Notes to Silius Italicus, Punica 17
Punica XVII: Structure of Lines 1-47
- Lines 1 - 7: Sibyl's prediction and instructions
- Lines 8 -12: Cybele's arrival in Ostia and the selection of Scipio Nasica as optimus [vir]
- Lines 13-15: Scipio's welcome
- Lines 16-17: Roman women pull the ship into harbor with ropes
- Lines 18-23: the goddess is welcomed with Asian music and her chorus
- Lines 24-32: Cybele's ship halts: her priest warns away impious women and invites a chaste woman to take up the rope
- Lines 33-47: Claudia Quinta steps forth, prays to the goddess, and moves the ship toward Rome
Punica XVII: context
The first line of Book 17 of the Punica looks backward and forward in the narrative: it deftly recalls the defeat at the close of Punica 10 and signals that the war and the epic will soon be ending. In Punica 10.654-656, Silius recounts how the Romans relegated those who had fled from the battle of Cannae to service in Italy “until the enemy departed from Latium” (tunc terga dedisse / damnatis Siculas longe meritare per oras / impositum, donec Latio decederet hostis). Silius reprises that proviso here in line 1 with the words of the purpose clause “so that the foreign enemy might depart from the Ausonian lands” (hostis ut Ausoniis decederet advena terris). The repetition of decederet promises that by the end of Punica 17, Hannibal will leave Italy for good to return to Africa, and, when he does, the men serving in Sicily will, under the command of P. Cornelius Scipio, follow after him and avenge themselves at the battle of Zama.
- Ausonius,
-a, -um
- Ausonian; Italian,
- decedo,
-ere, -cessi, -cessum
- withdraw, depart.
- advena,
-ae m. f.
- foreigner, stranger, alien;
- fatidicus,
-a, -um
- prophetic, announcing fate.
- oraculum,
-i n.
- divine utterance, oracle.
- priscus,
-a, um
- ancient; former;
- caelicola,
-ae m. f.
- heaven-dweller; god/goddess;
- Phrygius,
-a, -um
- Phrygian,
- genetrix,
-icis f.
- mother; creator;
- peto,
-ere, petivi, petitum
- seek; obtain; procure; bring; request;
- Laomedonteus,
-a, -um
- Laomedontean;
- sacro
- consecrate, dedicate.
- moenia,
-um n. pl.
- defenses, wall; town;
- adveho,
-ere, -vexi, -vectum
- carry, bring, convey (to a place);
- excipio,
-ere, -cepi, -ceptum
- receive, welcome.
- numen,
-inis n.
- nod; divine will, power; divinity;
- lego,
-ere, legi, lectum
- choose, select.
- concilium,
-i n.
- council; gathering, meeting;
- praesens,
- present, immediate;
- dego,
-ere, degi
- pass time, live;
- nomen,
-inis n.
- name; title, reputation.
- triumphus,
-i, m.
- triumph;
- Cybele (also Cybebe),
-es, f.
- Cybele,
- puppis,
-is, f.
- the poop or stern of a boat;
- cedo,
-ere, cessi, cessum
- yield, withdraw;
- obvius,
-a, -um,
- in the way of; moving so as to meet;
- accio,
-ire, -ivi, -itum
- invite; send for; acquire from another.
- propero
- make haste.
- sacra,
-orum n. pl.
- sacred object; rite.
- gigno,
-ere, genui, genitum
- beget, bear, produce;
- patruus,
-i m.
- paternal uncle,
- ductor,
-oris m.
- military commander; leader;
- Africus,
-a, -um
- African.
- fulgeo,
-ere, fulsi
- be illustrious; shine.
- imago,
-inis, f.
- an image, copy, likeness.
- avus,
-i m.
- grandfather; ancestor;
- longinquus,
-a, -um
- far off, remote;
- supplex,
-icis adjective
- suppliant; making supplication.
-a, -um
- Tuscan, Etruscan;
- sonorus,
-a, -um
- loud; sounding;
- Thybris,
-idis m.
- Tiber river;
- adduco,
-ere, -duxi, -ductum
- lead to, bring to; sail;
- sublimis,
-e (also -us,-a,-um)
- high up, aloft, in an elevated postion;
- ostium,
-i n.
- mouth of a river; door.
- femineus,
-a, -um
- female; belonging/proper to a woman; womanly; womanish, cowardly, weak.
- deinde
- after that; next; in turn;
- manus,
-us, f.
- hand; band;
- subeo,
-ire, -ii (-ivi), -itum
- approach, advance; follow:
- amnis,
-is m.
- stream of water, river.
- traho,
-ere, traxi, tractum
- draw, drag, pull;
- celsus,
-a, -um
- lofty, high, eminent;
- religo,
- secure; make fast; bind.
