Sklavennamen.
Ein Namenbuch I-III. Forschungen zur antiken Sklaverei, Beiheft 2.
Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
Spaeth, Barbette S.1996.
The Roman Goddess Ceres.
Austin: University of Texas Press.
Staples, Ariadne. 1998.
From Good Goddess to Vestal
Virgins: Sex and Category in Roman Religion. London and New York:
Routledge. ISBN 0-415-13233-9. 207 pp., index, bibliography.
Staples describes her book as being "about women's participation in Roman religion" and "about how religion constructed and defined women" during the late Republican period. She advances the unorthodox view that they played a central role in religion, participating in rites that were important to the state on a regular basis and in times of crisis, though "they were absent at the political interface of religion." Assuming that Roman religion was a "complex network of meaningfully related cults and rituals," in the succeeding four chapters she discusses mainstream Roman religious worship in which women played an important part: Bona Dea, Ceres, Flora, Venus, and the Vestals.
Stark, Rodney. 1996.
"The Role of Women in Christian Growth."
In The Rise of Christianity: How the Obscure, Marginal Jesus Movement Became
the Dominant Religious Force in the Western World in a Few Centuries,
Chapter 5. Princeton: Princeton University Press
Starks, J. H., Jr. 2008.
"Pantomime Actresses in Latin
Inscriptions." In New Directions in Ancient Pantomime, edited by E.
Hall, R. Wyles. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 110-145.
Stephens, Janet 2008.
"Ancient Roman Hairdressing: on
(hair)pins and needles." In Journal of Roman Archaeology 21:110-132.
Stephens, an experienced hairdresser, examines how ornatrices could have styled the curls, braids, and buns in the hairstyles of the first and second centuries CE. She discusses the terminology of hair bodkins and bone needles and how these were used to fashion the arrangement. Having explained how ornatrices could have sewn the hair of their dominae to create complicated hairstyles without the use of hairpieces, she includes color photographs of her recreations of the Hadrianic turban style, the serpentine bun style; the tower hairstyle; and the one-hundred strand braid hairstyle.
Stevenson, Jane. 2005.
Women Latin Poets : language,
gender, and authority, from antiquity to the eighteenth century. Oxford,
New York : Oxford University Press. 659 p.
Chapters 1, 2, and 3 deal, respectively, with: Classical Latin Women Poets (Sulpicia I and II); Epigraphy as a Source for Early Imperial Women's Verse; Women and Latin Poetry in Late Antiquity (Proba, the last pagan poets, the first nuns). The verse is given in Latin along with an English translation. An appendix serves as a "Checklist of Women Latin Poets and their Works."
Stephenson, Tom 2011.
"Women of Early Rome as Exempla
in Livy, Ab Urbe Condita, Book I. Classical World 104.2:
Stewart, Susan. 2007.
Cosmetics and perfumes in the Roman
world. Stroud: Tempus.
See review.
Stratton, Kimberly. 2007.
Naming the Witch: Magic,
Ideology, and Stereotype in the Ancient World. New York: Columbia
University Press. Pp. xv, 289. ISBN 978-0-231-13836-9.
Stratton, Kimberly B., Dayna S. Kalleres (eds.). 2007.
Daughters of Hecate: Women and Magic in the Ancient World. New York:
Oxford University Press.
See reviews of the book at BMCR 2015.07.15 and CJ-Online 2015.09.04.
Strong, Anise K. 2016.
Prostitutes and Matrons in the
Roman World. New York: CambridgeUniversity Press.
See review of the book at CJ-Online 2018.01.07
SULPICIA. Fall 2006.
Engaging with Sulpicia: a special
section. In Classical World 100.1 (Fall 2006) 3-42. Classical Association of the
Atlantic States.
The original versions of these articles were delivered in a panel on Sulpicia that took place at the meeting of the Classical Association of theAtlantic States in Spring 2002 at Cherry Hill, New Jersey. "Critical Trends in Interpreting Sulpicia" by Alison Keith, 3-10; "Sulpicia: Just Another Roman Poet" by Carol U. Merriam, 11-15; "Catullus and the Amicus Catulli: The Text of a Learned Talk" by Holt N. Parker, 17-29; "Erasing Cerinthus: Sulpicia and Her Audience" by Lee T. Pearcy, 31-36; "Sulpicia and Her Fama: An Intertextual Approach to Recovering Her Latin Literary Image," 37-42.
Sulprizio, Chiara, Sarah Blake 2020.
Gender and sexuality in Juvenal's Rome: Satire 2 and Satire 6. Oklahoma series in classical culture, volume 59. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
For a review of the book see BMCR 2021.07.37.
