Notes to Tacitus. Annales 15.51
- cuncto
- hesitate, delay;
- prolato
- put off, defer, delay.
- Epicharis,
-is f.
- Epicharis,
- incertus,
- uncertain;
- quo modo
- in what way, how;
- sciscitor
(1, deponent)
- inform oneself, seek to know, question;
- illi
: dative of possession with fuerat, it refers to Epicharis. Why does he choose neque rather than simply non? What is the effect of its placement before illi?
- honestus,
-a, -um
- honorable, respectable, virtuous;
- accendo,
-ere, -cendi, -censum
- to incite, inflame;
- arguo,
-ere, -guī, -gūtus
- blame, chide;
- coniurati,
-orum m. pl.
- conspirators;
- postremum
- last of all; at last.
- lentitudo,
-inis f.
- slowness, sluggishness, inactivity.
- pertaedet,
-ere, -taeduit, -taesum est
- feel disgust at, be sick of.
- ago,
-ere, egi, actum
- spend/pass time; do, act, drive;
- prīmōris,
- officers; first in rank; noble;
- classĭārĭi,
-orum, m. pl.
- marines, naval forces.
- Misenensis,
- of/belonging to Misenum;
- labefacio,
-ere, -feci, -factum
- cause to waver, shake, weaken;
- conscientia,
-ae, f.
- complicity, joint knowledge;
- inligo
- bind;
- conitor,
-niti, -nisus or -nixus, -a, um sum
- strive, labor, struggle;
- initium,
-i n.
- beginning;
- plus,
- more;
- scelus,
-eris n.
- evil deed; crime, sin, wickedness.
- princeps
- foremost; chief, leader; prince;
- ordior,
-iri, orsus, -a, -um sum
- begin to list; undertake;
- sanctus,
-a, -um
- inviolable, sacred, pure, just;
- quisquam,
quaequam, quicquam or quidquam pronoun
- anyone, anything;
- provideo,
-ere, -vidi, visum
- foresee, plan, prepare for;
- eversus
- overthrown; ruined;
- do,
dare, dedi, datum
- give;
- accingo,
-ere, -cinxi, -cinctum
- make ready; arm, equip, furnish.
- navo
- accomplish with zeal and diligence;
- acer
- sharp; spirited; fierce;
- pars,
-tis f.
- party, faction, side; part, portion;
- pretium
-ii n.
- reward; prize;
- exspecto
- look out for, await, hope for;
- reticeo
- keep silent; conceal, keep secret.
- unde
- from which
- indicium,
-ii n.
- disclosure charge, information.
- inritus,
-a, -um
- worthless, useless, ineffectual.
- quamvis
conjunction + subjunctive
- although,
- qui, quae, quod
relative pronoun
- who, which, what;
- defero,
-ferre, -tuli, -latum
- bring, offer, report, accuse;
- accio,
-cire, -civi, -citum
- to summon, call.
- quippe
- certainly, of course.
- index,
-icis m.
- informer;
- compono,
-ere, -posui, -positum
- bring together, bring into contact; set in opposition,
- testis,
-is m.f.
- witness;
- innitor,
-niti, nisus or -nixus, -a, -um sum
- lean upon, support oneself by;
- confuto,
- check, confute, put to silence, put down by words.
- ipse,
ipsa, ipsum intensive pronoun
- self, very;
- custodia,
-ae f.
- confinement, prison.
- retineo,
-ere, -tinui, -tentum
- detain, retain, hold back;
- suspicio,
-ere, -spexi, -spectum
- suspect;
- haud
- not, not at all.
- etiam
- even.
- probo
- show, prove, demonstrate, test.
- recordor
- remember, call to mind;
- attineo,
-ere, -tinui, -tentum
- hold, detain;
- reor,
-eri, ratus, -a, -um sum
- believe, think;
- muliebris,
- of a woman; feminine.
- impar,
- unequal to, unable to cope with;
- tormentum,
-i n.
- torture, the rack;
- dilacero
- tear to pieces;
- illam:
placed with a strong adversative (at) at the beginning of the sentence for emphatic comparison with the male conspirators, it is the object of pervicere below.
- verber,
-eris n.
- whip, lash, rod;
- acrius
comparative adverb
- more sharply, fiercely;
- torqueo,
-ere, torsi, tortum
- put to torture, put to the rack; torture;
- sperno
-ere, sprevi, spretum
- scorn, disdain, insult;
- pervinco,
-ere, -vici, -victum
- conquer completely, be victorious;
- quin
- but that; so that . . .not,
- obiecta,
-orum n. pl.
- accusations.
- denego
- deny;
- quaestio,
-onis f.
- examination, inquisition, investigation by torture.
- contemno,
-ere, -tempsi, -temptum
- defy, dispise.
- posterus,
-a, -um
- following, next;
- cruciatus,
-us m.
- torture, torment.
- retraho,
-ere, -traxi, -tractum
- drag back, lead back;
- gestamen,
-inis n.
- vehicle, conveyance;
- sella,
-ae f.
- portable or sedan chair.
- dissolvo,
-ere, -solvi, -solutum
- loosen asunder, unloose;
- insisto
-ere, -stiti
- stand on, step on;
- nequeo,
-ere, -ivi/–ii, -itum
- be unable.
- vinclum,
-i n.
- band, bond, a means of binding;
- fascia,
-ae f.
- band, breast-band.
- pectus,
-oris, n.
- breast;
- detraho,
-ere, -traxi, -tractum
- remove, to take from;
- laqueus,
-ei m.
- noose;
- arcus,
-us m.
- any thing arched or curved like a bow:
- restringo,
-ere, -inxi, -ictum
- bind fast;
- indo,
-ere, -dĭdi, dĭtum
- put/place into;
- pondus,
-eris n.
- weight.
- conitor,
-niti, -nixus, -a, -um sum
- lean or brace oneself against; put forth all one’s strength, strive;
- tenuis
- weak, slight, thin.
- spiritus,
-us m.
- breath, life.
- exprimo,
-ere, -pressi, -pressum
- force out, press out.
- clarior,
-oris comparative form of clarus
- honorable, glorious; bright, clear;
- libertinus,
-a, -um
- of or belonging to the condition of a freed person.
- necessitas,
-tatis f.
- constraint, compulsion, distress, trouble, difficulty.
- alienus,
- not one’s own, not related, not allied.
- ignotus,
-a, -um
- unknown, outside one’s acquaintance.
- protego,
-ere, -texi, -tectum
- protect, defend;
- ingenuus,
-a, -um
- freeborn;
- intactus,
-a, -um
- untouched, uninjured, unbroken;
- pignus,
-oris n.
- pledge; children, relatives
- prodo,
-ere, -didi, -ditum
- betray, give up, desert;
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