Notes to Catullus, Carmen 62
Organization of Catullus 62
The poem is in the form of an antiphonal singing contest that was perhaps a feature of Greek weddings, the carmen amoebaeum, which first appeared in Theocritus' bucolic poetry (see Idylls 6 and 8) and later in Virgil's Eclogues 3 and 7. Catullus 62 consists of alternating choral stanzas, unequal in length due to the loss of verses. Although the stanzas are sung responsively, it is thought that the youths open the poem and either they or the poet sing the final lines addressed to the bride, victoriously announcing her appearance for the deductio to the groom's home:
Introduction in 3 stanzas: Youths sing lines 1-5; Maidens sing lines 6-10; Youths sing lines 11-19
Contest in 6 stanzas: Maidens sing lines 20-25; Youths sing lines 26-31; Maidens sing lines 32-?; Youths sing lines 33-38; Maidens sing lines 39-48; Youths sing lines 49-58
Coda in 1 stanza: Poet/Youths sing the final lines 59-66.
Not all texts identify the speakers of the stanzas; those that do variously use pueri and virgines/puellae. We use the terms with which the singers refer to themselves: Iuvenes and Innuptae.
- vesper,
–eris/eri m.
- evening; evening star.
- adsum,
-esse, -fui
- be present.
- iuvenis,
iuvenis m./f.
- young man; youth;
- consurgo,
-ere, -surrexi, -surrectum
- rise; spring up; start;
- Olympus,
-i m.
- Mount Olympus, home of the Olympian gods; heaven; sky;
- exspecto
- wait for; expect; hope for;
- diu
- long; a long time.
- vix
- with difficulty; hardly; scarcely.
- tandem
- at last; finally.
- lumen,
-inis, n.
- light; lamp; torch;
- tollo,
-ere, sustuli, sublatum
- lift; raise;
- surgo,
-ere, surrexi, surrectum
- rise; get up; arise; spring up;
- iam
- now; already.
- tempus,
-oris n.
- time; right time’ opportunity;
- pinguis,
- fat; rich; fertile;
- linquo,
-ere, liqui
- leave; quit, let alone;
- mensa,
-ae f.
- table.
- virgo,
-inis f.
- maiden; unmarried woman.
- Hymenaeus,
-i m.
- Hymenaeus,
- Hymen,
-is m.
- Hymen,
- cerno,
-ere, crēvi, crētum
- see; discern; understand.
- innuptus,
-a, -um
- unmarried;
- contra
- in opposition to, over against, facing.
- nimirum
- without doubt; presumably; certainly.
- Oetaeus,
-a, -um
- of Mount Oeta; Oetaean,
- ostendo,
-ere, ostendi, ostentum
- display; hold out; show.
- Noctifer,
-i m.
- Evening star; Night star; .
- certus,
-a, -um
- certain; fixed; definite.
- video,
-ere, vidi, visum
- see, observe; be aware.
- ut
- how
- perniciter
- nimbly; swiftly.
- exsilio,
-ere, exsilui
- leap up; spring up; start;
- temere
- casually, thoughtlessly; by accident; at random.
- cano,
-ere, cecini, cantum
- sing; sing about; recite; celebrate.
- vinco,
-ere, vici, victum
- surpass; conquer;
- par,
-is f.
- suitable; equal; proper, right;
- facilis,
- easy, without difficulty; ready;
- aequalis,
- contemporary, of the same age; equal, like;
- palma,
-ae f.
- palm; prize; victory; glory;
- paro
- prepare; set out; provide; get ready;
- aspicio,
-ere, aspexi, aspectum
- behold; catch sight of; look at;
- secum=cum se
- meditor
(1 dep.)
- practice; study; think over, contemplate, reflect on; design, purpose.
- requiro,
-ere, -quisivi, -quisitum
- search for; look for; ask; inquire after.
- frustra
- in error, in vain.
- memorabilis,
- worthy of memory, remarkable.
- sit
= present active subjunctive with relative pronoun quod in relative clause of characteristic.
- mirus,
-a, -um
- astonishing; estraordinary, marvellous;
- penitus
- deeply; thoroughly.
- mens,
-tis f.
- mind, understanding;
- laboro
- work, toil; take pains;
- alio
- otherwise; elsewhere; in/to one way/side . . . in/to another
- divido,
-ere, -visi, -visum
- separate, divide; apportion; distinguish;
- auris,
is, f.