Swift, Ellen 2009.
Style and Function in Roman Decoration:
Living with Objects and Interiors. Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
For a review of the book see BMCR 2009.10.52.
Syme, Ronald. April, 1981.
"Princesses and Others in Tacitus."
In Greece & Rome, 2nd Ser., 28.1: 40-52.
Takacs, Sarolta A. 2009.
The Construction
of Authority in Ancient Rome and Byzantium: The Rhetoric of Empire.
Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press.
See particularly chapter 3, which covers the Severan period; there the author theorizes that "in times of crisis when a suitable father figure was absent, a mother figure could temporarily provide the authority necessary for transmitting symbolic power from one generation to the next." See a review of the book at BMCR 2009.07.02
Takacs, Sarolta A. 2008.
Vestal Virgins,
Sibyls, and Matrons. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Using literary and epigraphical sources, Takacs investigates the role of Roman women in Roman religion, culture and history showing that it is more pervasive and essential, in Roman thought, to the vitality and success of the state than generally believed. Women did enter the public sphere of Roman society through certain religious ceremonies that re-established or maintained its "customary sociopolitical status quo." Chapters focus on "The Making of Rome," Rome Eternal," "Rome Beseiged." Particularly valuable are the chapters "Rome and Its Provinces," which uses mainly epigraphical sources to elucidate women's religious activities in the provinces and that of "Life Cycles and Time Structures," which reviews the annual public rites that women, whether Vestals, flaminicae, or matronae, engaged in on behalf of the state, the fertility of its citizens, and its relationship with the gods.
Taoka, Yasuko. April-May 2013.
"Liminal Women
in Fronto's Letters." In The Classical Journal 108.4: 419-445.
Tatarkiewicz, Anna. 2023.
The 'cursus laborum' of Roman women: social and medical aspects of the transition from puberty to motherhood.
London; New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2023.12.05
Thomsen, Ole. 1992.
Ritual and Desire:
Catullus 61 and 62 and other ancient documents on wedding and marriage.
Aarhus, Denmark: Aarhus University Press.
Thorsen, Thea S. (ed) 2013.
The Cambridge
Companion to Latin Love Elegy. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University
For a review of this book and its essays see BMCR 2015.01.11
Tola, Eleonora (ed). 2021.
The Dominant
Female in Ovid's Metamorphoses: Gendered Allusions, and Gendered
Receptions. Classical World Special Issue 115.1: 1-80.
Articles by Eleonora Tola, Cynthia Liu, Patricia Salzman-Mitchell, Alden Smith.
Treggiari, Susan. 1975.
"Jobs in the Household of Livia." In
Papers of the British School at Rome 30: 48-72.
Treggiari, Susan. 1976.
"Jobs for Women." In American
Journal of Ancient History I:76-104.
Treggiari, Susan. 1979.
"Lower Class Women in the Roman Economy." In
Florilegium 1 (revision of a paper presented at the meeting of the
Association of Ancient Historians, May 1976).
Treggiari, Susan. 1981.
"Contubernales in CIL
VI." In Phoenix 35: 59-81.
Treggiari, Susan. 1984.
"Digna Condicio: Betrothals in
the Roman Upper Class." In Echos du Monde Classique: Classical Views
28.3: 419-451.
Treggiari, Susan. 1991.
Roman Marriage: Iusti coniuges
from the Time of Cicero to the Time of Ulpian. Oxford: Oxford University
For a review of this book see BMCR 03.03.19.
Treggiari, Susan. 1994.
"Putting the Bride to Bed." In
Echos du Monde Classique: Classical Views 38.13: 311-331.
Treggiari, Susan. 2003.
"Marriage and Family in
Roman Society." In Marriage and Family in the Biblical World, ed. Ken M.
Campbell. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, pp. 132-182.
Treggiari, Susan. 2019.
Servilia and Her
Family.Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 416. ISBN 9780198829348.
For a review of the book and its contents see BMCR 2019.03.07.
Treggiari, Susan. 2007.
Terentia, Tullia and Publilia: The
Women of Cicero's Family. London and New York: Routledge. Pp. xxii, 228;
maps 3, figs. 7. ISBN 978-0-415-35179-9.
For a review of the book and its contents see BMCR 2008.07.06.
Trimble, Jennifer. 2011.
Women and Visual Replication in
Roman Imperial Art and Culture. Greek culture in the Roman world.
Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. Pp. xi, 486. ISBN
For a review of this book and its contents see BMCR 2012.08.07.
Turcan, Robert. 2000.
The Gods of Ancient Rome: Religion
in Everyday Life from Archaic to Imperial Times. Translated by Antonia
Nevill. London and New York: Routledge.
