Notes to Tacitus, Agricola excerpts
- capesso.
-ere, -ivi, -itum
- strive to reach, try to get.
- magistratus,
-us m.
- magistracy, political office;
- degredior,
-gredi, -gressus, -a, um
- descend, go down; depart.
- splendidus,
-a, -um
- illustrious, distinguished, noble, brilliant.
- natales,
-ium m. pl.
- birth, origin, lineage, descent.
- orior,
oriri, ortum
- rise, spring from, come from.
- iungo,
iungere, iunxi, iunctum
- join, unite, connect;
- nitor,
niti, nisum/nixum
- advance, press forward, strive toward;
- decus,
-oris n.
- source of dignity or grace; embellishment, honor.
- robur,
-oris n.
- source of strength or power;
- mirus,
-a, -um
- wonderful, marvelous, amazing.
- concordia,
-ae f,
- harmony, concord;
- mutuus,
-a, -um
- reciprocal, mutual.
- caritas,
-tatis, f.
- quality of being dear/ holding something dear; affection, regard, esteem.
- --,
vicis f. genitive
- change, alternation, turn;
- antepono,
-ere, -posui, -positum
- put before, give preference to;
- nisi
- if not, except;
- tanto
- so; so far;
- malus,
-a, -um
- bad, evil, harmful;
- culpa,
-ae f.
- fault, blame;
- augeo,
-ere, auxi, auctum
- add, increase, augment.
- subsidium,
-i n.
- relief, help, aid;
- simul ac
co-ordinating conjunction
- at the same time as, and also;
- solacium,
-i n.
- comfort, consolation.
- tollo,
-ere, sustuli, sublatum
- raise up, lift;
- brevi
- in a little while, in a short time, soon; briefly;
- amitto,
-ere, amisi, amissum
- lose by death, lose, dismiss;
- consul,
-is m.
- consul;
- egregius,
-a, -um
- eminent, extraordinary, distinguished;
- tum
- at that time, then;
- spes,
-ei f.
- promise, hope;
- iuvenis,
- young; a youth.
- despondeo,
-ere, -spondi, -sponsum
- to promise a woman in marriage; betroth; pledge; give up;
- consulatus,
-us, m.
- consulship, term of office as consul;
- colloco
- settle in a marriage; put together, assemble;
- satis
- well enough, adequately.
- consto,
-are, -stiti, -statum
- be well-known, established, apparent; to agree;
- lego,
-ere, legi, lectum
- read;
- testamentum,
-i, n.
- will, testament;
- coheres,
-heredis n.
- co-heir;
- optimus,
-a, -um
- best, most excellent, noblest;
- scribo,
-ere, scripsi, scriptum
- write; designate/appoint
- laetor
- delight, rejoice, be gladdened;
- velut
- as if, just as.
- iudicium,
-i n.
- judgment; opinion; investigation, trial;
- caecus,
-a, -um
- blind;
- corruptus,
-a, -um
- perverted, corrupt, spoiled;
- asiduus,
-a, -um
- constant, incessant;
- adulatio,
-onis f.
- flattery;
- ut
- that;
- nescio,
-ire, -tum
- be ignorant, not know;
- princeps,
-cipis m.
- foremost; chief, leader; prince.
- superstes,
- surviving; witnessing;
- videor,
-eri, visus, -a sum
- seem;
- etiam
- even; also; certainly.
- beo
- bless, delight;
- incolumis,
- unharmed; safe;
- dignitas,
-tatis, f.
- rank; dignity, position, authority;
- floreo,
-ere, -ui
- flourish, prosper; blossom;
- salvus,
-a, -um
- well, sound; safe.
- adfinitas,
-tatis, f.
- relations by marriage;
- amicitia,
-ae f.
- friendship; alliance; friendly relations.
- futura:
future participle in the neuter plural of sum, used as a substantive noun.
- effugio,
-ere, -i, -itum
- escape, flee; run away (from);
- mihi filiaeque eius:
a dative of reference.
- acerbitas,
-tatis f.
- grief, pain; sharpness, harshness;
- eripio,
-ere, eripui, ereptum
- snatch away;
- augeo,
-ere, auxi, auctum
- add, increase;
- maiestitia,
-ae f.
- sadness, grief, sorrow.
- quod
- because; in that.
- adsideo,
-ere, -sedi
- sit by, sit near; attend upon, take care of
- valetudo,
-inis f.
- illness; state of health;
- foveo,
-ere, fovi, fotum
- nurture; tend to;
- deficio,
-ere, -feci,-fectum
- fail; disappoint, let down;
- satio
- satisfy;
- vultus,
-us m.
- fact; appearance;
- complexus,
-us m.
- embrace;
- contingo,
-ere, -tigi, -tactum
- happen; come to pass;
- sine dubio:
- without doubt, doubtless; certainly.
- optimus,
-a, -um
- best, most excellent;
- supersum,
-esse, -fui
- abound, be present, be over and above;
- paucus,
-a, -um
- few; small, little;
- comploro
- lament, bewail;
- novus,
- recent, new, unaccustomed;
- desidero
- long for, desire, miss;
- admiratio,
-nis f.
- admiration, wonder;
- potius
- rather, preferably;
- laus,
laudis f.
- praise; glory; fame.
- suppedito
- furnish, afford, supply; have in abundance;
- similitudo,
-inis f.
- imitation, likeness, resemblance, comparison;
- colo,
-ere, colui, cultum
- honor; worship; cultivate; inhabit;
- coniunctus,
-a, -um
- connected by marriage, kindred, intimate;
- quoque
- also, too.
- praecipio,
-ere, -cepi, -ceptum
- teach, instruct, advise, inform, enjoin; direct, order;
- sic
- thus, so, in such a manner;
- veneror,
-ari, veneratus, -a sum
- pay respects; worship; adore, venerate;
- secum = cum se
(i.e., filia et uxor).
- revolvo,
-ere, -volvi, -volutum
- turn over; reflect upon
- magis
comparative adverb
- more;
- complector,
-plecti, complexus, -a sum
- embrace, encircle, seize;
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