Notes to Catullus, Carmina3
- lugeo,
-ere, luxi, luctum
- mourn, grieve, lament;
- Venus,
, -eris, f.
- Venus,
- Cupido,
-inis, m.
- Cupid,
- quantum,
relative pronoun
- which amount of;
- venustus,
-a, -um,
- charming, attractive, graceful;
- passer,
-eris m.
- small bird;
- morior,
-iri, mortuus/a sum
- deprived of life, dead.
- puella,
-ae f.
- girl, sweetheart ; female child; girl; daughter.
- deliciae,
-arum, f. pl.
- pleasure, delight; darling; pet
- qui, quae, quod
relative pronoun
- who, which; that, what;
- plus,
- more.
- ille,
illa, illud pronoun
- that one.
- oculus,
oculi, m.
- eye;
- suus,
a, um reflexive possessive adjective
- his own, her own, its own;
- mellitus, -a, -um
- honey-sweet.
- nosco,
-ere, novi, notum
- know, be acquainted with.
- ipse,
ipsa, ipsum pronoun adjective
- self; actual; the very one.
- tam . . . quam
correlative adverb
- as . . as;
- nec
conjunctive adverb
- and not; nor.
- sese
reflexive pronoun
- him/herself;
- gremium,
-i, n.
- lap; bosom;
- moveo,
-ere, movi, motum
- move, stir, arouse.
- circumsilio,
-ire, --
- hop about, jump around.
- huc
- to this place; here.
- modo . . . modo
correlative adverb
- now, at one moment ... at another.
- illuc
- to that place, there.
- solus,
-a, -um
- only; alone.
- domina,
-ae, f.
- mistress, lady, wife.
- usque
, adverb
- continuously; all the time.
- pipio
- chirp, cheep.
- qui,
quae, quod
- who, which, that, what;
- eo,
ire, ivi, itum
- go.
- iter,
itineris, n.
- journey, way, road.
- tenebricosus, -a, -um
- shadowy, dark, shrouded;
- unde adverb
- whence, from where;
- nego
- deny; say not; refuse;
- redeo,
-ire, -ii, -itum
- return, come back;
- quisquam,
quaequam, quicquam pronoun
- any, anyone, anything;
- at
- but;
- vobis
personal pronoun
- you;
- male
- badly, wrongly; unfortunately;
- tenebra,
-ae f.
- darkness;
- Orcus,
-i, m.
- Orcus,
- bellus,
-a, -um
- pretty, beautiful, handsome; smart;
- devoro,
- devour, swallow.
- aufero,
-ferre, abstuli, ablatum
- carry away, steal.
- factum,
-i n.
- deed.
- misellus,
-a, -um
- poor little;
- opera,
-ae, f.
- care; pain; work;
- fleo,
-ere, -evi, -etum
- cry, mourn.
- turgidulus,
-a, -um
- poor swollen;
- rubeo,
-ere, --
- be red; redden; blush.
- ocellus,
-i, m.
- little eye ; darling.
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