- ear; attention; judgment.
- iure
- rightly, justly.
- cura,
-ae f.
- attention, care, concern.
- quare
- therefore.
- animus,
-i m.
- memory; mind, intellect, reason.
- saltem
- at least; at all events;
- converto,
-ere, -verti, -vertum
- change, turn around.
- incipio,
-ere,- cepi, -ceptum
- begin, take in hand, commence;
- decet,
-ere, decuit
- it is right, proper;
- Hesperus/os,
-i m.
- the evening star,
- fero,
ferre, tuli, latum
- carry; bear; move;
- crudelis,
-a, -um
- hard-hearted; cruel;
- natus,
-a, -um
- daughter, son;
- possum,
posse, potui
- be able, can;
- complexus,
-us m.
- embrace;
- avello,
-ere, avelli/avulsi, avulsum
- pull away; take away; remove.
- retineo,
-ere, -tinui, -tentum
- hold back; cling; keep; retain; preserve;
- ardeo,
-ere, arsi, arsum
- be on fire, burn; glow; desire;
- castus,
-a, -um
- pure; chaste;
- hostis,
-is m. f.
- enemy; stranger, foreigner.
- capio,
-ere, cepi, captum
- take; capture; seize;
- luceo,
-ere, luxi
- shine forth; glitter; be light, be visible.
- iucundus,
-a, -um
- delightful; pleasing;
- despondeo,
-ere, -spondi, -sponsum
- betroth; pledge; promise;
- firmo
- confirm; support; strengthen; prove;
- conubium,
-ii n.
- marriage; right of intermarriage;
- flamma,
-ae f.
- blaze; flame; passion;
- pango,
-ere, panxi/pepigi, pactum
- contract, pledge; settle; fix, make fast;
- vir,
-i m.
- husband; male; hero;
- ante
- previously, before; first of all.
- parens,
-ntis m./f.
- parent;
- iungo,
-ere, iunxi, iunctum
- join together; unite;
- prius quam
- before, sooner; first, previously.
- effero,
-fere, extuli, elatum
- lift up, raise; bring out;
- ardor,
-oris m.
- flame, fire, brightness; ardent desire
- divus,
-a, -um
- divine;
- felix,
- happy; blessed; fortunate;
- optatus
-a, -um
- longed for; wished for;
- aufero,
-ferre, abstuli, ablatum
- take away; remove,
- Lacuna:
in textual criticism the term is used to refer to a gap in the text of a manuscript. Here, only the first line of the maidens' third stanza survives, a loss of perhaps five or more lines which include the refrain Hymen o Hymenaee, Hymen, ades o Hymenaee. It is possible that the first or more lines of the youths' answering stanza is also lost.
Given the pattern of their earlier exchanges and on the basis of the youths' defense of Hesperus, in their missing lines the maidens are thought to rebuke Hesperus for ennabling the darkness which brings danger and allows thievery.
- adventus,
-us m.
- arrival, approach;
- vigilo
- keep awake at night; be vigilant; keep watch.
- custodia,
-ae f.
- guard; protection; sentry.
- nox,
noctis f.
- night;
- lateo,
-ere, -ui
- lie hidden; lurk;
- fur,
-is m.
- thief; slave,
- idem,
eadem, idem pronoun
- the very one, the same.
- reverto,
-ere, -i
- turn back; return;
- muto
- change, alter;
- comprehendo,
-ere, -endi, -ensum
- perceive, comprehend; lay hold of; seize, grasp;
- nomen,
-inis n.
- name;
- Eous,
-i m.
- Eous,
- lu/ibet,
-ere, -uit, -itum
- it pleases, is pleasing, is agreeable,
- fingo,
-ere, finxi, fictum
- contrive, invent; shape, fashion;
- carpo,
-ere, -si, -tum
- slander; pluck, wear away, destroy.
- questus,
-us, m.
- complaint, protest, outcry;
- quid tum
interrogative adverb in a hypothetical situation
- what then . . .if?
- tacitus,
-a, -um
- silent, mute;
- mens,
-tis f.
- mind; purpose; will.
- requiro,
-ere, -sivi, -situm
- seek, want; search for; try to obtain;
- flos,
floris m.
- flower, youthful beauty;
- saepio,
-ire, saepsi, saeptum
- surround with a hedge, to hedge in, fence in, enclose;
- secretus,
-a, -um
- solitary, remote, secret.