Uden, James. 2005.
"Scortum Diligis: a Reading of
Catullus 6." In Classical Quarterly 55: 638-42.
Undheim, Sissel. 2018.
Borderline virginities: sacred and
secular virgins in late antiquity. London; New York: Routledge.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2020.11.03 and CJ-Online
Upson-Sala, Kristi. 2011.
Early Christian Dress: Gender,
Virtue, and Authority. New York, London: Routledge.
For a review of this book and its contents see BMCR 2012.02.39.
Uzzi, Jeannine Diddle. 2005.
Children in the Visual Arts
of Imperial Rome. New York: Cambridge University Press .
Valladares, Hérica. 2021.
Painting, poetry, and the invention of tenderness in the early Roman Empire.
Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2021.05.37.
van Bremen, Riet. 1996.
The Limits of Participation: Women
and Civic Life in the Greek East in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods.
Amsterdam: J. C. Gieben.
For a review of this book see AHR103.2:491.
VERGILIUS 67 Special Issue: "Vergil and the Feminine" (2021) (see above Giusti, Elena and Victoria Rimell, eds). Journal of the Vergilian Society.
Vessey, D.W.T.C. 1977.
"Statius to his Wife: Silvae
3.5. In The Classical Journal 72: 134-40.
Viparelli, Valeria. 2008.
"Camilla: A Queen Undefeated, Even
in Death." In Vergilius 54: 9-23.
Veyne, Paul, (ed.). 1987.
A History of Private Life.
Volume I: From Pagan Rome to Byzantium. Translated by Arthur Goldhammer.
Cambridge, MA and London: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
Volkmann, Hans. 1958.
Cleopatra: A Study in Politics and
Propaganda. Translated by T. J. Cadoux. London: Elek.
For a review of this book and its contents see The Classical Review 10.1 (March, 1960).
Vout, Caroline. 2007.
Power and Eroticism in Imperial
Rome. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.
Vout, Caroline. 2013.
Sex on Show: Seeing the Erotic in
Greece and Rome. Berkeley; Los Angeles: University of California Press.
ISBN 9780520280205.
For a review of this book and its contents see BMCR2014.04.57.
Walker, Cheryl. 2005.
"Appendix II.A: The
Legend of Cloelia." In Hostages in Republican Rome, Center for Hellenic
Studies, Washington, DC: 263-270.
Walker, Susan. 1990.
"The Sarcophagus of Maconiana
Severiana." In Roman Funerary Monuments in the J. Paul Getty Museum
Volume 1: Occasional Papers on Antiquities. Edited by Guntrum Koch, pp. 83-94.
Malibu, CA: J. Paul Getty Museum. Paper, 144 pages, 194 b/w illustrations. ISBN
Wallace, Rex E. 2004.
An Introduction to Wall Inscriptions
from Pompeii and Herculaneum. Wauconda, Illinois: Bolchazy-Carducci. Pp.
xlvi and 136.
This book, aimed at undergraduates and graduate students, is divided into two parts: an introduction to the inscriptions in general and a selection of inscriptions, with notes and commentary. It includes also a list of abbreviations (grammatical and epigraphical) in the selected inscriptions and a full vocabulary. While all inscriptions do not pertain to women, some do, and the volume has usefulness as an introduction to epigraphy.
Wallace-Hadrill, Andrew. 1994.
Houses and Society in
Pompeii and Herculaneum. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
See also Penelope M. Addison, Pompeiian Households: An On-line Companion.
Walter, Anke. 2020.
"Carmentis and the Poet:
Deification and Exile in Ovid's Fasti." In The Classical Journal
115.3-4: 382-397.
Warrior, Valerie M. 2002.
Roman Religion: a
sourcebook. Newburyport, MA: Focus.
Wasdin, Katherine. 2018.
Eros at Dusk:Ancient Wedding and
Love Poetry. New York: Oxford University Press.
Watson, P. 1992.
"Erotion: Puella Delicata? " In
Classical Quarterly 42: 253-268.
Watson, Patricia A. 2005.
"Non Tristis Torus et Tamen Pudicus: the Sexuality of the
Matrona in Martial." Mnemosyne LVIII, Fasc.1. Leiden: Brill.
Watts, Edward J. 2017.
Hypatia: The Life and Legend of an
Ancient Philosopher. Women in antiquity. New York: Oxford University Press.
For a review of this book, see BMCR 2017.10.07
Weaver, P.R.C. 1972.
the Emperor's Freedmen and Slaves. London and New York: Cambridge
University Press.
Welch, Kathryn E. October 1995.
