scortum, -i, n.
harlot, strumpet, prostitute (literally,
skin, hide); a word most frequently used in comedy.
libertina, -ae, f.
dignus, -a, -um + ablative
worthy of.
ancillula, -ae, f.
little serving-maid, a young female slave (double
diminutive, as ancilla, handmaid, female
slave, is the dimunitive of ancula,
adsuesco, -ere, adsuevi,
become used to, be trained for.
manumitto, -mittere, -misi,
emancipate, make free.
genus, -eris, n.
way, respect (i.e., kind of occupation).
tueor, tueri, tuitus or tutus/a sum
+ se
keep oneself.
consuetudo, -dinis, f.
familiarity, love affair.
iuxta (preposition + accusative)
close to.
vicinitas, -atis, f.
res, rei, f.
damnosus, -a, -um (+ genitive)
harmful to.
ultro adverb
voluntarily (i.e., Hispala pursued Arbutius).
appeto, -ere, -petivi, -petitum
desire, approach.
maligne adverb
grudgingly, stingily.
praebeo, -ere, -ui, -itum
supply, offer; ablative absolute construction.
sui, suorum, m. pl.
ones own (i.e., family, friends).
meretricula, -ae f.
public prostitute, courtesan; diminutive of
meretrix (i.e., she who earns her money).
munificentia, -ae, f.
generosity; in the ablative case.
sustineo, -ere, -tinui, -tentum
support, maintain.
eo: followed by
to the point...that.
procedo, -ere, -cessi, -cessum
go on, continue, advance.
patronus, -i, m.
protector, patron; defender before the law; term for
the former master of a freedman or freedwoman.
in...manu: a legal term describing the power of a husband (manus) over his wife, transferred from her father in marriage.
tutor, -oris, m.
guardian, protector; one holding the office of
tutela, a legal protectorate for minors, widows and daughters
past the age of 12 (except for the Vestal Virgins) until the time of their
marriage. Since she had no family, Hispalas tutor was
appointed by the state to represent her in all legal matters, including the
preparation of her will.
tribunus, -i, m.
tribune; it was his duty to defend the rights and interests of the
Roman plebeians against the encroachments of the patricians.
praetor, -oris, m.
praetor; the Roman magistrate charged with the administration of
peto, -ere, petivi, petitum
seek for, sue for.
testamentum, -i , n.
will, testament.
instituo, -ere, -tui, -tutum
ancilla, -ae, f.
handmaid or female slave; in apposition to se (Hispala is
speaking of herself).
comes, -ites, m/f.
sacrarium, -i , n.
shrine, chapel.
intro (1) enter.
intrasse is a contracted form of intravisse; this and the following infinitives depend on ait.
accedo, -ere, -cessi, -cessum
go to,
scire: dependent on ait; the subject is Hispala.
corruptela, -ae, f.
corruption, seduction, bribery.
eam: refers to sacrarium but is attracted to the gender and case of officinam.
officina, -ae, f.
factory; workshop.
biennium, -i, n.
two-year period.
consto (1) impersonal use
be well-known, be established.
ut: as soon as; the subjunctive is used because the clause is within a reported statement.
introduco, -ducere, -duxi,
bring in, introduce.
trado, -ere, tradidi, traditum
hand over, deliver; betray.
sacerdos, -dotis, m/f.
priest, priestess.
deduco, -ducere, -duxi, -ductum
lead away; the subject is sacerdotes.
circumsono (1)
resound on all sides.
ululatus, -us, m.
wailing, shrieking.
cantus, -us, m.
singing, playing.
symphonia, -ae, f.
group of musicians or singers; orchestra.
ne + subjunctive (possit) in a negative purpose construction.
cum: conjunction + causal subjunctive (inferatur) seeing that, since.
stuprum, -i, n.
lewdness, violation, debauchery; with
inferatur translate rape.
exaudio, -audire, -audivi,
listen to, hear clearly.
oro (1)
beg; historical infinitive Hispala is the subject.
obsecro (1) ut +
subjunctive (discuteret)
discutio, -ere, -cussi, -cussum
smash, dispel, scatter; the subject is
praecipito (1) + se
rush headlong, fall.
infandus, -a, -um
patior, pati, passus/a sum
experience, suffer (with essent).
dimitto, -ere, -misi, -missum
send away, let go.
animadverto, -vertere,
-verti, -versum + in
supplicium, -i , n.
punishment, suffering.
exactor, -oris, m.
utique = ut/uti +
que adverb
and that.
datio, -onis , f.
right to give away
deminutio, -onis , f.
right to transfer property.
enuptio, -onis , f.
gentis, marriage outside the family or class.
nubo, -ere, nupsi, nuptum (+ dative)
marry (literally, put on the veil for), the verb used
for the nupta.
licet, -ere, licuit, licitum est
it is lawful.
neu = ne +
ve conjunction
neither, nor.
quid = aliquid following si, nisi, num, ne.
duco, -ere, duxi, ductum +
lead (in marriage); it is the verb used for
the groom.
fraus, fraudis f.
damage, injury, offense; fraudi:
dative of disadvantage.
ignominia, -ae, f.
dishonor, disgrace.
quive = qui + ve (the antecedent is consules praetoresque).
curo (1) ut +
subjunctive (fieret)
take care, pay
iniuria, -ae, f.
insult, outrage, injustice.
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