- funis,
-is m.
- rope; line.
- alnum,
-i f.
- alder;
- circum
- all around; on both sides.
- argutus,
-a, -um
- piercing, penetrating, shrill; clear.
- cavus,
-a, -um
- hollow.
- tinnitus,
-us m.
- clanging, jangling.
- aes,
aeris n.
- bronze implements; money.
- certo,
- contend; rival;
- raucus,
-a, -um
- harsh; hoarse;
- resonans,
- echoing, resounding.
- semivir,
-viri m.
- half-man;
- tympanum,
-i n.
- small drum,
- chorus,
-i m.
- band of worshippers, revelers, performers who dance and sing; troupe.
- geminus,-a, -um
- twofold; double; twin;
- colo,
-ere, colui, cultus
- inhabit; worship; give attention to; cultivate.
- Dindyma,
-orum n. pl.
- a mountain in Phrygia, sacred to Cybele;
- Dictaeus,
-a, -um
- Dictaean;
- bacchor
(I deponent)
- celebrate the festival of Bacchus,
- antrum,
-i n.
- cave, hollow.
- Idaeus,
-a, -um
- Idaean;
- iugum,
-i n.
- ridge, height, summit; yoke;
- lucus,
-i m.
- sacred grove; wood;
- nosco,
-ere, novi, notum
- become acquainted with, get knowledge of;
- fremitus,
-us m.
- noise; roaring, murmuring, growling;
- votum,
-i m.
- prayer, vow, offering;
- subsisto,
-ere, -stiti
- make a stand, come to a halt; remain;
- renuo,
-nuere, -nui
- refuse, deny, reject.
- adduco,
-ere, -duxi, -ductum
- pull taut; draw, lead.
- vinc(u)lum,
-i n.
- chain; bond; rope of a ship;
- ratis,
-is f.
- raft,
- subitus,
-a, -um
- sudden, suddenly appearing; unexpected;
- haereo,
-ere, haesi, haesum
- stick; adhere to somebody/something; get stuck.
- vadum,
- shallows; river bed.
- medius,
-a, -um
- the middle part, the middle of;
- sacerdos,
-dotis m. f.
- priest, priestess;
- parco,
-ere, peperci (parsi), parsum
- refrain from; spare;
- contingo,
-ere, -tigi, -tactum
- touch; be in physical contact with.
- procul
- far away; at a great distance;
- quicumque,
quaecumque, quodcumque
- whoever, any at all;
- profanus,
-a, -um
- impious, ceremonially unclean.
- misceo,
-ere, -ui, mixtum
- share, take part in; mix with;
- satis
indeclinable substantive
- enough, sufficient,
- quod/quodsi
relative adverb
- but; but if;
- valeo,
-ere, -ui, -itum
- have the power; be strong; be fit;
- illaesus,
-a, -um
- inviolate; physically unharmed; unimpaired.
- adsto,
-are, -itiui
- assist; stand up; stand near;
- conscius,
-a, -um
- aware; sharing knowledge;
- munus,
-eris n.
- service; work; .
- Clausi,
-orum m.
- members of the gens Claudia.
- origo,
-inis f.
- origin, source, beginning;
- aequus,
-a, -um
- fair; favorable; translate with non.
- credo,
-ere, -didi, -ditum
- regard, consider;
- male
- wrongly, incorrectly;
- fama,
- rumor, opinion.
- verto,
-ere, verti, versum
- turn; turn upward;
- profor
(I deponent)
- speak out; announce; make a prediction.
- creo
- make, create, produce.
- proles,
-is f.
- offspring, descendants, posterity.
- sors,
sortis f.
- lot; lottery; destiny.
- guberno
- govern; manage; pilot.
- testis,
-is m. f.
- witness; one who gives evidence;
- facilis,
- nimble; ready; quick; easily moved; accommodating;
- carina,
-ae f.
- the keel of a ship
- securus,
-a, -um
- untroubled; free from anxiety;
- leo,
-onis m.
- lion.
- videor,
-eri, visus/a sum
- seem; appear.
- gravis,
- strong; deep; heavy. appear.
- pronus,
-a, -um
- moving forward; willing, eager.
- impello,
-ere, -pulsi, -pulsum
- push; drive; set in motion;
- credo,
-ere, -didi, -ditum
- trust;
- praevenio,
-ire, -veni, -ventum
- precede; arrive ahead of; surpass.
- extemplo
- immediately.
- spes,
-ei f.
- hope, expectation;
- mulceo,
-ere, mulsi, mulsum
- stroke; soothe; appease; charm;
- tandem
- at last; finally.
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