Notes to Livy AUC 10.23: Pudicitia
- eo anno
- prodigium
-i n.
- unnatural event portending disaster; portents.
- averrunco
, -are, -avi, -atum
- ward off, avert;
- supplicatio
, -onis f.
- an offering of propitiation to a deity; supplication.
- biduum
, -i n.
- a two-day period.
- publice
, adverb
- by or for
the state; at public expense.
- tus
, turis n.
- incense.
- praebeo
, -bere, -bui, -bitum
- offer, provide.
- supplico
, -are, -avi, -atum
- entreat, worship, make supplication.
- iere:
- frequens, frequentis
- numerous.
- insignis, e
- distinguished, conspicuous
- certamen, -inis n.
- contest; rivalry, contention.
- sacellum, -i n.
- shrine.
- Pudicitia, -ae f.
- patricius, -a, -um
- patrician
- bovarius, -a, -um
- of cattle
- aedes/aedis, -is f.
- temple
- rotundus, -a, -um
- round.
- orior, oriri, ortus/a sum
- arise; begin
- Aulus, -i m.
- plebeius, -a, -um
- plebian
- nubo, -ere, nupsi, nuptum (+ dat.)
- be married to, to be the bride of.
- L. Volumnius, -i m.
- enubo, -ere, -nupsi, -nuptum
- to marry out of (rank)
- arceo, -ere, -ui, —
- keep at a distance; hinder, prevent
- altercatio, -onis f.
- dispute; wrangling.
- iracundia, -ae f.
- state
of anger.
- contentio, -onis f.
- effort; combat.
- exardesco, -ere, -arsi, -arsum
- break out; become hot, glow; be
excited, be inflamed.
- pudicus, -a, -um
- chaste, pure.
- ingredior, ingredi, ingressus/a sum
- enter, go in
- ut, adverb before a relative pronoun and the subjunctive
- as is natural for one who; seeing that she
- uni:
- deduco, -ere, -duxi, -ductum
- lead; lead forth (in marriage)
- vir, viri m.
- husband.
- res gestae, rerum gestarum f. pl.
- deeds, accomplishments
- paeniteo, -ere, -ui, — + genitive
- regret, be sorry
- glorior, -ari, gloriatus/a sum
- boast, pride oneself
- factum, -i n.
- deed, act.
- magnificus, -a, -um
- grand, splendid; boastful, pompous.
- adaugeo, -ere, -auxi, -auctum
- increase, augment.
- Vico Longo:
- quod:
- satis, adjective + genitive
- enough.
- modicus, -a, -um
- moderate in size; small scale.
- sacellum, -i n.
- chapel, shrine
- excludo, -ere, -clusi, -clusum
- shut out, shut off.
- ara, -ae f.
- altar.
- conqueror, -i, conquestus/a sum
- complain bitterly of; bewail.
- dedico, -are, -avi, atum
- dedicate, consecrate.
- hortor ut:
- hoc:
- opera, -ae f.
- exertion, service, work
- ut . . . dicatur:
- illa:
- si quid potest = an idiom,
- to the extent possible.
- castioribus:
- colo, -ere, colui, cultum
- worship.
- ferme, adverb
- almost.
- ritus, -us m.
- religious custom, rite
- ut . . . haberet:
- specto, -are, -avi, atum
- watch carefully, observe; consider
- ius, iuris n.
- right, privilege.
- sacrificandi:
- volgo, -are, -avi, -atum
- make common, make available to all
- pollutus, -a, -um
- defiled; unchaste.
- ordo -inis f.
- order, rank, class.
- postremo, adverb
- afterwards.
- oblivio, -onis f.
- forgetfulness, oblivion.
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