Notes to Aelia Sabina Inscription
- Di Manes,
m. pl.
- the spirits of the dead, the divine spirits;
- Aelia:
- Publi filiae:
- dulcis,
- sweet, dear;
- Aelius:
- Trophimus,
-i, m. (a Greek term)
- nursling, foster-child;
- parens,
-entis, m/f.
- parent; father; mother
- facio,
-ere, feci, factum
- make, do; cause to be made;
- quisquis,
quaequae, quodquod/quidquid pronoun
- whoever, whatever.
- adsum,
adesse, adfui
- be present;
- celer,
- quick, swift, fast.
- gressus,
-us, m.
- step, pace.
- precor,
-ari, -atum
- pray, beg, entreat.
- ito:
- viator,
-oris, m.
- traveler;
- linquo,
-ere, liqui
- leave, go away from, quit.
- nefas,
n. indeclinable
- an unnatural event, horror; wrong, wickedness.
- parco,
-ere, peperci, parsum
- spare, be economical with; refrain from
- noster,
-tra, -trum
- our, ours; my.
- volo,
velle, volui
- wish, want; be willing;
- cognosco,
-oscere, -ovi, -itum
- get to know, learn, understand; know.
- sanguineus,
-a, -um
- bloody; blood-stained; blood-red.
- palla,
-ae, f.
- a rectangular mantle worn by women, especially outdoors
- qui,
quae, quod relative pronoun
- who; what,
- tego,
-ere, texi, tectum
- cover, conceal; bury; clothe.
- prodigus,
-a, -um
- wasteful, prodigal; unrestrained.
- Clotho,
-o (accusative), f. (Greek name):
- faveo,
-ere, favi, fautum
- be favorable to, approve of; be propitious to
- rumpo
-ere, rupi, ruptum
- break, tear
- quoque,
- also, too.
- filum,
-i, n.
- thread, band of wool.
- soror,
-oris, f.
- sister.
- luctificus,
-a, -um
- causing sorrow, dire, calamitous;
- propero,
-are, -avi, -atum
- hurry; cause to occur prematurely;
- manus,
-us, f.
- hand; band, group; handiwork.
- sisto,
-ere, stiti, statum
- stop, stand still.
- ne,
- not; lest;
- penitus,
- deeply, thoroughly, utterly
- quaero,
-rere, -sivi/-sii, -situm
- seek, search for; ask, inquire.
- dolor,
-oris, m.
- sorrow; pain, trouble.
- sedes,
-is, f.
- seat; abode; resting-place of the dead, tomb.
- parvus,
-a, -um
- small, little.
- titulus,
-i, m.
- inscription.
- teneo,
-ere, -ui
- hold, keep, contain.
- anima,
-ae, f.
- life; soul, spirit.
- inmensus = immensus,
-a, -um
- immeasurable, vast; unending.
- crudelis,
- cruel, merciless.
- funus,
-eris, n.
- funeral; death.
- orbo,
-are, -avi, -atum
- bereave; orphan; make childless.
- geminus,
-a, -um
- twin; double; twofold.
- spes,
spei, f.
- hope, expectation.
- durus,
-a, -um
- hard; harsh; cruel.
- triennium,
-i/-ii, n.
- three years
- dirus,
-a, -um
- fearful, dreadful, terrible.
- sors,
sortis, f.
- one's portion, lot, destiny.
- letum,
-i, n.
- death.
- placeo,
-ere, -ui, -itum
- please, satisfy
- Fortuna:
- sepulchrum/sepulcrum,
-i, n.
- tomb, grave.