"Antony, Fulvia, and the Ghost
of Clodius in 47 B.C." In Greece and Rome, 3rd series, 42.2: 182-201.
Welch, Tara. 2012.
" Perspectives On and Of Livys Tarpeia." In EuGeStA: Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity, issue 2.
Edited by Jacqueline Fabre-Serris and Judith Hallett.
Welch, Tara. 2015.
Tarpeia: Workings of a Roman Myth.
Columbus: Ohio State University Press.
West, G.S. 1985.
"Chloreus and Camilla." In Vergilius
31: 22-29.
Wheeler-Reed, David. 2017.
Regulating Sex in the Roman
Empire: Ideology, the Bible, and the early Christians. New Haven and
London: Yale University Press.
For a review of this book, see BMCR2018.05.48
Wiedemann, Thomas. 1989.
Adults and Children in the Roman
Empire. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
Wiedemann, Thomas. 1981.
Greek and Roman Slavery.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Wildfang, Robin Lorsch. 2006.
Rome's Vestal Virgins: A
study of Rome's Vestal priestesses in the late Republic and early Empire.
London and New York: Routledge Press.
Wilhelm, M.P. 1987.
"Venus, Dido and Camilla in the
Aeneid." In Vergilius 33: 43-48.
Wilkinson, Kate. 2015.
Women and Modesty in Late
Antiquity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR 2015.11.24.
Will, Elizabeth Lyding. 1979.
"Women in Pompeii. " In Archaeology (September/October)
Williams, Craig. 2012.
Reading Roman Friendship.
Cambridge, NY: Cambridge University Press.
For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR2014.05.55.
Williams, Gordon. 1958.
"Some Aspects of Roman Marriage
Ceremonies and Ideals." In Journal of Roman Studies 48: 16-29.
Williams, Phyllis L. October 1940-January 1941.
"Two Roman
Reliefs in Renaissance Disguise." In Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld
Institutes 4.1/2: 46-66.
Wilson, Marcus. 2003.
The Tragedy of Nero's Wife: Studies
on the Octavia Praetexta. In Prudentia 35.1. Auckland, New Zealand.
Winsbury, Rex 2010.
Zenobia of Palmyra: History, Myth and
the Neo-classical Imagination. London: Duckworth, 2010. ISBN 9780715638538.
For a review of this book and its contents, see BMCR 2011.05.43 .
Winter, Bruce. 2003.
Roman Wives, Roman Widows: The
Apearance of New Women and the Pauline Communities. Grand Rapids,
Michigan/Cambridge, UK: William B. Eerdmans Publishing.
For a critique of this work, see Australian Biblical Review, Vol 53 (Winter, 2005)
Winterer, Caroline. 2007.
The Mirror of Antiquity. American
Women and the Classical Tradition, 1750-1900. Ithaca: Cornell University
Press. Pp. xii, 242. ISBN 978-0-8014-4163-9
Wiseman, T. P. 1983.
"The Wife and Children of Romulus." In
Classical Quarterly 33.ii. 445-452.
Witzke, Serena. June 25, 2022.
"Roe v. Wade, the GOP, and echoes of Augustus: Reproducing fascism." Society of Classical Studies Blog.
Wood, Susan. 1993.
"Alcestis on Roman Sarcophagi." In
Roman Art in Context: An Anthology. Edited by Eve D'Ambra, 84-103.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0-13-781808-4. 247 pp. 97 bw.
Glossary, bibliography.
There is a small group of Roman sarcophagi that contains the depiction of the death of Alcestis in relief. Wood examines a unique variation of this theme which shows Alcestis returning from the dead. She examines how this scene may connect to the religion of the Magna Mater professed by the owners of the sarcophagus, C. Junius Euhodus and his wife Metilia Acte, priestess of the cult of Cybele. This chapter also contains a "postscript," written thirteen years after the article's original appearance, that discusses three articles of relevance to the interpretation of this sarcophagal scene.
Wood, Susan. 1999.
Imperial Women: A Study in Public
Images, 40 B.C-A.D. 69. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
Wood, Tracy Jamison. 2014.
"Didactic Helen: Ovid's Praeceptrix and Euripdean
Proto-Elegy." In The Classical Journal 109.3:257-279.
Woodhull, Margaret L. 2018/2019.
Matidia Minor and the
Rebuilding of Suessa Aurunca. University of Michigan Press for the American
Academy in Rome: Vol 63/64.203-236.
Wyke, Maria. 2002.
The Roman Mistress. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Wyke, Maria. 1994.
"Woman in the Mirror: The Rhetoric of
Adornment in the Roman World." In Women in Ancient Societies. Edited by
L. Archer et al. New York.
Zajko, Vanda and Miriam Leonard.