- nascor,
-sci, natus/a
- be born, originate;
- hortus,
-i m.
- garden.
- ignotus,
-a, -um
- unfamiliar, unknown;
- pecus,
-oris, n.
- cattle, herd, flock;
- convello,
-ere, -velli, -vu/olsum
- tear up, pluck, pull away;
- aratrum,
-i n.
- plow;
- mulceo,
-ere, -si, -sum
- stroke, touch lightly, caress, soothe;
- aura,
-e f.
- breeze.
- firmo
- strengthen, make firm;
- educo
- nurture; bring up, rear, train.
- imber,
-bris m.
- rain, rain-storm, shower.
- opto
- wish for, desire; choose, select;
- tenuis,
- sharp, thin, fine;
- carptus,
-a, -um
- picked, plucked, torn off;
- defloresco,
-ere, -florui
- fade, wither, decay,
- unguis,
-is m.
- nail;
- dum . . . dum
conj. . . . adv.
- while . . . so long:
- intactus,
-a, -um
- untouches, chaste;
- maneo,
-ere, mansi, mansum
- remain, stay.
- carus,
-a, -um
- dear, beloved;
- suus,
-a, -um 3rd person possessive pronoun
- his own, her own, its own, their own;
- castus,
-a, -um
- chaste, pure;
- amitto,
-ere, -misi, -missum
- lose;
- polluo,
-uere, -ui, -utum
- defile, pollute, dishonor;
- iucundus,
-a, -um
- pleasant, pleasing;
- viduus,
-a, -um
- deprived of a husband or wife; mateless, widowed, bereft;
- nudus,
-a, -um
- naked, bare, uncovered, exposed;
- vitis,
vitis f.
- vine.
- arvum,
, -i n.
- arable land/field.
- numquam
- never.
- extollo,
- to raise, elevate, exalt;
- mitis,
- mild, mellow, mature, ripe.
- uva,
-ae f.
- grape.
- tener,
ĕra, -ĕrum
- soft, delicate, tender;
- pronus,
-a, -um
- leaning forward, sinking downward, sloping;
- deflecto,
-ere, -flexi, -flexum
- bend, turn downwards;
- pondus,
-eris n.
- burden, load, weight.
- iam
- at any time now; now, precisely
- contingo,
-ere, -tigi, -tactum
- be contact with, touch, reach;
- radix,
-icis f.
- root (of a plant);
- flagellum,
-i n.
- branch, shoot;
- agricola,
-ae m.
- farmer.
- colo,
-ere, -ui, cultum
- cultivate, nurture, protect.
- iuvencus,
-i m.
- bullock, ox.
- forte
- by chance, perhaps.
- ulmus,
-i f.
- elm;
- coniungo,
-ere, -iunxi, -iunctum
- join together; unite; join in marriage;
- maritus,
-i m.
- husband;
- incultus,
-a, -um
- uncultivated, untilled; neglected;
- senesco,
-ere, -ui
- grow old, age;
- conubium,
-i/-ii n.
- marriage, legal right of intermarriage;
- maturus,
-a, -um
- ripe, mature;
- adipiscor,
-sci, adeptus/a sum
- attain, acquire.
- magis
comparative adv.
- more; greater,
- minus
comparative adv.
- less; smaller,
- invisus,
-a, -um
- hateful.
- The refrain is missing at this point in 2 mss.
- pugno
- contend, battle, fight;
- talis,
- such, of such a kind;
- coniunx,
-iugis m. f.
- spouse; husband, wife;
- aequum,
-i n.
- fair, just, equitable, proper, reasonable;
- trado,
-ere, idi, -tum
- hand over to, deliver, surrender;
- ipse,
ipsa, ipsud
- himself, herself, itself; the very; he, she, it
- pareo,
-ere, -ui, -itum
- obey, submit to, surrender to;
- virginitas,
-tatis, f.
- virginity, maidenhood;
- ex parte
- a part, some of; partly, in part;
- tertius,
-a, -um
- a third;
- patrist = patri est.
- duo,
duae, duo
- two, both;
- gener,
-i, m.
- daughter's bridegroom/husband, son-in-law;
- ius,
iuris n.
- legal right, power, authority; justice, duty,
- simul
- together with,
- dos,
-otis f.
- marriage portion, dowry.
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