Notes to Horace, Carmina 3.6.17-32


fecundus, -a, -um + genitive:
abounding in, abundant, rich.

culpa, -ae, f.
crime, defect, fault, blame.

saeculum, -i, n.
the times, the age.

nuptiae, -arum,
marriage, wedding.

inquino (1): defile, stain; syncopated form of inquinaverunt.

genus, -eris, n.
race; posterity; origin

fons, fontis, m.
source, origin, spring

derivo (1)
lead off, draw off.

clades, -is, f.
ruin, disaster.

fluo, -ere, fluxi, fluxum
flow, overflow.

motus, -us, m.
movement, dance.

Ionicus, -a, -um
of Ionia, the name of the region of the Greek coast of Asia Minor. From the perspective of the Romans, “Greek dancing” was the worst form of a scorned art.

maturus, -a, -um
mature, ripe; early, soon. When used with virgo, the adjective usually follows, meaning ready to marry. Matura virgo can either signify a paradox of the age the experienced virgin, or, making the adjective predicative, the virgin early.

fingo, -ere, finxi, fictum
train, model, make. Translate in the passive or as a reflexive verb.

ars, artis, f.
art, skill.

incestus, -a, -um
unchaste, sinful.

de tenero ungui:
literally, from the tender nail; translate this idiom from early childhood. Horace refers to the current education of young women, an ars amatoria that by tradition was the province of her husband.

meditor (1, deponent)
contemplate, study, practice.

iunior, -oris, adjective

quaero, -rere, -sivi, -situm
search out, seek; acquire

adulter, -i, m.

maritus, -i, m.
husband; either her husband is drinking excessively and doesn’t notice her behavior or she is present at her husband's drinking party.

eligo, -ere, -legi, -lectum
choose, select, pick

cui donet:
translate as a deliberative subjunctive, “on whom she should bestow”

impermissus, -a, -um

raptim, adverb
hastily, violently.

lumen, -inis, m.
lamp, eye.

remotus, -a, -um
removed, free from, i.e., either “in darkness” or “out of sight.”

iubeo, -ere, iussi, -iussum
order, command; perfect passive participle whose subject is the matura virgo in line 22.

coram, adverb
openly, face to face, in person.

conscius, -a, -um
aware, knowing; m., f. confederate, confidant. This is an example of litotes, a rhetorical device in which greater emphasis is achieved by negating the opposite than by stating the positive, i.e., with her husband knowing.

institor, -oris, m.

navis, -is, f.

Hispanus, -a, -um

magister, -tri, m.
master, director.

dedecus, -oris, n.
disgrace, dishonor.

pretiosus emptor, followed by the genitive:
one who pays a great deal for.

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