Laughing with Medusa: Classical Myth and Feminist Thought.
Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 445. ISBN 0-19-927438-X.
Zanda, Emanuela. 2011.
Fighting Hydra-like Luxury:
Sumptuary Regulation in the Roman Republic. London: Bristol Classical
For a review of this book see BMCR 2012.05.50.
Zanker, Paul. 1998.
Pompeii: public and private life.
Translated by Deborah L. Schneider. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Zeiner, Noelle K. Spring 2007.
"Perfecting the Ideal: Molding
Roman Women in Statius's Silvae." In Arethusa 40. 2: 165-181.
Special Issue: Statius's Silvae and the Poetics of Intimacy. Guest
editors Antony Augoustakis and Carole E. Newlands.
Zinserling, Verena. 1973.
Women in Greece and Rome.
Translated by L. A. Jones. New York: Abner Schram.
L'Annee Epigraphique: Epigraphic database Heidelberg.
Arnold, Ellie. 2016
Cloelia: puella Romana. PDF eBook
edition with Teacher's Guide available at
Latin Tool Box.
Bagnall, Roger S. and Raffaella Cribiore. 2006.
Letters from Ancient Egypt. 300 B.C.-A.D. 800. Ann Arbor, University of
Michigan Press.
A collection of papyrus letters from Egypt written by women and organized according to their archives. The letters, limited by their concern for urgent everyday matters, are brief, unliterary and often obscure. The editors provide description, translation, interpretive context, and an introduction to the study of papyrus documents, while admitting the letters do not evidence a distinct feminine voice (see review by M.R. Lefkowitz in CW 101.1(Fall 2007).
Balme, Maurice and James Morwood. 2003.
On the Margin:
Marginalized Groups in Ancient Rome. Oxford and New York: Oxford University
Barker, Allison. 2004.
Links for the Study of Catullus.
Birley, Anthony R. 2000.
Onomasticon to the Younger Pliny:
letters and panegyric. München and Leipzig: K. G. Saur.
Bordel, J, ed. 2001.
Epigraphic Evidence: Ancient History
from Inscriptions. London: Routledge.
Buecheler, Franz and E. Lommatzsch, eds. 1972.
Latina Epigraphica (CLE), 3 vols. Leipzig: Teubner, 1895-; reprinted
Buecheler, Franz. and A. Riese, eds. 1895-1930.
Latina. Leipzig: Teubner.
Collingwood, R.G. and R. P. Wright. 1965.
Roman Inscriptions
of Britain (RBO).
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (CIL). 16 vols.
Berlin: G. Reimerum, de Gruyte.
Dessau, Herman, ed. 1979.
Inscriptiones Latinae
Selectae (ILS). Chicago: Ares Publishers, reprint.
Dickinson College Commentaries. 2016. Latin and Greek texts for reading, with explanatory notes, interpretive essays, vocabulary, and multimedia elements.
Eagle: Epigraphic Database Rome. Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy
Goodyear, Francis Richard David. 1972-1981.
The Annals of
Tacitus, books 1-6. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gordon, Arthur E. and Joyce S. Gordon . 1958-1965.
of Dated Latin Inscriptions: Rome and the Neighborhood, A.D. 200-525, 7
vols. Berkeley, Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Harvey, Brian K.. 2005.
Epigraphic Images.
This site is a handsome collection of images and transcriptions of inscriptions identified by place (Beneventum, Ostia, Pompeii, Pozzuoli, Rome, Vatican) and collection.
Littlewood, R. Joy. 2006
A Commentary on Ovid: Fasti book
VI. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
Natalias, Celia Sánchez. 2022
Sylloge of defixiones from the Roman west: a comprehensive collection of curse tablets from the fourth century BCE to the fifth century CE. BAR international series, 3077. Oxford: BAR Publishing.
For a review of this book see BMCR 2022.10.38.
Ostia Inscriptions
Links to Inscriptions found in Ostia and
Portus: photographs with transcriptions
Ogilvie, Robert Maxwell. 1970.
A Commentary on Livy, books
1-5. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1965; reprinted with addenda.
Sherwin-White, A. N. 1966.
The letters of Pliny: a
historical and social commentary. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
Walsh, Joseph J. (ed). 2007.
What Would You Die For?
Perpetua's Passion. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Diotima: Women and Gender in the Ancient World: Old site; New site
Femina Habilis: a biographical dictionary of active women in the ancient Roman world from earliest times to 527 CE, grouped under subject headings.
Feminism and Classics VII: Visions The May 2017 conference in Seattle, including abstracts of non-plenary sessions.
Internet Women's History Sourcebook: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern sources in the original and translation.